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hello everyone i am pradum kumar basically from India and new to this forum.I am a student pursuing my graduation and i started to look for earning opportunities very early cause i wanted to be self independent as soon as possible.HOWEVER in my quest for making some income i got scammed a lot first by my own friends who lured me into network marketing making me spend some good amount of my own saved money.My intention is not to criticise network marketing although it didnt work for me as i thought it would be.Later on got scammed again online by some fake people and it was so foolish of me.Searching and surfing got me to this community and i am here to learn some tactics to earn money online as i was always fascinated by online opportunities.hope this community will be really a good one for me..
Yes , Community will be good for you
I am looking around and there are free courses
Hit the menu button, top left
And a slider box comes out
Click on the word resources, a new window opens, and scroll down to bottom
There is a cool list there under
"Categories" then click on
Coaching and courses,
Some are free, so do the free ones first
They are worth your time for sure:)
Good Luck
Don't Quit
Never, Never Quit
hello everyone i am pradum kumar basically from India and new to this forum.I am a student pursuing my graduation and i started to look for earning opportunities very early cause i wanted to be self independent as soon as possible.HOWEVER in my quest for making some income i got scammed a lot first by my own friends who lured me into network marketing making me spend some good amount of my own saved money.My intention is not to criticise network marketing although it didnt work for me as i thought it would be.Later on got scammed again online by some fake people and it was so foolish of me.Searching and surfing got me to this community and i am here to learn some tactics to earn money online as i was always fascinated by online opportunities.hope this community will be really a good one for me..
Hello, welcome to AffiliateFix. :)

My intention is not to criticise network marketing although it didnt work for me as i thought it would be.Later on got scammed again online by some fake people and it was so foolish of me

That's okay, we don't even allow MLM discussions here.

As far as getting scammed by fake people....

- Get your CPA/affiliate marketing education here for free

- You've learned something valuable and I expect you will more easily spot a scammer in future. Let's face it, if you don't know, you don't know. If you're ever looking into a course or program that isn't listed in our Resources section, you can come here, start a thread and ask if anyone has any experience with that course or person.

Okay, let's get you started!

I always like to recommend that newbies start with these threads:

Newbie Helpdesk

Those links will give you the basic foundation to build on. You can also check out the guides and success stories for ideas and motivation.

And anytime you have a question, need help, or want to share some good information, just start a thread to let us know.

Enjoy the forums!
hello everyone i am pradum kumar basically from India and new to this forum.I am a student pursuing my graduation and i started to look for earning opportunities very early cause i wanted to be self independent as soon as possible.HOWEVER in my quest for making some income i got scammed a lot first by my own friends who lured me into network marketing making me spend some good amount of my own saved money.My intention is not to criticise network marketing although it didnt work for me as i thought it would be.Later on got scammed again online by some fake people and it was so foolish of me.Searching and surfing got me to this community and i am here to learn some tactics to earn money online as i was always fascinated by online opportunities.hope this community will be really a good one for me..
Hi Pradum Kumar, warm welcome
Glad to know you.
Hello hvk198. Welcome to AffiliateFix Forum.

Everybody starts at some point in time and most of them start with zero and grow slowly. It's a learning curve. You will get scammed, you will get failures as everybody else does. But it's up to you, how u will take it. Every bad thing happens teaches us something in one way or the other. It depends on the personality how that person will take it.. You can learn from those mistakes or get drowned in negativity. This community is home to many including me. I have learned everything from this forum like many others. Hope you will get something valuable. Learn as much as you can and most importantly take action.

To get yourself started, go through all the guides posted on this forum, all the case studies and all the journals and success stories. That will give you some kind of motivation how people have started from zero here and is still growing.

Check these forums:-
What is Affiliate Marketing? (START HERE)
Follow Alongs and Online Journeys
Guides, Case Studies and Tutorials
Success Stories and Bragging

If you have any queries, don't forget to ask it here Newbie Helpdesk

Once again welcome aboard and looking forward to see more of your posts. Have a nice stay and enjoy the forum. I am sure you will fall in love with this community as everybody does.

Have a nice day :):affiliatefix:
hello everyone i am pradum kumar basically from India and new to this forum.I am a student pursuing my graduation and i started to look for earning opportunities very early cause i wanted to be self independent as soon as possible.HOWEVER in my quest for making some income i got scammed a lot first by my own friends who lured me into network marketing making me spend some good amount of my own saved money.My intention is not to criticise network marketing although it didnt work for me as i thought it would be.Later on got scammed again online by some fake people and it was so foolish of me.Searching and surfing got me to this community and i am here to learn some tactics to earn money online as i was always fascinated by online opportunities.hope this community will be really a good one for me..
Good luck around, you are welcome!