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my website


New Member
couldn't post the link yesterday as i need 10 posts, i have that now and if you guys would like to visit my site and see what you think as in layout ect. i would appreciate any feedback both good and bad....i just noticed that when i put the web address Instructors Required - Contact Us to make a link the advertisement for instructors shows up....thnk i must have done something wrong or is it ok for it to do that?

thanks in advance guys :p
Had a quick look at your site, I think its brilliant, I particularly like the fact that on the homepage you do not have to scroll to see all the information.

Two quick suggestions:
1. The email address on the footer of the site, find a way to make it difficule for spam crawlers to read it, if you don't you will get an awful lot of spam
ii. The are jagged edges around text in your logo, I am sure that can be removed somehow so that the logo can look more professional
iii. If possible, hyperlink your logo to your homepage, its sort of standard this day to do that.

Lovely site over all :)
I would recommend removing the "hit-counter" you have and replacing it with google analytics. You will get alot of information about your site and your visitors.
Nice site overall.
I go with what temi says, and yea the hit counter can be removed, but all in all great job ;)
Looks good, nice and easy to navigate, good info, nice use of prominent phone number.

3 things

1/ personal thing comic sans on the pricing page, just use a standard font as per the rest of the site, I hate comic but the other point is too many fonts make it look bad, use the same font throughout.

2/ If you can edit the page title on the front page put in something like:
Motorcycle Training Glasgow CBT Scotland Direct Access Glasgow

3/ If I was looking to do my test again I would look for 'direct access LOCATION NAME' so get that in your content and page titles sommit like cbt glasgow, direct access glasgow, motorcycle training glasgow etc, will help with your SEO.

A couple of things:

The left navigation is too wide. I understand it's so that the picture of the motorcycle fits, but it doesn't look good and it squeezes the content, making the page longer, which people won't scroll down to read.

Training Offered page:
The underlined titles make it look like a link, but it's not. Either make new pages for those and link it, or take out the underline.

The map is nice, but takes a while to look. Consider putting a straight up image of the map and putting your address above or below the image.

Hope this helps.
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