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New Article or New Page


New Member

I am currently using phpld 3.3 script for my directory. I already created a couple of few new pages in my directory. The problem I realised is for that script, the standard title of new page is always begin with the default homepage title, and then continue with the new page title. Might not be good for SEO, I presumed.

My question is which of the two option offers the best in term of SEO for writing new content such as promoting an affiliate products or services. Below I summarised the pro and con I noticed from both options:

New Page
Pro = have a SEO URL
Con = the title is not optimised enough, always begin with default homepage title and then the new page title.

New Article
Pro = have an own title
Con = the URL is not good enough for SEO; such as

Which of the option is better? or there is not much different at all, I am just thinking to much? :eek: