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New here and to PPC


Hi, my names Casey and I'm new to the forums.

I want to start testing PPC for the first time, but have no idea where to get started. I know how to set up a campaign and bid and all that. I just don't have any idea about tracking keywords or any of that stuff. I would like to learn as much as I can before I go and set up a campaign. I plan on using 7search, though I hear soo many mixed reviews on it.

Would anyone be able to help me understand tracking keywords, how to deal with traffic that is bad and not converting, as well as anything else I should be watching. That way I can spend some time researching and studying up on it. It takes no time at all for me to learn something new, once I know what I should be doing.


Luke from Peerfly has a great post on his blog about setting up a 7search campaign and tracking which keywords are working and how to cut the ones that are just draining your budget:

Setting up a 7Search Campaign

He is talking about how to direct link Peerfly offers. I personally like to send traffic to an optin page first so I can capture data and market to them in the future. Bevo Media is what I use to track keywords and it works great (plus its free):

The Bevo Media Exchange - The Performance Marketing Exchange For Affiliate Marketing

Before you set up a campaign make sure you chat with your affiliate manager to see which offers are converting well.

Hope this helps!
I agree that you want to set up a landing page first and you can sometimes i-frame offers or you can direct link to them after you capture opt-in information. You want to capture email addresses and any other information that may help you direct certain sale offers to prospects at a later time. incentivizing opt 0ins to spread your landing page (opt in) page is also a great idea ...i e giving them special offers or access to special reports (PLR's) Sometimes you can direct link to offers on some platforms but only with certain offers. Having great sales copy and a provocative image will get more views and thus more opt in’s and more conversions. There are more platforms available then 7search and more networks available as well. Make sure you read all the restrictions stated on the particular campaign as well...just like you can direct link to an offer on Facebook etc... If you have other questions please let me know or post on here and someone can help too. GL!! :)