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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“Adavice”/  “CPA

New Member AdamP585


New Member
I'm seeking advertising partners with experience in the UK gaming and contest sector.

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What are you doing --soliciting affiliates because you can't make money advertising your product?
I found them costly and resource-intensive to manage.
So you are eating up your time and money? Welcome to the club!

Who are you and why should anyone venture the time, efforts and money with you. Well don't answer that yet ...


You're invited to register your business as a resource
Until your business is approved do not solicit the membership here.

Qualify as a solid business first.
Jeez, shots fired. On my first ever post.
Costly yes, had to pay them a large percentage when it could have gone straight to an affiliate.

I was just looking for help to push my site? Isn't that the purpose of using affiliates? I would rather just deal with a few marketeers than go through a big agency.

If I have misunderstood the purpose of forums or affiliates please let me know and I will call it a day right now. don't want to waste anyones time or cause any friction
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Hi, Adam, welcome.

I had to do some editing of your thread and post as both violated our terms of service. You won't have that problem again if you apply and get your business approved as one of our Resource vendors and act within vendor guidelines.

It's easy and free to submit an application and hold an account for one company representative. If you need any help with your submission, just let us know.
Hi, Adam, welcome.

I had to do some editing of your thread and post as both violated our terms of service. You won't have that problem again if you apply and get your business approved as one of our Resource vendors and act within vendor guidelines.

It's easy and free to submit an application and hold an account for one company representative. If you need any help with your submission, just let us know.
Thanks - My first post so appreciate the help :)
Thanks - My first post so appreciate the help :)

Welcome to AffiliateFix!

Jeez, shots fired. On my first ever post.

Not shots, not really. Please understand another perspective, ours. We get loads of new members coming to only seek to draw affiliates off our platform and into their funnels, partnerships, affiliate programs, etc. We screen all of them and require registration for one significant reason, THERE ARE LOADS OF SCAMMERS OUT THERE and the number of them is increasing. Most of them from the emerging markets. If we didn't screen them we would be getting the scam complaints daily, we know because it has happened here as well as with the networks, aff programs, and other platforms. We are not unique in our industry when screening businesses looking to do business with our members. All of us simply look to have a safe place for our members and to provide them with pre-screened businesses. It's a good thing!

We have very simple requirements for registering a business. In fact, almost identical to that of any affiliate network. You must have a website, an affiliate portal, and your emails must match the domain of the site being registered. There are few others like a banner, an icon, and an avatar. We don't have an Upwork or Freelancer type of registration available, only a business registration. We may add a freelancer section soon, we do have a model developed for it and we will also have similar registration requirements for that as well.

So, NO, not really shots, just some members here are very protective of this platform (as are staff and management).

Welcome to AffiliateFix and if you need help navigating we are aways available to help!
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Welcome to AffiliateFix Forum:)

So are you looking for advertising platform that could help you post ad on their system? like RTB, DSP etc?

Or are you looking for advertiser's that can help you provide with top converting offers?