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“Adavice”/  “CPA

My earnings: almost 13K with Amazon Affiliates


New Member
Hi mates!
Since I started in IM, I been focused on Amazon Associates program. Last months I been switching to CPA and other kind of business models (I am tired of creating niche sites to monetise them with AA, also they are not very scalable). But well, I been focused for a long time on this kind of monetisation. The following are the earnings of one of my most successful sites during last year. This site is ranking and generating money in Spain.


Congratulations! The low commissions on most Amazon products keep people away, but the trust that comes with the website name makes it easy to sell.
Have you considered outsourcing the niche site creation?
Crazy earnings either way, good job mate
Congratulations! The low commissions on most Amazon products keep people away, but the trust that comes with the website name makes it easy to sell.
Yes, completely true mate, people loves buying from Amazon. I have tried several merchants on my sites on no one converts like Amazon.

Have you considered outsourcing the niche site creation?
Crazy earnings either way, good job mate
Thanks Benzh! When outsourcing the main problem is quality. I am obsessed about the quality of the articles and how it can drastically change your CR and engagement. When you outsource the article creation is difficult to find someone who will put care and enthusiasm, doing the proper documentation, answering the proper questions... So short answer: Yes, I tried hiring a publicist and a content writer but I ended rewriting all the content (it may be my fault, I'm a little bit obsessive!)
Yes, completely true mate, people loves buying from Amazon. I have tried several merchants on my sites on no one converts like Amazon.

Thanks Benzh! When outsourcing the main problem is quality. I am obsessed about the quality of the articles and how it can drastically change your CR and engagement. When you outsource the article creation is difficult to find someone who will put care and enthusiasm, doing the proper documentation, answering the proper questions... So short answer: Yes, I tried hiring a publicist and a content writer but I ended rewriting all the content (it may be my fault, I'm a little bit obsessive!)

That's understandable, we all have our own standards. Difficult to find someone who can replicate that
Amazon associate is really good and made some good money on autopilot by ranking on search engines. Earning and bonus also depends on the niche you are working and the products you are selling. Don't give up on it promes , just try to automate and outsource it.
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Hi mates!
Since I started in IM, I been focused on Amazon Associates program. Last months I been switching to CPA and other kind of business models (I am tired of creating niche sites to monetise them with AA, also they are not very scalable). But well, I been focused for a long time on this kind of monetisation. The following are the earnings of one of my most successful sites during last year. This site is ranking and generating money in Spain.


Great income. Can you send me your website link pm. So I can check content quality.
Great income. Can you send me your website link pm. So I can check content quality.
Thanks rubelkhan. Sorry but I prefer to don't show my sites. Also this one is written in Spanish, so I guess it would be difficult to understand. Nevertheless if you want to know more about the content I can tell you a few key points:

- I try the write the best article/comparison about X product or brand. So good documentation + improving the articles already written about that topic.
- Tone: Friendly but rigorous (the user must feel you are an authority about this items after the first paragraph). Info-persuasive content, trying to pass on enthusiasm about what you are talking about.
- I compare prices from other merchants (even without being affiliate of them, Amazon has the best deal most of the times): user feels more trust and you can avoid them going to google to search the best price --and losing your commission.
- I write articles only for keywords that have, at least, +1500 unique monthly searches. Each niche site has 6-10 in-depth articles, which are able to generate +15K monthly visits.
- And finally, I think that the appearance is important. One of the themes I use most is this one: Newspaper | ThemeForest (really well coded and easy to customize).

Hope this will help you mate!
Currently just outside of Barcalona on holiday, lovely weather!

Great earnings also congrats!

Thanks K!
Let me know if you need anything during your stay in Barcelona... a co-working space, a local to show you the city, or whatever :)
Thanks K!
Let me know if you need anything during your stay in Barcelona... a co-working space, a local to show you the city, or whatever :)
Thank you for the offer and i'd love to take that up in the future. This time we're not coming into Barcalona we're currently just outside Figueres.