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My $500 a month method (for life) using free cams

FIrst, WHY ARE YOU YELLING, 2nd, this "guide" is 100% useless without telling us where you got your traffic from. Saying 'use the search function".. I should just write a method called

make $1K per day, first start by using the search method for "make $XXXX per day", follow that, then search for "traffic" and there you have it. You're welcome!!!
Been on this one for a while, just sending free traffic over, only got 2 sign ups on the rev share, and they are yet to make purchases, took me around 300 hits for the 2 sign ups, so now I'm looking at getting higher quality traffic, as well as increasing the amount of traffic going from my current source.
do you have any tips to get more high traffic quality? how do increase the quality? ( sorry for bad english, i'm italian.) :)
Honestly I don't, traffic is always my biggest issue, been looking through the forums but havn't seen what I'm looking for yet, so gonna go with the old learn by doing and see how it goes. just gotta remember to try and limit the campaigns I am working on. easily distracted by, oh this looks interesting, lets try this.
Ok.. this is my twitter account Be_The_Model (@agentwebcam) | Twitter can anyone have a look and give me some good advice to get more quality traffic? thanks a lot.
I found it is eaiser to understand my traffic using a tracking system, loads of the guys here recommended voluum, and i gotta say it is great, im only running one campaign at the minute, so i have al my free traffic sources set up as different campaigns so i can see what is working and worth putting more time in on and what is worth getting rid of.
Affiliate & Performance Marketing Tracking Software
It's a bit of a learning curve on how to use it, ( i still havnt got everything set up right, but it's good enough for me to get a bit of data out of) there is a good guide on here somewhere on setting it up :)