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[NEWBIE GUIDE] Facebook And CPA Make $50 Per Day With Little Or No Investments

I'm joining Paulh267's question.
How do you solve the issue with a profile verification?
Are there any services which help with that? Or the only one way now is to buy sim cards and verify accounts by yourself?
I buy sim cards and they cost me around 40 cents so its not that much expensive.. Or you can try Virtual numbers, the common virtual number providers might not work so you will have to find out a unique one.. Use Common sense :p
Well, here comes another trick.. You can try adding country wise friends to tryout different offers :D

thanks for your guide I have now added close to 1000 friends and I have peerfly ads. Is it okay to use the Peerfly ads as they say Facebook limited and usually require PPC traffic only.
I've read all this. this is really a good thing.
if anyone can do it in right way like you told then people can be benefited.

At last I can say Good job......
This is a nice technique to promote offers via Facebook, one of the most biggest social network online.
The technique I will describe here is entirely my personal findings and any resemblance with anyone else’s idea with mine is entirely coincidental.
Well, as you know FB has become very sensitive these days so we have to be very careful while promoting through Facebook. Also, any Bann or termination of account caused for this method is not my responsibility. My strong suggestion is you do not use your personal account for this.


1. Make 4 to 5 Facebook accounts, each time use CCleaner to clear your cookiz, and phone verify the accounts if required. I use CCleaner and did not asked for a verification.
2. You will need to design your Facebook accounts so that they look like REAL people, My suggestion is you create Female accounts and upload 10 to 15 very cute and sweet looking Female pictures of the same person that you can collect from google search, different torrents and also from FB :D , so that it looks like the account is legit. Do not use any Explicit pictures as people are smart, they will know that this account is fake.
3. Now you need to add Friends to your account. You will need to add just 150 to 250 Friends per account. Now FB is very Strict in adding friends, so this is what you need to do.

a. Find pages and groups on facebook that shares fb user email lists. Just type “Add me” Or “email list” on FB search box and search for Groups and pages. You will find a lot of pages offering FB user email lists. All you need to do is Copy thous email lists and go to Facebook and just paste the emails and send them a request to be your friend. This is the easy way. Another way to send Email invitation is you import thous email lists to your email server, ie, yahoo or google, I would suggest using yahoo. Make sure you import the email lists to the same email account you have used to create the Facebook account. Now on the same invite page on the left side you will see a link says “Import Your Email Addresses” Screenshot by Lightshot Click it and sign in with your email account where you just Uploaded the email lists and accept permission to import contacts from your Email account to your Facebook account. By doing this, FB will send notification to all your imported users to add you as their friend and you will start getting friend requests in less then 6 hours.
b. Another way of making friends on FB is by “Friend Suggestion” . Here you will have to suggest friends from one account to another account. This is a cool trick, if you have FB accounts with Friends and you want to do a promotion but do not want your account to get restricted or loose your friends, you can create another account and suggest friends from one account to another. FB will probably not put any restriction when your new account will receive a suggestion to add Friends from another User / Account. If you do not have any account to send Suggestions from, you can do a little investment and buy some suggestions from Fiverr Screenshot by Lightshot The concept is, when someone send Friend suggestions, both parties receive notification to add them as friends. So, even if you do not send a friend request to others, you will start getting Friend requests from them. Now all you need to do is accept the requests and add them as your friend.

4. So, by now I assume you have 4 to 5 accounts with 1,000 to 1,200 Friends in total.
5. I would like to add that you can not use direct link from your Facebook account to your Offer page, if you do so, FB will immediately block your link. So WHAT to do? Landing Page ofcourse. You need to use a landing page for the offer you are willing to promote and use the LP’s link on Facebook. ( I will give another tutorial on building Landing Pages soon ).
6. How To Promote: We will do the promotions by tagging pictures. First you will need to find an offer you would like to promote, here I will use “ - Job Lead Generation - 1st Page Lead Submit [US] “ for example. Search Google and download a Picture for this offer and save them on a folder. Now the Steps are as below:

