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Most Potential For The Profit


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What business has the biggest potential for the profit?

Is this a Affiliate Marketing, Dropshipping, SMS Marketing, i don't know what else is there... you name it.
Any of those, although I don't really know anything about SMS. If you dig around online, you can find people who have had tons of success in almost any type of market, so I don't think there is any one answer to that.

Depends on your area of interest (what you're interested in delving into) and how dedicated you are to gaining the knowledge to progress with each step you move forward with your hands-on learning.

For sure, anything evergreen is good but so are trends, if you keep on top of them and act quickly. That's what successful e-Comm people do. CPA/affiliate offers even require attention and dedication to keep on top of things and many people make their living and/or make loads more money promoting them. It's because of their driving commitment to their goals.

Sorry I can't offer you a definitive answer but the question is a bit like asking a crowd of people what the best car or website host is. You'll get a different answer from everybody, according what they've had a good experience with.

Is there one area in particular that you've got your eye on trying?
Can you do all of them on your website, for example, affiliate marketing, paying by fulfill forms, dropshipping, amazon affiliate? Will some of them ban you,for example Amazon because you have many of them on your website?
Can you do all of them on your website, for example, affiliate marketing, paying by fulfill forms, dropshipping, amazon affiliate? Will some of them ban you,for example Amazon because you have many of them on your website?

I suppose you could but you risk ending up with a confusing, junky-looking site, IMO. Some niches can co-habitate with others, I guess - e-Comm with an Amazon ad in the sidebar or something but be careful that you don't turn site visitors off, or give the impression that your site is spammy.

Example of What Might Work
If you were to have a site that was dedicated to a particular special niche - say online retro games, for example then I think it would be easier to combine methods. Make every blog post or article related to that niche - software, hardware, best, worst, reviews, etc. That would give you the opportunity to steer people to affiliate links, where to buy retro game stuff (dropship/Amazon/whatever) and so on, in a way that makes sense and doesn't cause your readers to raise an eyebrow of suspicion.

Don't forget that when you use a website for network offers (CPA), those links have expiry dates and sometimes the offers get pulled from the network, so you have to keep on top of those.

It's impossible to be everything to everybody. You'd do better concentrating on one vertical/niche per site.

Again, just my opinion.

Edit: Forgot to say that you need to always check the terms of any site or offer you want to promote. Always!
How much money are you willing to risk?
Drop shipping would cost the most to set up.
What will the traffic you can find or get buy most often? <this matters a lot to any open ended question like "how can I make the most money"
This is a relatively old thread (really shows how far I've scrolled down to the various forums, and how much free time I have :rofl) But I'd like to weigh in my opinion when it comes to Affiliate marketing vs Dropshipping since I've had my cards dealt on both.

There's no tangible way of actually declaring which one can earn you the most profit since when done right, both are amazing on their own. So I'll just share the pros and cons of both and I'll make my way from there.

Affiliate Marketing
When you get signed up for an amazing program that actually coincides with what you do, that can be integrated into platforms that you already have. Once you've established a good reputation in the niche you're trying to go for, the programs you are signed in can generate passive income and scale at massive heights.

This blogpost by Hubpost (an amazing affiliate) shows a list of a wide variety of amazing programs that could generate you tons of revenue.

It's freaking hard when you're none of the above. If you're just starting out, the learning curve of the different tactics and methods of establishing a profitable affiliate marketing set-up is sky-high because the competition is brutal. You need a boatload of patience and due diligence to get the ball rolling.

If you have a considerable amount of product understanding and market knowledge, dropshipping could be a cakewalk for you. Being the middleman in any enterprise is a profitable way of not getting your hands dirty, and that's basically the heart of dropshipping honestly. Selling products with a markup, without ever touching it.

Another great resource for learning about dropshipping can be found in this Shopify blogpost.

Tons of people fail at the marketing side of things. As a previous telemarketing expert, I know how important it is to get the product out there. Word-of-mouth, referrals, and organic outreach is your business' best friend. If you're unable to follow the necessary steps to push your business in the right market, to the right people at the right time–you're basically setting yourself up for failure.

Just did a quick google search and this marketing guide looks a little promising when it comes to dropshipping.

tl;dr: affiliate marketing takes a lot of time & effort in establishing a reputation to generate sales, and dropshipping requires a ton of technical knowledge when it comes to being a middle man between supplier and consumer.

Hope this helps~
It's freaking hard when you're none of the above. If you're just starting out, the learning curve of the different tactics and methods of establishing a profitable affiliate marketing set-up is sky-high because the competition is brutal. You need a boatload of patience and due diligence to get the ball rolling.
You just described my 1st year in affiliate marketing
One thing to add in your insightful post is organization
Keep organized
, follow a schedule and everything runs so much smoother
Like @T J Tutor always says, affiliate marketing is a business
Treat your affiliate marketing business just like a job
Don't ask me if "passive income" works - I never approached it that way
You just described my 1st year in affiliate marketing
One thing to add in your insightful post is organization
Keep organized
, follow a schedule and everything runs so much smoother
Like @T J Tutor always says, affiliate marketing is a business
Treat your affiliate marketing business just like a job
Don't ask me if "passive income" works - I never approached it that way
I should've definitely included this. A lot of people who're entering affiliate marketing are deluded by the thought that "it'll make money for you while you sleep" :rofl. It will... but you'll probably have to sacrifice some before that happens.
What business has the biggest potential for the profit?

Is this a Affiliate Marketing, Dropshipping, SMS Marketing, i don't know what else is there... you name it.
Your action has the biggest potential for the profit in any of those niches. And I do not recommend limiting yourself to one niche if you can do all three. You can connect them in one way or the other. Once you become popular in one thing, the popularity spreads to any other business you have. That being said, I will go with affiliate marketing.