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Newbie found niche - need some advice now


New Member
i read information on forum for few weeks, and i decided to start with my first affiliate website.

I want to build a niche website - health related (i won't tell what my niche is :)). I did some research on the net like you guys advice in sticky topics.

What i did is this: i went to Seo Book Keyword Suggestion Tool typed in keyword and looked for niche keywords from the end of the list.

I found few keywords which typed in Google in quotes, like this -> "my keyword" returned between 50 000 to 100 000 results.

I checked predicted traffic for this keywords with Google TrafficEstimationSandbox and it returned around 10 clicks a day for each keyword.

As for concuretion there aren't any good websites about this topic, i can make better (i am a computer programmer :cool: ).

Anyway, my question is this. Do i really found a good niche for a beginner or not?

If not then what i should be looking for (i mean stats na keywords) in the Seo Book Keyword Suggestion Tool?
I need to get a sick cat to the vet, but can give you some ideas when I get back.

In the meantime check your KW in G using allintitle:"your key word"
It's a better indicator of true competition. Let me know how that cks out.
Back soon!
It's great that you have decided to jump right in

The honest truth is no-one can accurately predict whether a niche will be profitable or not

It is often when you launch your campaign that you will find out if it works

I will confess that I have run some campaigns that ticked all the boxes ie demand, supply and marketability and didn't work out

What I would suggest is if you have done the research and the demand for your keyword is decent with managable competition, just dive in.

But also research other niches and you never know, you could find a winner

Also for me personally, 10 clicks a day is a little low

Considering that for most niches conversions will not be 100% not even 50%, you may find that you are waiting a long period of time before making your first sale

Good luck
Please do not take this as discouragement. Affiliate marketing is an excellent business to get into. I certainly have no regrets, well one. Wish I ahd found out about it earlier

All the best in your new business
Thank you for all your advices, i really appreciate it.

I am a bit busy right now but as soon as i find some time then i will try to Google allintitle:"your key word" and report results here.
I did my research online and here are results:

keyword			TrafficEst	AllInTitle:"keyword"
2 words			2000		176 000
3 words			160		3840
3 words			30		1290
4 words			38		858
3 words			38		6320
3 words			15		1370
3 words			12		827
3 words			21		785
3 words			10		216
4 words			14		136
3 words			25		972

I want to keep my keywords confidential :) but i can say that each of my keywords has first "2 word" keyword in it.

I made traffic estimation with Google TrafficEstimatorSandbox.

Now what be my next step, should i do more research on this keywords or start building a site and writing content?

I also appreciate any other suggestions you may have. :)

No one offers any magic formula and it depends on lots of things besides kw popularity and competing pages BUT this thread has the most helpful info and gives a variety of opinions/guidelines. From what I remember that video was pretty good, so watch it too.


We get this question a lot and I know it's one of the hardest things to figure out when you are new and trying to find a niche.

So I made that thread a sticky in hopes we can get members to keep adding tips and tricks.

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