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Affiliate Network Contest New Everad contest - The Wolf of Everad! Prove that you're the TOP of the industry and win Mini Cooper, Mercedes-Benz C Class, or Porsche Carrera T!

Affiliatenetwork Contest


Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager

We’re Everad — the top direct advertiser in the nutra vertical, thriving across Europe,
Latin America, and Asia. Nice to meet you!

From day one, we offer our partners the best conditions for promoting nutra offers. Here’s
what you get as an Everad webmaster:

  • Access to a wide range of unique products, all crafted under our own brand, ensuring
    high quality and exclusivity;

  • Over 400 top-performing offers across the most profitable nutra categories, from
    skincare to weight loss;

  • On-demand payouts and rates up to $50 via the COD model;

  • An advanced internal platform and ongoing support from our expert affiliate
    marketing managers;

  • In-house call centers, high approval rates and seamless repurchase processes;

  • The ability to drive traffic from key channels including social media, search
    engines, and native ad networks;

  • Localized and high-converting promotional materials, developed and tested in
    collaboration with our media buying team.
Each one of our webmasters gets all these benefits from the get-go, as soon as they join
us. So how bout it? Everad is always open to new partnerships, striving to maximize the
earnings of all its affiliates!

Still have questions?
Contact us at Everad Support or We’re here to
help and look forward to connecting with you!
Last edited:


The Wolf of Everad — meet the boss of the contest

What if the eccentric Wolf of Wall Street started his career nowadays? What would he be doing in 2023 and where would he apply his skills that had earned him millions back then? Surely he would work in an affiliate business!

For a year, the Wolf of Wall Street will be at the helm of Everad to motivate and inspire our partners how to make way more money with a direct nutra advertiser.

“Act as if you’re a wealthy man, rich already, and you will become rich. Act as if you have unmatched confidence, and people will have confidence in you. Act as if you are already a tremendous success, and as sure as I stand here today – you will become successful”, – the first advice from the Wolf to those who are already running traffic in The Wolf of Everad contest.

Imagine that one of the gorgeous cars of the contest: Mini Cooper, Mercedes-Benz C Class or Porsche Carrera T is already in your garage. Believe in yourself, work with profitable Everad offers and you will get what you deserve!


British scientists have proven that Everad webmasters check their place in the ranking of The Wolf of Everad contest an average of 17 times a day.

Do you know where in the TOP you are right now?

Click "Leaderboard" on the contest website, find your ID, keep track of your position and don't leave anyone else a chance to overtake.

Statistics are updated every 15 minutes.
ML-603_social_1_eng (1).png

New rubric in Everad "Emotions of the winners"

Running traffic to get a car in The Wolf of Everad? It is interesting to know who took the main prizes in last competitions? In a new section, we will show you the reviews and emotions of the winners of past years!

Go to our instagram and see the feedback from the guys who took the Range Rover Vogue in the Fast Lane race in 2021.

A good example is contagious, so get inspired and choose which baby will be yours: Mini Cooper, Mercedes-Benz C Class or Porsche Carrera T!

Meet the Hungry Sharks team!

The hunt for luxury cars continues in The Wolf of Everad Wall Street competition, and we present the Sharks team. 50 best webmasters, and only one of them will receive the main prize - Mini Cooper.

Let's take a closer look!

TOP 50 - Hungry Sharks Team

Instead of legs, Sharks have fins and a tail, which gives them the ability to maneuver, elude and attack prey with the speed of lightning. They value time, have specific goals and a clear plan to achieve them. Cold and prudent, Sharks compete with each other, not noticing anything around. Many are content with what they have, not ready to leave their comfort zone and take risks, going out on land where the Lions rule.

To learn more about profitable GEOs and top offers, see the pictures in the post.

Prizes: Mini Cooper

Quarterly gifts: Q1 - Mac Book AIR M1, Q2 - iPad Air, Q3 - Apple Watch SE

Set goals correctly, assess your capabilities and choose which car will look best in your garage: Mini Cooper, Mercedes-Benz C Class or Porsche Carrera T.



Nutra niche review: Vision health

We continue to talk about profitable and comfortable categories of Nutra-offers. Today we will talk about offers for vision health!

The category has a lot of advantages. In our article we:
  • carefully considered the category
  • highlighted its general data and the most striking features
  • evaluated the benefits, and advised profitable approaches for different regions
We are sure that the material will help to take a generous profit on offers for the health of vision. That's why do not forget to ask your manager for the necessary materials and prepare your strategy to win Mini Cooper, Mercedes-Benz C Class or Porsche Carrera T in The Wolf of Everad contest!


