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Need Advice on My Adult Campaign


New Member
Hi Guys,

I need advice on how to scale my current adult campaign. The PPS payout is $50 and i run multiple banner on 1 site targeting tier 2 countries bid ranging from 0.002-0.005, but some of the tier 2 countries traffic will be redirect into lower paying offers. After a week here is my voluum stats :

11-30-2014 10-06-01 AM.jpg
I got 4 leads thats pays $50 from three Tier 2 countries which is :

11-30-2014 10-05-04 AM.jpg

My question is :
- Should i pause all my campaign targeting all Tier 2 countries and create another campaign targeting those 3 country that convert?
- Should i increase my CPC?
- Or should i keep running my campaign targeting all tier 2 countries for a month to collect data?
What i have understood so far is that, you are doing direct linking. So as a part of optimization you dont have much choice rather than just removing non performing banners. I would suggest to scale up converting campaigns by increasing the bid to get more volumes.
I think you should increase your bid and test the data if it will give you more lead. As you know, higher CPC will get great placement, thus increasing conversion. Hope you can success.