Yesterday im running campaign for offer CPA Grip, for traffic im using Adcash and tracking with voluum. but i still not sure about my configuration tracking and how to running offer on CPA Grip, because in my CPA Grip dashboard there are click but no view like this ss hxxp://prntscr.com/aknifu
is it normal?i've email John at CPA Grip but still no reply, maybe he is on holiday
so please give me a clue about this.
Thank u very much.
Yesterday im running campaign for offer CPA Grip, for traffic im using Adcash and tracking with voluum. but i still not sure about my configuration tracking and how to running offer on CPA Grip, because in my CPA Grip dashboard there are click but no view like this ss hxxp://prntscr.com/aknifu
is it normal?i've email John at CPA Grip but still no reply, maybe he is on holiday
Thank u very much.