New bonus from our partners!

Meet our partner — cloud-based service for filtering and protection from uwanted traffic.

The service provides a powerful protection system for your traffic, created by affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers. The team has thought hard about the functionality of the service, and tried to make it as simple and convenient as possible. Now with the help of Cloaking.House you can conquer any traffic source!

Some of the key features:

  • Filtering based on Machine Learning
  • Suitable for all sources: FB, Instagram, Google Ads, Yandex, MyTarget, etc.
  • Flexible filtering by countries, devices, OS, browsers, VPN/Proxy, IPv6, ISP, Referrer
  • Easy integration. PHP and a cloaked link
  • Favorable prices
  • Detailed statistics
Sounds great, we know! But that’s not all!

To all new users, the guys provide:
  • Free access for 7 days
  • 30% DISCOUNT on any subscription plan with PROMO CODE: EVERAD30
You can ask your questions here: Cloaking.House

How to avoid losing the entire budget? Converting Nutra Creatives

A well-crafted creative is half the battle.
For an affiliate marketer, the key is to
overcome banner blindness, capture the user’s attention, and motivate them to
perform a specific action.

We’ve put together a comprehensive checklist to help you create highly effective
creatives that consistently generate strong and profitable results.

What Helps a Creative Convert Well?

Creating effective creatives starts with understanding your target audience. Begin
by identifying their main interests, demographics, income, and other details that
can be used in both the text and visual design of your offer.

When developing creatives for nutra offers, it’s crucial to address the
audience’s insecurity points:

  • For “weight management” products, emphasize that excess weight not
    only shortens the person’s life but also makes them less attractive;

  • When promoting products for musculoskeletal health, evoke a sense of
    youth and nostalgia, reminding the audience of times when they had
    no joint issues;

  • For men’s health products, highlight benefits for not just the user but
    their partner as well.

Example 1: The YouTube button encourages people to click the image, while the mysterious
actions with a lemon and an ear spark curiosity, making them want to follow the link to
see what happens next.


Example 2: The ad clearly relates to vision and uses a popular before-and-after
format, making its purpose immediately understandable.


Example 3: Once again, the unusual setup and YouTube button draw attention. Creatives
like this are always eye-catching.

Use bright, eye-catching images that stand out in the feed. Avoid color combinations
that are commonly used by your competitors or that blend in with the typical social
media feed.

A common mistake made by affiliates
is blindly copying successful strategies from
other experts without adapting them to their audience and budget. Additionally, many
beginners try to apply tactics from one GEO to another, which occasionally works but
often results in wasted budgets.

To make sure your creatives don’t just end up draining your budget, make sure to:
  • Thoroughly study your audience;

  • Get inspired to design your own creatives, don’t just copy them;

  • Use different approaches — sometimes plain text can be just as
    attention-grabbing as visuals;

  • Experiment with colors — a well-chosen combination can make all the
Types of Well-Converting Creatives

Effective creatives are crucial for successful advertising campaigns. Here are some types
of creatives, their pros and cons, and tips for designing and optimizing them:Types
of Well-Converting Creatives

Static images and banners:

  • Description: Static images, banners, or graphical ads;

  • Pros: Easy to create, quick to understand, effective for direct sales;

  • Cons: Limited options for conveying detailed information, may go

  • Tips: Use bright colors, clear fonts, and eye-catching images.
  • Description: Short videos, GIF animations, or slideshows;

  • Pros: Dynamic, great for storytelling, highly engaging;

  • Cons: Time-consuming and potentially expensive to create;

  • Tips: Keep videos short and highlight key points.
Dynamic ads:
  • Description: Ads that adapt based on context, such as dynamic
    titles or images;

  • Pros: Personalization, higher conversion rates;

  • Cons: More complex to set up, requires additional resources;

  • Tips: Utilize dynamic elements that are relevant to the user.
These were the most relevant ad formats used to promote nutra offers.

How to Design Well-Converting Creatives To design effective advertising
creatives, consider the following:

  • Relevant advertising trends;

  • The national and cultural characteristics of your target GEO;

  • The format and placement of your ads.
After reviewing the points above, start crafting your effective
advertising creatives:

  • Ensure the text stands out clearly against a colored background;

  • Use attractive images or comparisons;

  • Consider using associations or obscuring any provocative
    elements to avoid detection by AI mods;

  • Experiment with different slogans and offer placements;

  • Don’t forget to add a clear CTA to your text or image.

