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Offer dont convert


Hello, I run campaigns on propellerads promoting casual dating offers from Los Pollos, I spend $200 on testing different geos and in return I get $55.
The format refers to the consumption of the push page, the average CTR is 3.5-5%. I have a lot of clicks and the CTR is good but the number is awful as I get 1 conversion on average for about 400-600 clicks.
I'm directing traffic directly to the offers.
This is an optimal method that does not come out on very, how the concept could be an issue? This is a DOI offer.
Do you have any suggestions?
Any ideas for creations?
I don't know what to do

I tested different geo, uk, canada etc. Now I'm testing Nigeria and today it's a terrible top, 1 conversion from 50 cents per 1200 clicks.

An example of a creation that has been best proven in the UK:


  • IMG_20240202_105153.jpg
    50.4 KB · Views: 21
Well, the offer is bad or the traffic is bad --you need to understand why.
DOI is not a cost barrier --that is a given. In theory the conversions should be rather high.

A lot of offers do not track accurately or are outright shaving.
A lot of traffic networks will sell you junk traffic if you do not segment it correctly.
Cóż, oferta jest zła lub ruch jest zły – musisz zrozumieć, dlaczego.
DOI nie jest barierą kosztową – to oczywiste. Teoretycznie konwersja powinna być dość wysoka.

Wiele ofert nie jest dokładnie śledzonych lub wręcz goli.
Wiele sieci ruchu będzie sprzedawać ruch śmieciowy, jeśli nie posegmentujesz go prawidłowo.
How to understand why traffic is bad and how to segment IT?
I spent 15 years learning how to do this --over and over with sketchy results.
  • restrict the traffic to the latest 2 browser versions only.
  • restrict the traffic to the latest 2 or 3 operating systems only.
redirect through a tracker and compare the counts at the ad network and the affiliate network or offer's program against your tracker --what are the discrepancies --the traffic loss?

Start there ...
Okay thank you
I spent 15 years learning how to do this --over and over with sketchy results.
  • restrict the traffic to the latest 2 browser versions only.
  • restrict the traffic to the latest 2 or 3 operating systems only.
redirect through a tracker and compare the counts at the ad network and the affiliate network or offer's program against your tracker --what are the discrepancies --the traffic loss?

Start there ...
very much for suggests, I have 3 mode Simple questions if you dont mind.
What are the affiliate networks that are best preforming to you?
What is your average campaign ROI?
Is there something that completely changed your mindset towards cpa marketing and allowed you to consistently notice mistakes and gradually progress? Thanks in advance for answer bro
I don't work on a CPA programmatic advertising level but I have consulted on affiliate program management and been in the loop running millions of ads.
I have worked in the past direct with the owners of what you call offers on various levels including as an 'affiliate' with a pass-thru payment a revenue sharing arrangement --a percentage of the gross sales my referred customers produce for the platform.
Is there something that completely changed your mindset towards cpa marketing and allowed you to consistently notice mistakes and gradually progress?
There was no epiphany (moment of awakening). I kept learning from others I worked with as well as from my independent research toward getting to the root of problems both hypothetical and actually occurring --since 2002 actually :D
I don't work on a CPA programmatic advertising level but I have consulted on affiliate program management and been in the loop running millions of ads.
I have worked in the past direct with the owners of what you call offers on various levels including as an 'affiliate' with a pass-thru payment a revenue sharing arrangement --a percentage of the gross sales my referred customers produce for the platform.

There was no epiphany (moment of awakening). I kept learning from others I worked with as well as from my independent research toward getting to the root of problems both hypothetical and actually occurring --since 2002 actually :D
okey, last question today i swear hah
What source of informations u will recommend me
There is no solution in a box if that is what you are looking for ...
Seriously, ask ChatGPT your question and use the keywords in its reply in a site search or search engine query.
@google try 'keyword phrase to search here'
That works best today and will save you a lot of time.

Most of what you asked has been discussed here many times in different forms and in different matters.