a. First, go to your profile and click photos and then click “Create Album”.
b. Upload the pictures on Facebook and Name the Album similar to your Offer Name, ie, “Find A Job Get Employed “ And Add Description Like, “Find A Job In Your Area And Get Employed >> YOUR LINK OF LP <<
c. Put the same description on your uploaded picture(s).
d. Set the Privacy to Public and Click on Post Photos Screenshot by Lightshot
e. Skip if any other pop up arises and you will be taken to this page Screenshot by Lightshot
f. Now Click on Edit and you will be taken to another page where you will find Album Contributors Tag Option. In that Box, Tag all your Friends. Easiest way is you repeatedly type one letter on your keyboard and click on the drop down friend list menu to tag friends unless all the friends name containing that particular letter ends Screenshot by Lightshot . Then Move to another letter. Go though 10 to 15 letters and all your friends will be tagged .
g. Click Done when your finished.
h. You will be taken to album page Screenshot by Lightshot and all the Friends on your account will be notified instantly.
i. You can later share your album on your Status update for More Public Attention.
j. This is a viral method, coz by this not only the people you tagged will get the notification, but your friends of friends will also get notifications that their friends have been tagged on an album which is yours as you made the Privacy to Public.
k. This is a very Effective method and if followed correctly its easy enough to secure minimum of $50 to $100 Bucks a day.

My success so far:
I have around 35 to 40 accounts and continuously making new accounts and adding Friends. I promote on one account once every seven days so that friends on thous accounts do not get freaked out. People normally forgets most of the things in seven days, so when I promote same or different offer next week, I get conversions again.

Thank you guys for reading my tutorial, I hope it will help a lot of newbies.

Thank you for sharing! It's really amazing eye opener!
This is a nice technique to promote offers via Facebook, one of the most biggest social network online.
The technique I will describe here is entirely my personal findings and any resemblance with anyone else’s idea with mine is entirely coincidental.
Well, as you know FB has become very sensitive these days so we have to be very careful while promoting through Facebook. Also, any Bann or termination of account caused for this method is not my responsibility. My strong suggestion is you do not use your personal account for this.


1. Make 4 to 5 Facebook accounts, each time use CCleaner to clear your cookiz, and phone verify the accounts if required. I use CCleaner and did not asked for a verification.
2. You will need to design your Facebook accounts so that they look like REAL people, My suggestion is you create Female accounts and upload 10 to 15 very cute and sweet looking Female pictures of the same person that you can collect from google search, different torrents and also from FB :D , so that it looks like the account is legit. Do not use any Explicit pictures as people are smart, they will know that this account is fake.
3. Now you need to add Friends to your account. You will need to add just 150 to 250 Friends per account. Now FB is very Strict in adding friends, so this is what you need to do.

a. Find pages and groups on facebook that shares fb user email lists. Just type “Add me” Or “email list” on FB search box and search for Groups and pages. You will find a lot of pages offering FB user email lists. All you need to do is Copy thous email lists and go to Log into Facebook | Facebook | Facebook and just paste the emails and send them a request to be your friend. This is the easy way. Another way to send Email invitation is you import thous email lists to your email server, ie, yahoo or google, I would suggest using yahoo. Make sure you import the email lists to the same email account you have used to create the Facebook account. Now on the same invite page on the left side you will see a link says “Import Your Email Addresses” Screenshot by Lightshot Click it and sign in with your email account where you just Uploaded the email lists and accept permission to import contacts from your Email account to your Facebook account. By doing this, FB will send notification to all your imported users to add you as their friend and you will start getting friend requests in less then 6 hours.
b. Another way of making friends on FB is by “Friend Suggestion” . Here you will have to suggest friends from one account to another account. This is a cool trick, if you have FB accounts with Friends and you want to do a promotion but do not want your account to get restricted or loose your friends, you can create another account and suggest friends from one account to another. FB will probably not put any restriction when your new account will receive a suggestion to add Friends from another User / Account. If you do not have any account to send Suggestions from, you can do a little investment and buy some suggestions from Fiverr Screenshot by Lightshot The concept is, when someone send Friend suggestions, both parties receive notification to add them as friends. So, even if you do not send a friend request to others, you will start getting Friend requests from them. Now all you need to do is accept the requests and add them as your friend.