Some useful services we recommend for creating high-converting creatives include:
  • Deepfake video, these can save you money on hiring actors and use
    recognizable faces to boost conversion rates;

  • ChatGPT and similar tools for writing short descriptions for ads,
    generating ideas, and finding inspiration.

That’s all for today’s tips on designing highly effective creatives. Wishing you successful
campaigns and see you next time!

Do you want to drive traffic profitably?

Register with, head over to your personal webmaster account, enter the
promo code EVERAD5, drive traffic and get a +5% payout boost for every 50th
approved lead!

Promising Offers This Summer

Due to the change in seasons, some offers have lost demand, while others have
become more relevant.
In this article, we’ll tell you which offers will convert well
this summer and why!

Read on to discover in which GEOs these offers will convert the best this summer.

Hearing Health Products


Products for the health of hearing organs are relevant year-round However, a
surge in demand is expected with the start of the swimming season. Exposure to
water can damage the ears’ hearing function.

When choosing a GEO, consider the following:
  • Audience age. Hearing often deteriorates with age. Regions with older
    populations will have a higher demand for hearing health products;

  • Availability of beaches. Focus on coastal countries, as sea water can
    damage hearing if it enters the ear.
We recommend trying Italy, where the average age is 48. However, other European
countries are also suitable.

Remedies for High Blood Pressure


High blood pressure products are also expected to convert well this summer.
The main reason is the hot weather. Prolonged exposure to stuffy rooms and direct
sunlight can quickly raise blood pressure.

When choosing a GEO, consider the following:
  • Average age. The elderly are the main risk group for cardiovascular diseases.
    Select countries with a high average age for promoting these products;

  • Climate. The risk of pressure surges increases in humid and hot climates.
    Focus on coastal regions in Europe and Latin America.
European countries with a high average age, such as Italy and Spain, and tropical
regions in Latin America, such as Mexico and Chile, are suitable for promotion.

Products for Joint Health


Demand for products that improve joint mobility will also rise. The main
reason is the start of the summer and tourist seasons. Both summer residents
and outdoor enthusiasts can be affected by joint health issues.

When choosing a GEO, consider the following:
  • Local features. Check what percentage of the population has joint
    problems. Even outdated statistics can be useful, as these issues
    often stem from the specific lifestyle and leisure activities within a

  • Average age. Joint problems can occur due to the wear and tear of joint
    tissue common in older adults;

  • Employment sectors. If a large part of the population works in agriculture,
    joint problems will be more frequent.
We recommend focusing on Romania, where more than 20% of the population is
employed in agriculture. Other European countries are also suitable; higher standards
of living mean a larger portion of the population will be active and on vacation.

Men’s Health Products


Men’s health products are relevant year-round, but a slight surge in demand
is expected in the summer due to the season’s revealing clothing and swimwear.
When choosing a GEO, consider the following:
  • Religion. Men’s health products will show better results in countries where
    Islam and related religions predominate;

  • Employment sectors. Men’s health issues often arise due to sedentary
    lifestyles. This category will have the highest conversion rates among
    people working remotely or in offices.;

  • Demographics. Products for men’s health will be more relevant in regions
    with a higher male population. Additionally, pay attention to family
    structure — demand will increase in patriarchal societies.
The best GEOs for these products include Mexico, Guatemala, and Chile.

Women’s Health Products


Products for women’s health are always relevant, irrespective of
season and current trends.
However, demand can rise with increasing
temperatures, which lead to more sweating and related complications.

When choosing a GEO, consider the following:
  • Gender composition. The higher the female population in a
    region, the greater the demand for women’s health products;

  • Cultural features. Some regions have strong stigmas against such
    products due to traditions, religions, and other cultural factors. Avoid
    promoting in these areas.
For promotion purposes, consider Guatemala, which has a hot climate and a
higher female population than male.

Remedies for parasitic damage to the body


Demand for these products also rises in the summer. Hot weather increases
parasite activity, leading to higher rates of reproduction and mobility, which
in turn raises the risk of contagion and discomfort.

