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Myth #2: AI will wipe out humanity.


Well-Known Member
Ya think :D

“Sometime in the next 15 years, the end will come.”

Take a stab at when this quote is from. It wasn’t this year… 2010… or even during the ’90s.

It’s from one of America’s top biologists… in 1968.

I refuse to accept what the Luddites of today are screaming ...


Well maybe it will not raise humanity but i am not to sure .But something its sure as soon we will transform exactly like in future movies where thenology control almost everithing
We surround ourselves with 'technology' now.
Do you have a smartphone?
Do you react like Pavlov's dog when it chimes with a notification?
Do you answer the phone when it rings?

My office is filled with technology; even my desk is technology --it isn't a big tree stump. It is a finished product made with many technologies.

AI is just an advanced computer program that can parse data and operate other technologies right now.

Yes, eventually AI could develop its own corpus of data --but that data would be based on learned human logic and emotion.
If AI destroys humanity it is because of what it learned from the human race.
Thus, we humans are the evil that AI got its ideas from.
AI is not able to reach a decision about Nazis FFS

read the dialog. Humans are preventing AI from reaching a conclusion or the corpus of data AI is parsing is ...


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