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Off-topic monetization for low commission topics



Let me explain the question better. A site I have focuses on a specific genre of music. It can be monetized with iTunes and the like, but the commissions are pennies.
I'm wondering what else I can put on each page. There are general pages, and pages that focus on individual songs. The average user is just a normal music consumer.

How can I better monetize this page? Anyone have experience with putting completely non-related by high-commission links on a page? Ideas?

Something not directly related to the music itself but something the visitors would use or could use.
Smartphone accessories --as an example.
Facemasks --current life.
Even household goods or clothing and accessories (like hats as an example).
Something not directly related to the music itself but something the visitors would use or could use.
Smartphone accessories --as an example.
Facemasks --current life.
Even household goods or clothing and accessories (like hats as an example).
So basically, non-related products for the average person. Wondering if there is some formula for semi-related products that you can use. I'm thinking audio equipment?
You would need to know your potential customer demographic. Otherwise it is hit and miss. Are they more likely to buy headphones as opposed to more expensive *audio equipment* I don't think real audiophiles are buying iTunes. What is an add-on sale to a iTune? We are talking small ticket purchases --they are not coming to spend a lot of money.
You can also try to promote trending products/devices/games - not really connected with music. Just make sure you know your audience demography, and then you'll be able to find out what they may like.
I must be missing something. I just signed up for Sirius, and on the program terms, all of the commission rates are 0. Every possible event is "Event: $0.00 USD." ???

I never looked into it beyond seeing if they had an affiliate program. That is pretty strange. Have you contacted them to see if that is in error?

Let me explain the question better. A site I have focuses on a specific genre of music. It can be monetized with iTunes and the like, but the commissions are pennies.
I'm wondering what else I can put on each page. There are general pages, and pages that focus on individual songs. The average user is just a normal music consumer.

How can I better monetize this page? Anyone have experience with putting completely non-related by high-commission links on a page? Ideas?


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