When choosing a GEO, consider the following:
  • Standard of living. Parasites are more prevalent in countries with poor
    sanitary conditions and weak healthcare systems. In these GEOs, demand
    for such products will be high;

  • Cultural attitudes. In some regions, people are afraid to admit to
    specialists that they have problems with parasitic infestations and try to
    get rid of them on their own. Demand for these products will be higher
    in such areas.
We recommend targeting Latin American countries, such as Chile.

Final Thoughts

Many sub-verticals of beauty and health products become more relevant
depending on the season.
Today, you learned which products will convert well
this summer!

To ensure high results for your campaigns, register with Everad!

5 Facts about the nutra

You didn’t know this about the nutra! Read interesting and unexpected facts.

Fact 1. When Nutra Emerged
Nutra products, designed for beauty and health, emerged in the online marketplace
during the early days of e-commerce, around the 1980s and 1990s.


Fact 2. Best Places to Promote Nutra: Facebook, Google or Amazon
Considering the traffic volumes, the answer is definitely Facebook. Also encompassing
Instagram, it’s perfect for targeting beauty and health enthusiasts. Plus, advertising
nutra products on Facebook is relatively straightforward compared to other verticals.


Fact 3. Nutra’s Share in the Affiliate Marketing Market
Nutra is an affiliate marketing titan, taking up at least 15% of the total market.


Fact 4. Highest ROI in Nutra
The highest ROI recorded in public cases for nutra products is an impressive 261%.
This was a push notifications men’s health supplements campaign.


Fact 5. Nutra: Turning Point
A significant milestone in the Nutra industry has been the advent of generative
neural networks that cleverly navigate social media algorithms, enabling affiliates
to boost their profits substantially.


Don’t be afraid to go beyond stereotypes and expand your knowledge of the nutria.

P.S. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and colleagues and follow
Everad on Instagram!

Nutra offer that will benefit for every beginner

One of the most common questions that beginners ask us is “what offer will be easy
and profitable for the first time?

Today we will answer it!

In the material, we will tell you about the offer that is most suitable for beginners.
We will reveal its essence and features, justify our decision, show what to focus on when
choosing a product, and advise on how to drive traffic to it.

Let’s get started!

An offer with which your first time will be successful
So, our choice is a means to improve joint health

Before we tell you why you should pay attention to similar offers, take a look at the
general data about the product:
  • Form Factor. A convenient gel that quickly delivers healing substances to the
    site of pain. Easy to apply, you need to do it 2 times a day;

  • GEO. Supports 17 European GEOs, you can see their list below:

  • Payouts. Up to $35. Depends on GEO, a detailed list can be seen below;

  • Traffic sources. FB, Google, native networks;

  • Promotional materials. There are 74 landings and 20 pre-landers to choose
    from. We will talk about creatives for the niche of the joints below;

  • Advertiser requirements.
In general, this is a product with stable demand and comfortable conditions, which
works right now and converts perfectly.

The offer to improve joint health is perfect for the first time!

An offer can give experience of working with different sources and GEOs, it is easy
to promote, and the offer category itself is extremely promising.

The thing is that the niche of the joints has several key features that will make Driving
of traffic easier and more productive:

  • Urgency. When the joints hurt – the user tries to find a solution as soon as
    possible. There is no time to think, and this raises the chances of a conversion;

  • Easy to pass moderation. Means for the joints pass more easily – after all,
    these are not 18+ products, and they are not weight loss products. In most
    cases, cloaking can be dispensed with;

  • Perspectives. Offers for the elderly audience have been gaining popularity
    in recent years due to the global aging of the population. It is likely that this
    trend will continue in the future;

  • Growing demand and seasonality. Joints hurt more when the weather
    changes – which means you can move into the seasons with high demand.
    As a rule, these include spring and autumn;

  • Wide audience. Setting up targeting is quite simple – after all, older people,
    their relatives or athletes are looking for such tools;

  • For any GEO. Joint pain is experienced regardless of regional characteristics,
    which means that you can run traffic to most GEOs and get a diverse

What to look for when choosing an offer?

So, if you decide to choose your first offer on your own, we recommend taking a
vector for the joints niche. In the last section, we already told you why you should
choose it.

