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More submission for our UK Directories?


New Member
Next year, I will be promoting UK specific directories a lot, I think it will be more effective if other UK directory owners can join in on this and we can all promote our UK directories together.

Would like to hear from anyone interested in this scheme.
Temi, I am very interested.

A theme relating to England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales would be nice.


temi - I have a Welsh directory ... (pretty obvious from my sig) ... please let me have more details as soon as you have them.
Yes GKD,
Here is how it will work. It will start with a max of 20 sites initially. Each site will:
1. provide 300 words about the directory
2. homepage and submission url
3. I will create a page for each directory with the info they provide
4. All directory will be listed on the homepage of SEDN – Search Engine and Directory Network with two links, one link to their unique page on SEDN – Search Engine and Directory Network for example and another link directly to the directory's homepage
5. I will promote SEDN – Search Engine and Directory Network (PR2 now, I expect it will eventually hit PR6 but end of 2008
6. will also encourage members to put a link from anywhere on their site to SEDN – Search Engine and Directory Network

7. So participating directories will get about 3 links to their directory + additional traffic and sale.
8. I will drum up traffic in form of special offers etc etc for the whole participating site

That is it more or less

Seems a good idea Temi
Can you provide further info on how this would work?
Seems like a very good idea Temi, this is a way to proceed and get well established, successful web directories. I also believe you should all together help each other, by promoting each others' web directories.

Unfortunately, I do not operate a UK directory, however I am truly looking forward seeing this idea, grow, maybe we could expand this in the near future if this idea goes through well?

Unfortunately, I do not operate a UK directory, however I am truly looking forward seeing this idea, grow, maybe we could expand this in the near future if this idea goes through well?


If the UK model works fine, there is not reason why we will not expand it to non UK directories in the near future.
The first batch of sites will go online on the 15th of January, do not forget to send the up to 300 words description about your directory to me for it to go live with the first bactch.