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Need some feedback, please


New Member
I'm going through a big transition. I started out writing on Hubpages a few months back, and most of my stuff is still on there. I don't really like having to share my Adsense revenue with them, and Amazon is not making me a penny, and neither are any of my affiliate ads. I've decided to move all the website related stuff off of Hubpages, and concentrate on getting the website uniform and professional looking. Right now, it has several different page styles, because a lot of the content is articles and blogs on other sites.

Plus, I couldn't figure out how I was getting such a big bounce rate, but when I really look at it, there is nowhere for them to go. The bad thing was, I wasn't getting much better with the hubpages, where all my content is.

I've restructured my hubs until I can get them all moved, and that's what I really want feedback on. I have one series of hubs that is on a certain topic. It's like a course, really, so I've restructured it so that it doesn't have a start page with a menu, it's a series, with one lesson leading into another, with no other way to go. I've been advertising it as a free frugal gardening course, and I'm getting pretty good traffic from just a couple of experimental ads. My traffic has gone up 300% from those two ads alone in the last two days. This is experimental at this stage, and I'm going to give it a month and see how it goes.

I'm hoping that restructuring my pages, and making it a course instead of just some related articles, will get me over the hump of having visitors click only to find themselves on another site altogether, at least for now. I should have the whole thing moved onto "real" pages in a week.

Do you think that the restructuring will help me with page views? I think it isn't going to do much until after I get them off of HubPages, but I'm hoping it will help a little. Until I get it off of there, they can just go to my profile and pick and choose what they want to see. Once I get it on my site, they will have to "follow the bouncing ball", which should get my page view average up quite a bit.

It will take me about a month to move all the site related content, which leaves very little time to add new content, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.