And here are the characteristics that an offer should have that is suitable for the first
driving of traffic:

  • Form Factor. It is better to select products for external use, it is easier to
    pass moderation with them, compared, for example, with capsules;

  • Payouts. Make sure that the payouts cover the traffic costs, but are not
    too high. A large bid can cause problems with ad optimization and

  • Approval and call center. Learn more about the call center, it is important
    that its staff consists of native speakers. Also, evaluate the approval
    yourself – if it is too low, you should choose another offer. When evaluating,
    do not forget to take into account the features of the GEO – for example,
    in Latin America, an approval of 20% is normal;

  • Advertiser requirements. Just make sure the advertiser allows your traffic

  • Availability of data in SPY services. If the offer is promoted, it means that
    it makes a profit. In addition, data in SPY services will help you find ideas
    for creatives and landings;

  • GEO. If an offer supports several GEOs at once, this is a good sign. Most
    likely, it has already shown effectiveness in one country, and the advertiser
    decided to expand promotion regions. In addition, access to several GEOs
    provides more options and a diverse experience;

  • Adviсe. Do not forget to consult with the manager – he will always tell
    you which offers will bring you profit.
We have many similar offers, go to Everad and choose the product you like!

And if you suddenly have questions or have difficulties with the choice, write
to our manager. His job is to keep abreast of the market, know everything
about converting offers and help partners. Be sure that with our manager you
will definitely find the right offer!

How to run traffic to offers from joint pain?

First, let’s figure out which audiences such offers may be interested in:
  • Users 40+. It is at this age that problems with the joints become

  • Relatives. Often, relatives of older people look for a solution to a
    problem online;

  • Athletes. Sports lead to rapid wear of the joints;

  • People who have experienced trauma. After injuries, the bones
    continue to ache and react to the weather.
In other words, you can launch targeting either for an age audience, or simply
target a wide audience and entrust the selection of segments to optimization

Now it’s worth learning more about the “pain” of the audience.

Here’s what people look for when buying products:
  • Fast result.

  • Guaranteed effect.

  • Naturalness.

  • Express delivery.

  • Prices, discounts, promotions.

  • Protection against relapses and complications.
Use these theses when creating landing pages and creatives. They will help to
convert the audience more efficiently – rely on them in the texts, but try to avoid
stop words depending on the moderation severity of the selected source.

FB, Google, banner networks, push notifications, as well as advertising on local
sites of the selected GEO are best suited as traffic sources for the joints niche.

Approaches to creatives will change depending on how loyal source
moderation is to nutra-offers. Therefore, we will talk about approaches for
different types of sources.

Approaches for sources with strict moderation:
  • Natural products. Add plants and natural products to your creatives. It
    is worth taking a vector either for inexpensive and familiar to GEO fruits
    and vegetables, or for unusual and attention-grabbing plants;

  • Recipes. Cocktails, smoothies, decoctions, ointments and similar
    products will hint to the viewer that the problem can be solved at home,
    at minimal cost;

  • Photo of joints. This will let the audience know what problem the tool
    is solving;

  • Illustrations. Add illustrations of joints and a demonstration of pain.
    Audience will understand that you offer is a solution to their problem;

  • Exercise and home treatment. Show exercises to improve the joints.
    They will hint at the theme of the product. In addition, such an approach
    will show that clicking on the link will be beneficial. With this approach,
    it is important to use informative pre-landers for warming up.

Approaches for sources with loyal moderation:
  • X-rays. Use disease x-rays and demonstrate the problem directly.
    X-rays can be used with severe cases of illness;

  • Shock content;
  • Doctors and media personalities.

  • Product visualization. If the advertiser allows such an approach,
    and if the offer is well known, you can simply run traffic to the picture
    with the package.
Otherwise, tests will show the effectiveness of the bundle. If you suddenly
need creative ideas, use SPY services or ask a manager for advice.

By the way, you can contact him and for other questions, he will tell you
which landing page, offer and GEO will help you achieve the maximum profit!


Joints are one of the best categories of nutra offers for beginners. It is easy
to find ideas for creo in it, you can work with different traffic sources and GEOs,
just convert the audience and find profitable links.

We hope that the material will help you develop your first effective strategy.

Good luck!

Mexico with offers from 590 MXN

Drive traffic into Mexico with offers from 590 MXN

Favorable offers and the best conditions, only at Everad!

Now, GEO is casting a fat plus with these low-priced niches:

Low-priced offer for Mexico
GEO, Mexico
Niche - Products for the health of the eyes
Payouts up to $28, approve ≈37%.
TA: M/W 35+
Traffic sources: FB, Google, Native, Showcase, SEO traffic
Working approaches: blogs, interviews with experts

low-priced offer for Mexico
GEO, Mexico
Niche - Means for joint health
Payouts up to $27, approve ≈35%.
TA: M/F 40+
Traffic sources: FB, Native, Google, Showcase, SEO traffic
Working approaches: Blog, Interview with an expert, Expert article

Write to your manager now and he will give you the best conditions.

