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Hi. I'm new in this business. :confused:
I really started just to have a little fun and maybe make some money.

One day at work I decided to buy a domain. I was looking and I found a very good one I think. Anyway, I signed up at amazon, and made a customized store with Coldplay stuff, music and accessories. I directed that link to my site. Now every weekend I post my site in free advertising forums, and still I don't get any sales. What keeps me from being very discouraged is that I know April will come, when Coldplay will launch it's new album. So I expect a significant rise in traffic at that time, since we are talking about the biggest band in the world.

Any advises on how to get sales?
Hi playeru,

Welcome to 5 Star.

Many of the free advertising forums, if that's what it is, just all ads...
Well I think they are someone like a safelist in that hardly any consumers read it, only marketers checking their own ads.

Also most free advertising forums I know about cater more to webmasters and marketers. Granted a couple may be interested in Coldplay stuff, but it's not your target market at all.

Try some music forums, even Google: Coldplay forum
Try joining some social networks that focus on music that genre.

However you probably won't be able to blatantly advertise. You'll need to just ask or answer questions or post informative info and hope people like what you write enough to click your sig and visit your site.

PPC like Google Adwords is the fastest way to get traffic but it can be pretty expensive.
Hey Yeah.. I agree with Linda. PPC marketing on Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing and etc. can be a little expensive, but you can really profit from it if you know what you are doing. Such as you have to know how to write excellent adcopy. Adcopy that draws attention for customer's to click on. You have to find some good keywords. Google has a tool that you can use to see how much a word gets search try going the link below.. Doing PPC is definitley an art, but I think you can succeed.

Free Keyword Suggestion Tool from Wordtracker

On the other hand you can try doing article marketing. Google LOVES ezine articles and also usfreeads. You can write reviews on Coldplay. and You can alos start a blog on wordpress and make posts about you love for Coldplay and that specifie genre of music. I have a christian blog on wordpress and its indexed in the search engine results and I get an average of 70- 100 visitors a day!! So its definitely worth a try. My advice to you is. Do not put all efforts in one thing. Diversify!! :cool:
Markus siad:

"Do not put all efforts in one thing. Diversify!!"

Linda says:

No - when you are new FOCUS! One niche, one site! Build it, generate traffic, start making money. Then MAYBE diversify or maybe not.

James Martell who wrote the book on affiliate marketing and used to be known for his strategy of building lots of small niche sites - said right here on our forum...if he had to start over, knowing everything he knows today, what he would do differently is focus ALL his energy on ONE site.

So while you may have to test and try a few things until you find something that works for you, I think newbies will get further faster by focusing. After you are skilled and know it all, you can make decisions about whether a diversification or focused strategy is right for you, but don't try to diversify in the beginning or you will end up burned out and broke IMHO.
Here is the post Linda was talking about in which James Martell made that statement about concentrating on one site http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5...-what-would-you-do-different-9.html#post11449

Here is the post where James Martell explains his reasons for making that particular statement in a little more detail http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5...-what-would-you-do-different-9.html#post11473

The links I have provided are for two completely different posts even though it might not look that way.
:eek: I think maybe what I said was taken out of context. I should have elaborated more on what I was trying to convey. The "jist" of what I was saying was that. YES!! Focus on one thing. When you perfect that. In my opinion it is absolutely fine to try something else.

For example, If I have perfected my ppc campaign with Google adwords to generate money to come to my website. I think it is definitely ok to put my efforts into something else. Let's say.... start a ppc campaign next with yahoo search marketing. Here I am diversifying my efforts. to something to generate more money. The path to success is different routes. We definitely learn from someone elses mistakes, but there way is not always golden.

Basically, Focus your efforts and energy on one thing. FIRST!! That is what I mean. But by all means don't limit yourself. If you are doing well with one site and you perfected it. Try something else.

My apologies. did not mean to mislead anyone.:(

No worries Markus! :)

He said he was new, so I just wanted to clarify that point
because I think one of the biggest mistakes newbies make
is jumping all over the place trying all different things
before know enough to make any of them work.

But yes diversifying after you've built enough of a foundation to have gotten
some success and are grounded enough to start branching out is fine.
you might want to try pay per click ads. Google Ad Words and Yahoo Search Marketing both have good programs for this. The way it works is you create text ads for your products and they will randomly display in search engines as people search for topics that are related to your products. As for cost you set the limit you want to spend.