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Niche directories WILL take over



h This is where I see the web going. If I have a question about my broken computer, I won't go to google and ask 'why doesn't my PC work' - I'll go to a computer portal/site/directory. If I want to know all about films, I won't go to google and ask 'latest releases' - I'll go to an online movie database/directory where I know the results are simply superior in every way possible.

People will still use a search engine, but only to type in their favourite specialty website and find what they need that way. Directly approaching businesses will be done in a faster, better way for all concerned. For instance, I use a few specialty sites eg: computer, technology etc, so these sites have everything I need, so searching for other sites is pointless for this particular industry (unless I need a different user opinion) Specialist websites are now highly valuable, which no major SE can replace.

Web search has changed.Web search has changed
gines Vs the Directory concept
You are quite right

You are quite right, finding a niche directory will help you to find things faster, but the problem is that most of the niche directories are launched just to make quick money not to get popular as google is.

On top of that, building a quality niche directory really needs lot of marketing and requires lot of money for expenses.
Hmmm, this is the thing, as you say, many build directories for the fast cash, which is bad really, as the passion wont be there and are unlikely to build a good resource - and thats what people need.

I hunt quite a bit for specialist portals, I suppose I'm looking for hubs, sites which cover a certain subject, and do it brilliantly. If there were 1 for every industry, then fast search would be a reality and would be no more search problems. Then we just have local search left to remedy, which many have failed to do.

Do you know how difficult it is to find local information, its a nightmare much of the time. Yellow Pages is pretty useless these days and the big search engines take too long to wade through when want some fast results. Also the expense of these search engines is crazy, mad advertising costs, and forget homepage advertising on them. Too expensive.
Yea... people are getting more to general directories, they don't realize the fact that niche directories can get them better results in search engines. However, there are no such sites that don't think of money.
With over 1 million pages and 1000's of 'websites' uploading everyday, the web becomes cluttered with endless crap, people are forced to wade throught it to find what they want. I dont think the search engines can ope anymore, and search for me rarely delivers more than 30 sites per search - thats bad.

Cant drill down to any accuracy these days and its not good enough. But people arent building directories to improve search - its all money driven, so its pointless.

Dunno why everyone raves about Google so much, I think its just bog standard, nothing special about it anymore. Yup search is pretty sad. I use it for free mail, but not as a search tool - completely avoid it, and as soon as I find enough niche alternatives - I'll never use a big search provider again.

So far I use:

IMDB - movie news
Yahoo Games
Direct-service company sites eg: Sainsburys
BBC for UK news
Youtube for videos

So I hardly need to go to Google, etc Now am either bookmarking sites or memorising web addresses of useful expert websites.

If I know where it is I go there, instead of using Google to get there. But thats the whole point of vortals, they do the job that Google cannot.
Great thread/thoughts.... I was unconsciously thinking the same thing not so long ago... While Google is still THE big dog, it has been proven over and over again that big isn't always IT, especially from the customers point of view, and when it comes to being very customer oriented.

Niche directories are certainly more desirable when it comes to better specialized searches... And yes, effective local searches are still a long shot off, even though they are very very important and needed.

@ highlander... would u care to PM me... or may I do so?... I'd like to run something by u.