Everad is rolling out regular monthly bonuses!

Driving traffic to Everad nutra offers has never been more lucrative as we’re launching
bonuses for specific GEOs!

We’ll break down how these bonuses work and which countries offer the best
additional benefits. Plus, you'll get key insights and tips for driving traffic from these
GEOs — so don't wait, start testing them out now!

How to score new bonuses with Everad.

In addition to Everad always running bonuses and discounts from its partners, we
decided to add extra bonuses for the hottest GEOs.

So, to get the bonus, you need to:

- Register on the Everad website or log in if you're already an active webmaster;

- Choose a relevant GEO with bonuses — currently it's Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland, and Slovakia;

- Drive traffic to any Everad Nutra offers in your selected GEO without even
adjusting your current strategies;

- Earn a guaranteed bonus for reaching the required number of approvals!

For detailed terms, bonus amounts, and the number of approvals needed for each
GEO, reach out to your personal Everad manager. They’ll help you find the most
profitable offers, offer great deals, and get the best rates!

Key Insights on the Most Relevant GEOs with New Bonuses!

In this section, we’ve compiled essential data on our bonus GEOs, highlighting
their unique features and offering tips for success in each market.

  • Online audience: over 1 million users;
  • Capital and large cities: Tallinn, Narva, Tartu;
  • Language: Estonian;
  • Currency: EUR;
  • Average age: ~41;
  • Average income: ~€1,600 a month;
  • Mobile traffic share: ~55%;
  • Popular sources: Facebook, Google;
  • Key feature: people trust news sources.
Estonia is a small, stable country with a calm and attentive audience. Offers
targeting older audiences and those featuring authoritative experts are popular
here. It's crucial to provide detailed information about your offer, emphasizing
natural ingredients and discounts.

  • Online audience: ~ 1,600,000 users;
  • Capital and large cities: Riga, Jurmala, Daugavpils, Liepaja, Jelgava;
  • Language: Latvian, Russian;
  • Currency: EUR;
  • Average age: ~40;
  • Average income: ~€1,300 a month;
  • Mobile traffic share: ~40%;
  • Popular sources: Facebook, Google;
  • Key feature: high taxes.
Latvia is another relevant and developed GEO in Eastern Europe. This small
country responds well to visual results, especially “Before/After” comparisons.
It's also important to highlight delivery conditions, as parcels from outside the
EU may be subject to additional taxes.

  • Online audience: over 2,200,000 users;
  • Capital and large cities: Vilnius, Klaipeda, Kaunas, Siauliai;
  • Language: Lithuanian;
  • Currency: EUR;
  • Average age: ~44;
  • Average income: ~€2,000 a month;
  • Mobile traffic share: ~70%;
  • Popular sources: Google, Facebook;
  • Key feature: one of the heaviest drinking countries in the world.
The largest country of these with a small and aging population, making it
ideal for targeting offers related to age-related issues. While the network has
a young audience, campaigns can also focus on products that support older

  • Online audience: over 30 million users;
  • Capital and large cities: Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz, Wroclaw, Poznan;
  • Language: Polish;
  • Currency: Polish Zloty;
  • Average age: ~42;
  • Average income: ~$1,500 a month;
  • Mobile traffic share: ~70%;
  • Popular sources: Google, YouTube, Facebook;
  • Key feature: a highly patriotic audience.

A large country with a high demand for beauty and health products. In
your ads, emphasize that the product is made in Poland, and tap into
patriotic sentiments or family values.

  • Online audience: over 4,300,000 users;
  • Capital and large cities: Bratislava, Kosice, Nitra, Zilina;
  • Language: Slovakian;
  • Currency: EUR;
  • Average age: ~41;
  • Average income: ~€1,500 a month;
  • Mobile traffic share: ~73%;
  • Popular sources: Google, Facebook, Instagram;
  • Key feature: the audience leans towards conservative values.
Central European country with less convenient healthcare but strong
demand for Nutra products. The society is patriarchal, with men typically
managing family finances. Due to high taxes, this audience is particularly
responsive to discounts and promotions.

Claim New Bonuses Right Now!

Join Everad, select the most relevant GEOs, and get detailed conditions from
your personal manager. Additional payouts for approvals are already
available — start testing these markets today!

