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Niche Marketing & Keyword Research



Hello gang,

As you can see I'm new here. I'm also somewhat new to keywords and niche marketing and have some questions. I'm not doing like a bunch of you here, and selling one certain product at a time, I'm starting up a retail store with a lot of product and categories. So, would one of my categories become my niche to get them to the site and the rest of the products sell themselves?

Kewords....I have some experience with them, but not that much. I'm pretty sure that your meta keywords have to appear on the page itself within the product description, whereas the homepage would contain the categories and my business name?

I'd love to get this down as soon as possible as I would hate to have to go though all this product to...optimize, is it? That's another term I need to really study.

Oh, I have done the HubSpot test, I believe it was called and I was just curious as to the ranking. I'm assuming the closer to 1 the better? I hope so, because I rank in the top half already and not even fully open. :) :)

I have found enough reading on keywords from this site to last me 30 days of sundays. :D I'd like to thank you all that have posted such great info for us "newbs".

I will defiantly be doing a lot more research and if I have any questions, I'll be sure to post them. I'd love for some of you more experienced to be able to see my pages and maybe guide me to success with your great tips.
I'll try to address a couple of your questions but you'll find you get more answers if you break up your questions and only have a couple related Qs per post otherwise it's overwhelming for people to try to answer all these Qs and they may not even try. Just advice for future reference. :)

"I'm not doing like a bunch of you here, and selling one certain product at a time, I'm starting up a retail store with a lot of product and categories. So, would one of my categories become my niche to get them to the site and the rest of the products sell themselves?"

That's really a shotgun approach and is going to be a very hard way to get started. If you are selling all kinds of different unrelated products like a general retail store would, then you may not have a niche. If you had a pet store then pets would be your niche.

As for the keywords that's a whole lesson in and of itself but you want your MAIN keywords on your homepage - more important than your company name because keywords is how people will find you. The KW need to be in your meta title, in the page title in an H1, H2 or H3 tag and in the description.
(That's just a real short answer)

"I'd love for some of you more experienced to be able to see my pages and maybe guide me to success with your great tips."

After you have 10 posts you can request a site review down in the site review forum.

Thanks for the reply. I have shortened my keywords on my homepage as best I can, but the HubSpot test suggests ten words or less. I have way more categories then that though.

I have run the google test on my keywords on that page and have taken the ones with fewer searches out but still have more than ten. Should I be using the top ten search words or phrases for product on my site and leave the rest out?
Is there any kind of a general theme to the site? Like is it a pet store or golf store or is it an everything store? Because just putting up a bunch of unrelated keywords is not the way to go.

I hate to make a blind recommendation and you can't post a link or mention your site in this thread. Lets get you up to 10 posts so you can post a site review. We can give you better advice if we can see what we are dealing with.
No general theme. It's a store with many different categories/products. If I had to, I could go with the largest product base, but that topic would be saturated from what I'm looking at.