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Need help! my math for PopAds showed disaster


Here's the issue. Have a problem with math (though i always enjoy calculate things and do it well). Something is wrong here.
I previously (abt 2 weeks ago) asked quite similar question, though got no replies. Hope this time someone can explain)

I am ready to launch sweeps for Brazil.
Payout = $0,26

Decided to start with PopAds.

  • avrg bid on Popads in Brazil is around $2,2-$3 (CPM, not 1 view).
  • If we propose 1% CTR, then CPC = $0,22.
But how on earth you can be profitable if payout almost equals CPC?! Answer is "you cant".

Means to be profitable:
  • either your CPM need to be somewhere closer to $0,22 with CTR 1%
  • or your CTR need to be 10% with recommended bid price ($2,2 CPM)
  • All in all, If you'll keep general conversion rate (for prelander+lander) around 11-12% (dont know if thats realistic) you should be good (around 30% ROI)

Only problem is that option "cpm closer to $0,22) is 10x lower then "average bid" and when you enter your bid as $0,00022 ($0,22 CPM) you expected to get "less then 1k impressions per day" and your # in bidding row is 27. Means even without blacklisting and with only raw targeting (carrier+geo+mainstream) you'll get less then 10 clicks a day and it will be very low quality traffic, so chances are you'll get none.

But if i keep the bid at "recommended" level, i need to get CTR 10-15% to be profitable. Is that CTR even possible?

Main question: Where is a mistake in my calculations? Is CTR 10-15% possible in sweeps with good traffic?

Also, bit more questions

Question 2: what is avrg CTR to be expected in popAds on sweeps vertical in tier 2-3 Geos? I estimated 1-1,5% at max,but maybe it can be much higher?
Question 3: What is avrg CR for prelander+lander combined for sweeps in tier 2-3 Geos? I expect 15-20% is maximum, probably closer to 10% max

And a little add-on.
On campaign creation tab, i made some targeting tweaks (geo, language, specific carrier, mainstream) - very basic.
But even when i entered the recommended avrg bid price ($2,8-$3 CPM), i got the message that i can expect.. mere 3k impressions/day. Wow. Its... well, its nothing.
Means no matter how i play with bids, i'll get 3k impressions/day max. Period. Whats there to fight for?
PopAds do not have enough 3g traffic from specific carrier? What network i need to go to then?

Help & advice is veeery much appreciated!
Last edited:
37 views, 2 days passed and not even 1 reply... Quite dissapointing, guys. That was a serious question, really need a helping hand here!
It's the weekend, sometimes it's slow here on the weekends. I've been jammed up for days with business responsibilities. We'll get with you tomorrow, Monday. Be patient.
i cant get what do u want man ?

why all these operations to join an ad network ?
just join it and test it for 1 week to see the best of it
if its good then stay there
Note: i dont recommend ad company for u
cuz it shows blocked ads for google and u'll have blocked resources in your webmaster tool which will be bad for your site
Here's the issue. Have a problem with math (though i always enjoy calculate things and do it well). Something is wrong here.
I previously (abt 2 weeks ago) asked quite similar question, though got no replies. Hope this time someone can explain)

I am ready to launch sweeps for Brazil.
Payout = $0,26

Decided to start with PopAds.

  • avrg bid on Popads in Brazil is around $2,2-$3 (CPM, not 1 view).
  • If we propose 1% CTR, then CPC = $0,22.
But how on earth you can be profitable if payout almost equals CPC?! Answer is "you cant".

Means to be profitable:
  • either your CPM need to be somewhere closer to $0,22 with CTR 1%
  • or your CTR need to be 10% with recommended bid price ($2,2 CPM)
  • All in all, If you'll keep general conversion rate (for prelander+lander) around 11-12% (dont know if thats realistic) you should be good (around 30% ROI)

Only problem is that option "cpm closer to $0,22) is 10x lower then "average bid" and when you enter your bid as $0,00022 ($0,22 CPM) you expected to get "less then 1k impressions per day" and your # in bidding row is 27. Means even without blacklisting and with only raw targeting (carrier+geo+mainstream) you'll get less then 10 clicks a day and it will be very low quality traffic, so chances are you'll get none.

But if i keep the bid at "recommended" level, i need to get CTR 10-15% to be profitable. Is that CTR even possible?

Main question: Where is a mistake in my calculations? Is CTR 10-15% possible in sweeps with good traffic?

Also, bit more questions

Question 2: what is avrg CTR to be expected in popAds on sweeps vertical in tier 2-3 Geos? I estimated 1-1,5% at max,but maybe it can be much higher?
Question 3: What is avrg CR for prelander+lander combined for sweeps in tier 2-3 Geos? I expect 15-20% is maximum, probably closer to 10% max

And a little add-on.
On campaign creation tab, i made some targeting tweaks (geo, language, specific carrier, mainstream) - very basic.
But even when i entered the recommended avrg bid price ($2,8-$3 CPM), i got the message that i can expect.. mere 3k impressions/day. Wow. Its... well, its nothing.
Means no matter how i play with bids, i'll get 3k impressions/day max. Period. Whats there to fight for?
PopAds do not have enough 3g traffic from specific carrier? What network i need to go to then?

Help & advice is veeery much appreciated!
$1 CPM for Brazil pops is pretty expensive, they usually cost 50% lower than that, but that will take your time and effort to dig these network.

20% CTR is very achievable, that will require greater optimization, kicking all the negative element that cause lower CTR. That you can check my thread where I made 6% CTR to 20% CTR in a few days.

Your calculation is just rough data, the real data comes after you do optimization.
Probably you can get $0.22 after every $0.05 spending, that depends on you.