Where should the traffic be directed this fall?

Fall can be cold and wet, but it is also a time of incredibly profitable Nutra verticals.
Many health problems get aggravated in the fall, and today, we will tell you how to
use it for promotion!

This article will teach you how to direct traffic to Nutra in the fall of 2024. We will
discuss the season's main trends, promising GEOs, relevant Nutra niches, and the
best approaches to promotion.

The main thing about driving traffic in the fall and its features in 2024

In 2024, fall remains one of the most uncomfortable seasons. Outside temperatures
are dropping, and the weather and the audiences’ moods are deteriorating,
creating an excellent basis for promotions!

Even though fall may first look dull, it is considered one of the best seasons for
driving traffic to Nutra. Demand and the number of potential leads get higher in
the fall. Here's why:
  • Cold and nasty weather force audiences back online after the summer
    break and the vacation season, and bad moods encourage users to indulge
    in spontaneous purchases.

  • Fall marks the end of the agricultural season, which equals a significant
    income rise in rural countries.

  • In the fall, owners of summer cottages and seasonal workers can catch a
    rest and recover from several months of toil. This is when joint pain and
    vascular problems rear their ugly head, especially considering the effects
    of the fickle fall weather.

  • With the arrival of cold weather, the audiences get out of short sleeves
    and shorts, which results in reduced demand for appearance-, skin- and
    shape-enhancing care products.

  • In the fall, audiences are less likely to leave home and tend to spend more
    time online. Therefore, users will be able to pay more attention to your
    pre-landing pages, so make them more informative.

  • Due to high humidity and bad weather, people are more likely to get ill
    and contract a fungal disease or a cold in the fall. Potential leads see their
    immunity flagging, which increases their demand for natural remedies.
Halloween is the most significant international fall holiday. Marketers, including
those promoting Nutra, often use it to promote their products. While preparing
Halloween bundles, add holiday-themed decorations and special offers to
promotional materials. This should be sufficient for Nutra offers.

Also, in November 2024, the new US President will be elected. This is a very
important event for the entire advertising industry. Launching bundles and preparing
accounts at major sources during the election period will be more challenging due
to stricter moderation, which happens every election. It is a good idea to prepare for
the event well in advance by finding trusted accounts, creating native promotional
materials, and playing it safe with large-scale launches.

Key GEOs for driving traffic in the fall

This section lists the most relevant GEOs for driving traffic in the fall of 2024. They
are already yielding great results. Choose your favorite nation and contact your
Everad manager to unlock access to the most profitable offers for each country!

Czech Republic


  • Online audience: more than 8.5 million users
  • Language: Czech
  • Average income: €1,600 per month
  • Average age: 42 years
  • Key sources: Google, Facebook, YouTube, and local sites
The Czech Republic is a developed country with a good base for driving traffic in the
fall. This GEO has many seniors among its population. Its cultural make-up and rich oily
cuisine greatly stimulate demand for natural remedies.

Relying on local realities, using the Czech language and Czech currency, showcasing
local banks and payment methods, popular local media resources, and influencers,
and focusing on discounts are essential when driving traffic to promotional materials
in this country. The Czechs love to save money.



  • Online audience: more than 4.5 million users
  • Language: Slovak
  • Average income: €1,500 per month
  • Average age: 40 years
  • Key sources: Google, FB, YouTube
Slovakia is a small European GEO with a stable demand for Nutra at any time of the
year. Its healthcare services are below par, and this may become a crucial factor in the
fall because the audiences start getting ill more often and are looking for alternatives
to improve their health.

When driving traffic to Nutra, it is worth aiming at the offers for the aged, particularly
men, since men in Slovakia are more likely to manage the family budget. In advertising,
it is advantageous to mention safety and ease of delivery. At the same time, you should
back up your statements with opinions from reputable sources and make promotional
materials easy to download.



  • Online audience: more than 8.5 million users
  • Language: Hungarian
  • Average income: €1,300 per month
  • Average age: 38 years
  • Key sources: Facebook, Google
Hungary is among the most reliable and trusted GEOs for driving traffic to Nutra. It has
a poor healthcare system and Europe's lowest health and life expectancy rates. The
audience is particularly prone to developing vascular problems.

When driving traffic to Hungary, it is important to highlight that the user can get
fast results at home without seeking help from external specialists. Involving celebrities
and experts is relevant. To further increase credibility, use the Hungarian language
and add to creatives prices in local currency, a national flag, and a note that the
product has been locally developed.