4. So, by now I assume you have 4 to 5 accounts with 1,000 to 1,200 Friends in total.
5. I would like to add that you can not use direct link from your Facebook account to your Offer page, if you do so, FB will immediately block your link. So WHAT to do? Landing Page ofcourse. You need to use a landing page for the offer you are willing to promote and use the LP’s link on Facebook. ( I will give another tutorial on building Landing Pages soon ).
6. How To Promote: We will do the promotions by tagging pictures. First you will need to find an offer you would like to promote, here I will use “ - Job Lead Generation - 1st Page Lead Submit [US] “ for example. Search Google and download a Picture for this offer and save them on a folder. Now the Steps are as below:

a. First, go to your profile and click photos and then click “Create Album”.
b. Upload the pictures on Facebook and Name the Album similar to your Offer Name, ie, “Find A Job Get Employed “ And Add Description Like, “Find A Job In Your Area And Get Employed >> YOUR LINK OF LP <<
c. Put the same description on your uploaded picture(s).
d. Set the Privacy to Public and Click on Post Photos Screenshot by Lightshot
e. Skip if any other pop up arises and you will be taken to this page Screenshot by Lightshot
f. Now Click on Edit and you will be taken to another page where you will find Album Contributors Tag Option. In that Box, Tag all your Friends. Easiest way is you repeatedly type one letter on your keyboard and click on the drop down friend list menu to tag friends unless all the friends name containing that particular letter ends Screenshot by Lightshot . Then Move to another letter. Go though 10 to 15 letters and all your friends will be tagged .
g. Click Done when your finished.
h. You will be taken to album page Screenshot by Lightshot and all the Friends on your account will be notified instantly.
i. You can later share your album on your Status update for More Public Attention.
j. This is a viral method, coz by this not only the people you tagged will get the notification, but your friends of friends will also get notifications that their friends have been tagged on an album which is yours as you made the Privacy to Public.
k. This is a very Effective method and if followed correctly its easy enough to secure minimum of $50 to $100 Bucks a day.

My success so far:
I have around 35 to 40 accounts and continuously making new accounts and adding Friends. I promote on one account once every seven days so that friends on thous accounts do not get freaked out. People normally forgets most of the things in seven days, so when I promote same or different offer next week, I get conversions again.

Thank you guys for reading my tutorial, I hope it will help a lot of newbies.
i just need to ask one thing is that which offers we are going to promote there is any country restriction or that offer will b valid as worldwide ???
This is a nice technique to promote offers via Facebook, one of the most biggest social network online.
The technique I will describe here is entirely my personal findings and any resemblance with anyone else’s idea with mine is entirely coincidental.
Well, as you know FB has become very sensitive these days so we have to be very careful while promoting through Facebook. Also, any Bann or termination of account caused for this method is not my responsibility. My strong suggestion is you do not use your personal account for this.


1. Make 4 to 5 Facebook accounts, each time use CCleaner to clear your cookiz, and phone verify the accounts if required. I use CCleaner and did not asked for a verification.
2. You will need to design your Facebook accounts so that they look like REAL people, My suggestion is you create Female accounts and upload 10 to 15 very cute and sweet looking Female pictures of the same person that you can collect from google search, different torrents and also from FB :D , so that it looks like the account is legit. Do not use any Explicit pictures as people are smart, they will know that this account is fake.
3. Now you need to add Friends to your account. You will need to add just 150 to 250 Friends per account. Now FB is very Strict in adding friends, so this is what you need to do.

