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“Adavice”/  “CPA

My Personal Method That Made Me $37k In 1 Year

You just post a photo beaty girl in groups FB? Not in comment, but offered new to admin? Then admin post it, and you get a free friend, who can monetize letter?
I understood correctly?
And sorry for my english :)
@cpateacher........ This is excellent to work on with.... I have tried it but not proved to the exact result but somehow managed to do according to the video and got good result...... Thanks for posting it....
Hey guys check out the classroom I posted a video showing you how to post links without getting them blocked :)

I started implementing this method, have got 800+ friend request, which networks accept social traffic for their cpa offers?
and how to get selected for those networks

Sai Bharath
Well it has been about 10 hours, got 3220 friend requests (met a couple of creepy guys :p) and 400 followers. Waiting to hit the 5000 mark, created a page, created an instagram account and trying to get my FB friends to be Insta followers. When I hit my 5000 friends on Facebook I'll begin with the CPA offers. Any advice?
Thanks for sharing your experience with us CT really appreciate what you're doing. I have a question: I've tested my first method, I posted a pic of a hot girl and on top of it I posted a link that redirects to an offer. The photo got about 120 likes and still getting some cmnts and likes. But the offer got about 3 clicks with no leads. Do you have any advice you can help me with on how to make the link more desirable and clickable. I'm going to test more methods, so far I've tried 2 adult offers. About 60% of my friends are Brazilian, then comes USA, then Indians and Arabs, if I test with a brazilian offer what would happen in case an american clicked it? Would it redirect to an american offer? I currently work with CPA grip and and Adwork Media, and I've applied to your Network. I'm working on getting some content in a website or blogger to test it (P*rn vids and such) and lock it with a content locker, I would really like your prof. input on this. Just got one more Question: I'm thinking of creating like 4 more FB accounts and like I previously said try to convert the friends to instag. followers, again would really like your input on this. Sorry in case I asked too many questions but that's how much I'm really eager to work with you guys and become as successful as you are, although I'm doing it for the money but I'm treating it like a learning experience too. Thanks.
Glad you liked the method :) The best thing to do is run email submits or vouchers it has worked great for me. Just use your wall to promote. Also no content locker will allow adult content being locked so be careful on that. Using a content locker with a giveaway landing page always works great to. More accounts more traffic :)

Adult don't convert as good as it use to with this method but its working great on content locker incent offers.

Please post your results and let us know how its going for you :)

Best of luck
Tried a couple more methods, got 5000 friends, still nothing's working. It seems that I can't get their attention to click the links. They only like the photos. One photo had 400 likes but not one single click on the link. How can I get their attention ?
You should be getting clicks. Maybe your link is blocked? Trying putting long link in then taking that link put it in then post the link
Tested some more methods and a couple offers from multiple networks, got from 6 to 15 clicks. My problem is that the majority of the friends are either Brazilian or Indian, and they aren't the brightest people in the world(I mean those I have on my account not in general). So I'm having some difficulties with getting some offers to convert. An advice would be really helpful.
Once you get your account built up you will get alot of USA traffic. Your best bet is to use a landing page with the niche you plain on using. Facebook games, giftcards, vouchers work good. Try using a content locker so you wont waste your traffic. Best of luck
Tested some more methods and a couple offers from multiple networks, got from 6 to 15 clicks. My problem is that the majority of the friends are either Brazilian or Indian, and they aren't the brightest people in the world(I mean those I have on my account not in general). So I'm having some difficulties with getting some offers to convert. An advice would be really helpful.

Have you gotten any more to convert? let alone click?