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Mobile Pop Ads in Affiliate Marketing – What’s the Upside?


Traffic Manager
Traffic Manager
Hey guys,

Mobile pop ads have been converting well for years, and they aren’t going anywhere, but you might want to know why they are so successful as an ad format.

Read on to learn more about mobile pop ads and how they are a good ad format for beginner affiliate marketers.

☑️ Why are mobile pop ads good for beginner affiliate marketers?

Mobile pop traffic campaigns are perfect for newcomers to the affiliate marketing industry because they can teach you the basics without the necessity of taking a significant financial risk. At the same time, they are a proven path to a profit.

Since pop ad campaigns can’t be targeted in terms of socio-demographics, they are very cheap to run. Impressions cost merely small fractions of a dollar.

Obviously, there is some targeting that can be done. The more powerful the intermediary platform the more advanced targeting options are available (like mobile OS version targeting), but generally, it’s based on location, website, and device, rather than interests, age, and gender.

Moreover, mobile pop campaigns are easy to set up and handle. There are fewer conditions to fulfill, compared to advertising with Facebook or Google.

Another upside of mobile pop traffic campaigns is the fact that they mostly come down to the creation of a landing page. A landing page’s role is to make users take advantage of your offer. So it is easy for split testing and optimization. There aren’t nearly as many variables as there are in the case of other ad formats.

Additionally, mobile pop campaigns allow advertisers to utilize direct mobile billing in their campaigns. This means that whenever the offer owner has an agreement with a given carrier, users taking advantage of the promoted offer can be billed directly by the carrier. As an advertiser, you can choose to target a specific carrier, which makes it easy to improve the efficiency of your campaign.


☑️ Top verticals for mobile pop ads

We know it can be hard to choose which vertical for your affiliate marketing campaigns in the beginning, so, we have done the hard work for you and come up with a list of the most popular verticals for mobile pop ads.

Top 10 Campaign verticals that tend to perform best for mobile pop ads include:
  1. E-commerce /travelWeb users are searching for shopping and flights more on their mobile devices than on their computers these days, so, they are quite receptive to these kinds of pop ads on mobile.
  2. Downloads – Especially utilities, like antivirus, VPNs, and mobile games (each of these can be treated as their own vertical to target) these are all useful downloads to have on mobile devices to protect or get the most out of them.
  3. Sports betting – Especially during the summer and the football season sports betting really gets going as users check their phones at half-time to make a quick bet.
  4. Gambling – There are plenty of gambling apps that are advertised successfully to mobile users as people play on their commute or at home.
  5. Streaming – Whether it’s the latest movies or the next football match, streaming is on the move, and it is here to stay for mobile users.
  6. Binary/Trading – More and more trades are taking place on mobile with many mobile apps being dedicated to making money with financial services.
  7. Adult traffic – pop traffic tends to work well with adult sites as the audience is receptive to new content.
  8. Gaming – mobile gaming is very popular, and some mobile phones are being built with gaming in mind, as it’s a growing industry, particularly in China.
  9. Surveys and Sweepstakes – also referred to as lead generation offers, these are always popular on pop campaigns as they have a good conversion rate for CPA campaigns, the chance to win an item such as a phone or a laptop is too good to pass up if the price is leaving an email address.
  10. Pin-submits – these work well as the user already has their phone in their hand so when presented with an offer that requires their phone number it is natural to proceed with typing it in.

☑️ What To Look Out For With Mobile Pop Ad Campaigns?

You definitely need a tracker for your campaigns. There is no chance you can successfully monitor the actions and take necessary steps based solely on the insights provided by Google Analytics. Even if you tried, you would soon find out that this platform is not designed to track pop traffic.

Affiliate marketing ad tracking solutions​

A campaign tracker is a must-have for all affiliate marketers and it’s an absolute necessity for those who run mobile pop traffic campaigns. Mobile pop ad campaigns are known for their unpredictability. One source can be bringing brilliant results just to become completely useless overnight. You need to stay on top of your advertising activities and cut off the sources that aren’t performing. Campaign trackers put you in a position to do that.

The fact that mobile pop campaigns are a good starting point for affiliates because they’re simple, cheap and effective, makes them attractive and wildly popular. This obviously means high competitiveness, which only inflates with the availability of campaign spying tools that let you examine landing pages of other affiliates.

Mobile Affiliate networks may be the answer​

However, there is a solution to fight this competition which is to find out where to get the best converting offers for mobile pop ads. For example, Mobidea is an affiliate network dedicated to mobile CPA offers. Alternatively, you can check out which mobile ads offers are trending on any of the affiliate forums.

Consider Webhosting services​

Finally, note that speed doesn’t kill when it comes to affiliate marketing. Quite the contrary, actually. Research by Kissmetrics shows that nearly half the users expect a page to load within 2 seconds, and 4 out of 10 users will leave the page if it doesn’t load in 3 seconds.

That’s why you should use proven and fast hostings and beware of creating heavy landing pages.

⚠️ If you want to learn the basics about mobile pop ads:​

illustration of a hand picking tabs in a mobile browser in relation to mobile pop ads

Hey @Graybeard

Unfortunately, we're no longer supporting uploading such data to API. The Zeropark platform used to have the ability to target by demographics based on the US census data but it was discontinued as there wasn't enough interest in it.
