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[Must Read] How To Choose A Converting Offer (Few Tips)

Great post. Also I would recommend investing some money in a spy tool to figure out what other (super)affiliates are running. Then outbid & outsmart them. If someone else is constantly running an offer, it means they're making money.

Regarding payouts check and to make sure you're getting a competitive rate from your network. Hit me up on skype to get going on some good offers!

It's been a long time since I've written anything for Affiliatefix, I have decided to write few tips for newbies in order to select a converting offer from their respective networks.

How to select a good converting offer:

As you all know that choosing an offer is the most important part of the whole work, no matter how hard you try, you can't make a bad offer to work, but if you have a great offer then even the bad marketer can make a killing out of it. Never, never ever randomly choose an offer which looks good. Always check the track record of that offer whether that offer is proven to work or not.

I am going to keep this thread short and tiny, so that readers will not get bored, most of us doesn't like to read huge threads without images. I personally don't.

1. Affiliate Managers:
Affiliate managers usually get paid a commission on publishers traffic, always speak to your affiliate manager first before selecting an offer, if your AM wants to make money, then he/she have to help you make money, so, it's in their interest to point you in the right direction. Not to forget, AM's are those people who go to conferences that happen all over the world every year like Affiliate Summit, affiliate work asia etc. They will be having more insiders knowledge & angles about offers which you probably don't.

2. Desktop or Mobile:
I personally think that mobile is booming and popular right now & yes you will be having a lot of opportunities to make a lot of money, but don't forget desktop is a father, and is also booming, you can make a lot of money in desktop as well. The thing what I am trying to tell here is it doesn't matter in what source you select your offer you can always do well in both.

If you want to go for desktop, stick to it, stick to one and master the traffic. After you made your choice never listen to those who will say mobile is good if you are using desktop & desktop is booming if you using mobile. Stick to your decision and do your best.

3. Always Split Test:
We have a lot of reputable CPA networks now. All big networks will be having the same offer, but always remember each network's version of that offer can convert differently. It can be their tracking system, or as other publishers says they might be shaving the sales/leads, which happens a lot actually, anyhow you can test the same offer on two networks and get totally different results.

So, If you think you found a good converting offer you might look into other networks and give them a split test, if you found 10%-25% CR difference then it means either of the network's tracking system is very bad or they are shaving the leads from you. Don't work with those networks again.

4. Standby Offer:
One more important thing which you have to keep in mind while selecting a good offer is check whether if the offer goes down then do you have any other offer which you can run for the same campaign? We will be putting a lot of money in campaigns and doesn't want to loose our traffic to a suspended offer right?

This happens to me quite a few times now, but I always had the multiple version of the same offer on my network, I am mostly into "download & install" offers. I may not make the same money but at least I can keep my campaign going and rethink about the strategy.

5. Payout:
Low payout offers are usually from $0.10 to $10, these types of offers are great for newbies to start. These low payout offers tends to convert more, more than high payout offers. It's not just the money which matter but the data which you will collect while running the campaign will give you enough knowledge about how to optimize and scale the offer to the fullest & earn more money.

Never ever get seduced by an offer with 50$-250$ payout. Its pretty tough to convert those offers and you will have to invest a lot of money to get the sufficient data to scale.

Always start with a low payout offer. If you have more than $3000 to spend on collecting data then go with high payout offer. If you have less money to invest then start with low payout offers. Don't forget to split test to check the difference in payouts.

Final Thoughts:
The worst mistake an affiliate can do is choosing the wrong offer. Remember, even the best marketer in the work cannot make money with bad offer or an offer which cannot convert. But a newbie can make money with great offer. If you are currently running a campaign, all by yourself, testing everything, but still loosing money then you need to stop yourself now and talk to your affiliate Manager. But in the end the choice is always yours.

It took me almost 2 hours to write this, if you don't like these tips then I humbly apologize, but I request you please not to criticize it.

P.S. English is not my first language.

Good luck.

Good information for both newbies and also the marketers who are expanding their scope of coverage. Many instances we do mess up because we think that we have enough to keep moving in the right direction. When we have it wrong from the word go, we will always struggle our ways up. Let us use the tips and get to the best offers always. Less struggle that is.
I'm with a traffic network so nothing to do with offers, BUT just wanted to say great tips and i love how thorough you were with everything - and you didn't go on and on either ;) This is the perfect length. Will be forwarding your post to others and to our affiliates if they ever have questions regarding how/what to promote. Thank you!