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Newbies - Follow your Passion - Money will Follow!

That is excellent advice for a fullfilling life. If you are currently not in that position it is usually never too late to change. Remember, you can start small. There are not many valid reasons for just sitting and wishing.

Children especially should be encouraged to follow their interests, rather than just 'go for the money'.
Knowing what you're passionate about is directly relevant to writing articles and blog posts and posts in forums, too, because you won't write well or enjoy writing about a topic you aren't passionate about. When I hear someone say they have trouble producing articles or posts, I tend to think it's not so much about their writing skills as it is about the level of passion they have for that niche.

Fortunately, you can delegate what you're not passionate about doing yourself.

I loved Alister's three Ss and three Cs. Thanks, Linda, for finding and pointing us his post.
Great advice!

How passion "is" writing prolific and inspirational writings, and yet having been a "wage slave" my whole life, I have yet to find a niche, or to accept it's o.k. to use my writing "gift" to seek prosperity from it.

I started a blog, and couldn't even bring myself to put Adsense campaigns on it, for it seemed hypocritical.

Truth be told, I don't know if one person has even viewed my blog?

Ultimately, I intend to inspire millions one day, and if money comes great, but money and passion in my experience are polar opposites...for starters, I need to come to grips that I am even capable of "selling" my passion, my love (for writing) when in any absolution, I got this gift for FREE

Welcome to my affliction!!
If you are a great writer you might consider marketing that skill for yourself. There are many in this business that have difficulties there, and truth be told articles are the most powerful tool we can muster. There is always room for another writer in the world.

You might consider, once you start marketing your services, working with other great writers and build a business around that. Yaro Starak, high profile blogger, got his start a similar way.

If your passion is writing, there is definitely a need and a niche for you.
for starters, I need to come to grips that I am even capable of "selling" my passion, my love (for writing) when in any absolution, I got this gift for FREE

Let's say you come home one day, and someone has left you a box full of books. It's got your name and address on it. They're all the same book, and you've already read it. You try, but you just plain can't find the person who left them.

Is it okay to sell them on eBay?
I need to come to grips that I am even capable of "selling" my passion, my love (for writing) when in any absolution, I got this gift for FREE

You don't SELL your passion for writing. Your passion for writing
is the vehicle that gets you where you want to go!

You find a NICHE, a topic you are interested in or hopefully passionate about. One that others like you would be interested in. (After doing keyword research to be sure there's some interest, but it's not too competitive.)

You use your 'gift' and write about the niche - helpful articles or how-to articles or reviews. Then in the right places and when appropriate you can suggest SOLUTIONS that will help your readers solve problems or get better at the niche or just suggest products you know readers in your niche may be interested in.
Linda, those were two very insightful and inspiring posts - the rest of you as well!

I am new to the scene which is probably what attracted me to the thread title :p
I agree, there are two things people seem to be talking about in this business: passion & money - both of which are important to certain levels, based on the individual.

I just have a question - finding your niche... Once you do find your niche, how do you relay that passion to others? People have mentioned a blog and then attaching affiliate sites, how is that facilitated? Do i need to attach a link to a blogspot account to my 5 star account profile? is there a blog function on 5 star?

Also, it is not a priority of mine but I do want to familiarize myself with how money is actually made through affiliate marketing (simple answer should do :) )... for example, just by attaching an affiliate website to my "blog" will earn income? I'm just a little confused in terms of things like that. Thanks for all the help!

Hi Christopher,

Answering all your questions in this post will take things away from the topic of this post. PLUS you'll get more help if you start a new thread instead of being lost here on page 9 of this one.

Please start a new thread in the newbie forum and copy the last 2 paragraphs of your post above.
Use a descriptive subject line so you can get some help.

That is some great advice Lisa. I think passion always plays a key role for success. If your heart isn't in it then you probably won't give it your all.
Passion has many forms, just be aware of them.

You could be passionate about wanting to work for yourself.

You could be passionate about a product or system.

You could be passionate about a hobby.

When you learn to harness that passion you will know true power.
Great points Clint!

Sometimes people say there's nothing I'm passionate about that I know a lot about I could make money at.

So the other thing that you could be passionate about is LEARNING about something. You don't have to know it all, but if there is something you've always wanted to learn about that's still something you could blog about and make money at. The key thing is if you have an interest in it to keep you excited and motivated to keep generating content.
Your right Linda. I sometimes get stuck and don't know what to do, I run dry on content and juice. I think promoting sometime that closely relates to your interest can really get you where you definitely want.

Thanks for the post it. By the way i like the forum.

Cheers to yall.
Having a passion for what you're doing is the key to success. If you blog about a subject you don't like it will show in your writing no matter what you do. Find your niche and stick with it. A lot of people fail in this business because they give up too quick. Hang in there and work hard and you'll be successful.
This is a fantastic perspective on the whole idea of picking a niche and deciding just what to spend the majority of our time on as affliate newbies! Thanks for the great post and I now have a much more wide eyed appreciation for just what it is I want to do to get started in this game!
I believe that is an excellent post. My first blog I got bored with pretty fast. Just wasn't what I expected. But now my next blog is something I'm passionate about and its part of my day to day things and I feel I will have far more success this time around.

Hey great Post. I have heard many people saying that you should promote products/services that you are passionate about because it shows up when you are not passionate about your product.

But you will be able to promote is much nicely when you are passoinate about. New affiliates always want to find promote or niche that will generate most money.

Lol I used to be one of them as well
I tried to follow the same advice when I was starting out. And sadly, I just wasted more than 7 months trying to make it work. I would never repeat it now.

You have to follow your passion - BUT - make sure there`s a MARKET for your passion. Make sure people are spending money on what your passion is. Other wise, you will keep babbling around for months, with very poor results, or no results at all.

Now I do follow my passion to help people. But I apply this passion to profitable niches ;) That`s where the money is.