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Native Spy


New Member
As for the affiliate marketing done with the facebook ads, using a spy tool is not enough because facebook has a secret algorithm and the campaigns need to be optimized.

Assuming that I am inexperienced with Native, I have heard several times that native does not have a secret algorithm and therefore to go to profit just use a spy tool and copy and paste another campaign.
is this true?
Well, what does a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy look like? :D
Not too good; same shit new day boring ;)
My thinking is you will not be the only one trying copy and paste ...
Well, what does a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy look like? :D
Not too good; same shit new day boring ;)
My thinking is you will not be the only one trying copy and paste ...

according to you, what would be the right way to approach the Native? and more or less how much budget should you have?
As for the affiliate marketing done with the facebook ads, using a spy tool is not enough because facebook has a secret algorithm and the campaigns need to be optimized.

Assuming that I am inexperienced with Native, I have heard several times that native does not have a secret algorithm and therefore to go to profit just use a spy tool and copy and paste another campaign.
is this true?
You can try to use ideas which are already successful for creating your own advertising campaign. Not make 100% copy. Analysis every piece of campaign, test some different creatives and titles. Good luck!
Reasonably original graphics (you can reuse good ideas of others).
It's not the ad it is what you are selling. Not that all ad placements will bring the same quality clicks -- they don't.
To test an offer for its affinity (meaning: customer interest, trust and willingness to purchase or take some wanted action) maybe $200-$500 (some big players will spend a lot more) unless you get lucky ... And that is one offer or vendor in the market segment.
You can say spytool is for Suggestions or they offer many other features.
like most of the affliates use spytool for Ripping Landers and for Native traffic ofcourse to see Widget IDs.
i used anstrex all the time but never copied anyone campaigns. LOL