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My 1st $100 day!

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its nice to see excitement

G'day All:
I think its GREAT to see excitement, need more off it, if we are happy about a Result, we will attract more of that result, and to share it with others is only higtening their excitement to create and recieve and give also I would believe anyhow...

what are your goals to reach 200 then if i may be so bold as to ask?


HAve a Great Day

Ground Light...Send Love...*Shine*...
groundedlight said:
G'day All:
I think its GREAT to see excitement, need more off it, if we are happy about a Result, we will attract more of that result, and to share it with others is only higtening their excitement to create and recieve and give also I would believe anyhow...

what are your goals to reach 200 then if i may be so bold as to ask?


HAve a Great Day

Ground Light...Send Love...*Shine*...


sorry to be so long getting back to this thread. I actually hit my first $200 day at the end of May, the next day MSN updated and Google dropped indexed pages and it all came crashing down. I was getting most of my traffic from MSN Serps using the DigitalPoint co-op... I could probably be making $500 per day by now if Google didn't drop the hammer on sites running co-op ads.

Instead, I'm SLOWLY fighting my way back up to $50/day, this time without relying on the DP co-op network. I saw it coming when I realized I had all my eggs in one basket. Lesson learned. :)

Great job Ireef, That inspiring, i hope that in a few months i will make 100$ a day myself!
Congatulations iReef!

It is always great to hear about other peoples successes.

I believe it encourages newbies to keep plucking away and to never give up.

I know that was what kept me going because I figured if they could do it so could I.

Best of luck to reaching $150 a day

Lynn :)
My last good day was in May 2005 - $900 commission from one sale and $450 from another. Never happened since, although I get the occasional $50-$75 days. Google and MSN dropped most of my data-fed pages.
Haven't been around in a while, been awfully busy... But I thought I would update this since today I broke $600 in profit for the first time!

After struggling with SEO on several sites, and driving myself a bit insane trying to keep up with the SE's, I decided to try a different approach and spent much time learning adwords/PPC and landing page optimization.

Two weeks ago, I found an offer that converted "OK" without much optimization. Over the following week or so, I spent all my profits on adwords testing and optimizing.

Then a week ago, I broke $400 for the first time. Earlier this week, broke $500 in profit, and today, I'm at a bit over $600 with about 20% of my daily adwords budget to go! I'm averaging a bit over $400 for the last week.

Wanted to put this out there for inspiration for anyone - keep trying, I have hit many highs and lows since I started in affiliate marketing, but it does all pay off!


Lynn Quario said:
Congatulations iReef!

It is always great to hear about other peoples successes.

I believe it encourages newbies to keep plucking away and to never give up.

I know that was what kept me going because I figured if they could do it so could I.

Best of luck to reaching $150 a day

Lynn :)
Wow! Thanks for sharing with us iReef! You have no idea how inspiring these stories are, specially for beginners like me! :)

I hope you keep earning a lot more.

Good luck!
great job! I remember my first $100 day and I couldn't believe it. I sometimes still can't believe it. I would stick to whatever is working and really double down. Do a ton of split testing as well.
Since it's already bumped, let's continue it, what do you say ? How it's even possible ? I see those names like YPN which is closed now, and CJ/Linkshare do not perform like they were in past, probably cause of much bigger competition from Amazon or so.
I know it's only my second post here, but just checked my sales and today I've broken $100 for the first time! :D

Just thought I'd share my excitement. I know this won't be happening every day, but the numbers are really starting to pick up... averaged around $60 the last couple days and scored a cell phone commission on top of it today.

Anyway, sorry to sound like a braggart, but had to share.
I know it's only my second post here, but just checked my sales and today I've broken $100 for the first time! :D

Just thought I'd share my excitement. I know this won't be happening every day, but the numbers are really starting to pick up... averaged around $60 the last couple days and scored a cell phone commission on top of it today.

Anyway, sorry to sound like a braggart, but had to share.

I love your post. :)
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