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Gold Networks that don't PAY! (Post your proof here)


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Networks that don't PAY! (Post your proof here)

I think we need to start a master thread of payment proofs and a good resource of networks that pay!

If you've NOT been paid, post proof in here along with the network name,!

Lets get this to be one massive thread of networks to avoid!

Note: All other posts will be moved or deleted.
K made today thread "Networks that PAY! (Post your payment proofs here)"
Because many networks pay, but there is also scammers, in my option its beter make thread for scammer networks,, so i decided start it

I have only a little experience about scammer networks, but got scammed last autum

Scammer Dreamteamweb
Amount: Over 1 200€

What hapened:
I drive legit traffic from my website to them
-> few month later contackted to Nick and asked why they are not sent payout
-> Nick told me that i need speak with webcam to him or travel to Denmark
-> I said no because my english is bad and i'm busy with my school (so no mite to travel)
-> Also fear that there is not even office in denmark
-> Nick not answered me and start ingnoring

Also about 50% of their network traffic came from me!

Nick Nørgaard


Facebook: Nick Nørgaard | Facebook
Linkedin: Nick Norgaard | LinkedIn
Skype: nicknorgaard
Phone: +4560603272
Website: Online Markedsføring - Nørgaard Medier

Filip Neiiendam


Facebook: Filip Neiiendam | Facebook
Linkedin: Sign Up | LinkedIn
Skype: dtw-filip
Phone: +4531311793

Rune Lundager

Skype: runelundager
Phone: +4522474707
A2Ads is scam network...

I earned almost 300$ promoting one offer and they didnt pay me...

My earnings:

as u can see my first payment was on 2.18,they sent me a check but i didnt recive anything from them...

I contaced Tom affmanager from a2ads and here are some screenshots from our chat on skype



Last message i sent to him was today and of course he didnt respond.
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You guys want to know a stinking network that has ripped me off? Not once but twice as they told me my sponsor or whatever the heck he was called. Is the cause of my first payments being horsed up... The Dang
YGPF . Paul Darby .

You Get Paid Fast. I signed up with other than the dang. Money Order mode that they promote. I put up my PayPal . I had 23 Signups . I have never gotten one single penny of those payments which should have at first been $7.00 per payment that after about two weeks increadsed to $25.00 payment buttons those of us who had gotten in at the $7 were to have been Grandfathered in. It was all a Bunch Of Bull. Paul Darby received all of my payments. One of my signup called The Post Office where the Money Order was purchased to see where it could have gone. That is when it was discovered.. Stay the hell away from anything to do with Paul Darby. He also has an Advertise On TV deal going on. The same thing.. Do a little bit of research you will quickly see that Paul Darby . Especially
You Get Paid Fast . Is a Huge Screwing .......
L & T