a. Find pages and groups on facebook that shares fb user email lists. Just type “Add me” Or “email list” on FB search box and search for Groups and pages. You will find a lot of pages offering FB user email lists. All you need to do is Copy thous email lists and go to Log into Facebook | Facebook and just paste the emails and send them a request to be your friend. This is the easy way. Another way to send Email invitation is you import thous email lists to your email server, ie, yahoo or google, I would suggest using yahoo. Make sure you import the email lists to the same email account you have used to create the Facebook account. Now on the same invite page on the left side you will see a link says “Import Your Email Addresses” Screenshot by Lightshot Click it and sign in with your email account where you just Uploaded the email lists and accept permission to import contacts from your Email account to your Facebook account. By doing this, FB will send notification to all your imported users to add you as their friend and you will start getting friend requests in less then 6 hours.
b. Another way of making friends on FB is by “Friend Suggestion” . Here you will have to suggest friends from one account to another account. This is a cool trick, if you have FB accounts with Friends and you want to do a promotion but do not want your account to get restricted or loose your friends, you can create another account and suggest friends from one account to another. FB will probably not put any restriction when your new account will receive a suggestion to add Friends from another User / Account. If you do not have any account to send Suggestions from, you can do a little investment and buy some suggestions from Fiverr Screenshot by Lightshot The concept is, when someone send Friend suggestions, both parties receive notification to add them as friends. So, even if you do not send a friend request to others, you will start getting Friend requests from them. Now all you need to do is accept the requests and add them as your friend.

4. So, by now I assume you have 4 to 5 accounts with 1,000 to 1,200 Friends in total.
5. I would like to add that you can not use direct link from your Facebook account to your Offer page, if you do so, FB will immediately block your link. So WHAT to do? Landing Page ofcourse. You need to use a landing page for the offer you are willing to promote and use the LP’s link on Facebook. ( I will give another tutorial on building Landing Pages soon ).
6. How To Promote: We will do the promotions by tagging pictures. First you will need to find an offer you would like to promote, here I will use “ - Job Lead Generation - 1st Page Lead Submit [US] “ for example. Search Google and download a Picture for this offer and save them on a folder. Now the Steps are as below:

a. First, go to your profile and click photos and then click “Create Album”.
b. Upload the pictures on Facebook and Name the Album similar to your Offer Name, ie, “Find A Job Get Employed “ And Add Description Like, “Find A Job In Your Area And Get Employed >> YOUR LINK OF LP <<
c. Put the same description on your uploaded picture(s).
d. Set the Privacy to Public and Click on Post Photos Screenshot by Lightshot
e. Skip if any other pop up arises and you will be taken to this page Screenshot by Lightshot
f. Now Click on Edit and you will be taken to another page where you will find Album Contributors Tag Option. In that Box, Tag all your Friends. Easiest way is you repeatedly type one letter on your keyboard and click on the drop down friend list menu to tag friends unless all the friends name containing that particular letter ends Screenshot by Lightshot . Then Move to another letter. Go though 10 to 15 letters and all your friends will be tagged .
g. Click Done when your finished.
h. You will be taken to album page Screenshot by Lightshot and all the Friends on your account will be notified instantly.
i. You can later share your album on your Status update for More Public Attention.
j. This is a viral method, coz by this not only the people you tagged will get the notification, but your friends of friends will also get notifications that their friends have been tagged on an album which is yours as you made the Privacy to Public.
k. This is a very Effective method and if followed correctly its easy enough to secure minimum of $50 to $100 Bucks a day.

My success so far:
I have around 35 to 40 accounts and continuously making new accounts and adding Friends. I promote on one account once every seven days so that friends on thous accounts do not get freaked out. People normally forgets most of the things in seven days, so when I promote same or different offer next week, I get conversions again.

Thank you guys for reading my tutorial, I hope it will help a lot of newbies.
which network you used take offer for promote ??
Hey, thanks for reading and for your comment.
Yes there might be risk of getting the account banned, but it happens to the best of us. But this is also an exact place where your profile design and Pics come in play.
People, very rarely refuse a cute girls Friend request :cool: But not all are same, but this is the risk we have to take....

Hi I want to know which are some legitimate site which have Indian offers of cost per install CPI
first of all really thankful for such an amazing info. You had well covered all
necessary info hope you are keep on sharing the same.