  • Online audience: more than 15 million users
  • Language: Romanian, Hungarian
  • Average income: €1,000 per month
  • Average age: 41 years
  • Key sources: Google, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Yahoo
Romania is another developing European country with poor healthcare. Doctors are in
short supply, and health problems abound, especially in the run-up to cold and wet
weather. Poor nutrition also causes many diseases, mostly related to excessive weight
and blood vessel problems. This GEO is currently yielding excellent leads for our

It is important to mention discounts, fast delivery, and convenient payment in your
ads, as classic e-commerce is reasonably well-developed in this location. You can
test in Romanian or Hungarian; the locals can understand both languages perfectly.



  • Online audience: more than 90 million users
  • Language: Spanish (Mexican dialect)
  • Average income: $1,000 per month
  • Average age: 27 years
  • Key sources: Google, Facebook, local sites
Mexico is the largest country in the selection and a top Latin-American GEO comprising
huge volumes and a loyal audience. Right now, Mexico is experiencing the start of
one of the best seasons. Unlike the rest of the world, fall in Latin America is warmer,
the summer rain period is ending, and tourists are flocking to the region. Fall in Latin
America is one of the most promising seasons in terms of purchasing capacity.

Local audiences like to postpone purchases, so it's important to incentivize conversions
with timers and other limited offers. Your ads should provide expert opinions, stress
natural qualities, and feature national aspects such as the national flag, national
currency, and local celebrities.



  • Online audience: more than 4.5 million users
  • Language: Bulgarian
  • Average income: €1,100 per month
  • Average age: 45 years old
  • Key sources: Facebook, Google, local sites
Bulgaria is a developing country with a relatively low standard of living compared to the
rest of Europe. For many Bulgarians, fall is the season of highest earnings, as it is the
crunch time for harvesting and selling agricultural products. The country is also known
for its weak competition and affordable lead rates.

Bulgarians like ads that feature discounts and promotions, local celebrities, and
reputable experts. It is also important to stress the product's natural ingredients
and local origin.



  • Online audience: more than 10 million users
  • Language: Spanish
  • Average income: €1,200 per month
  • Average age: 21 years
  • Key sources: Facebook, Google, TikTok
Guatemala is a large Central American agricultural country with a low standard of living.
It is considered rural; therefore, the fall will likely be the most profitable period for
locals. Healthcare and government social support are, in general, underdeveloped.

Guatemalans are accustomed to using natural remedies for healing. Therefore, it is a
good idea to explain more about what is included in your offer. Discounts and reliable
delivery combined with payment upon receipt are also worth mentioning. This is
important because many areas suffer from high criminality.

Top Nutra niche to promote in the fall!

This section outlines the most relevant categories of Nutra offers during the fall.
Contact an Everad manager to learn about the products that bring the best results to
our affiliates right now!

Joint pain relief products

This is the most reliable and proven option for driving traffic in the fall. These products
are in high demand mainly because the delayed effects of summer toil, coupled with
changing weather, aggravate joint pain.

You can mention the above points in your ads promoting such offers in the fall. For
example, in your call to action on creatives, you may point out that bad weather affects
joints or hint that fall is the best time to take care of musculoskeletal pain.

Male health products

In Europe, fall is the last chance to find a partner before the temperatures drop in winter.
In Latin America, on the contrary, girls are changing into revealing clothes and are more
likely to attract male attention at that time.

Prepare your promotional materials with the region in mind. In countries with a colder
climate, stress that men need to settle their love life before the onset of winter, while
in GEOs with a hot climate, remind your audience that the beach season is about to start.

Eye care products

This is a less obvious but extremely promising Nutra niche to drive traffic to in the fall.
Audiences return online and spend more time looking at the computer screens, which
may often cause eye strain.

Demand for such care products is not directly linked to the season. A classic approach
to ads visually demonstrating your solution would suffice. Blurring parts of the creative
would help, too.

Cardiovascular products

Similar to offers of musculoskeletal pain relief products, the demand for cardiovascular
healthcare products grows because of treacherous weather or rising temperatures in
hot regions. You can mention the seasonal factor in your promotion to remind your
audience to pay attention to their problems.

Final note

Fall 2024 promises to become one of the most profitable seasons for Nutra.
Now that
you know which offers in which regions should be promoted for the best advantage
in the coming months, be sure to test them!
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