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Offering services for links

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New Member
I have been getting emails like this more often lately, would you say its an excellent way to go about link development?

(1)How would you like getting a logo's (or) icon's (or) banner (or) template designed free of cost for your website.
(2)We are giving away these services as a promotional measure for free of cost.
(3)In return we need a link at your site for each services at home or internal page(Except link,resources,directory pages).
(4)So to get a new services all you got to do is mail us back with the confirmation of link and the page where the link added site.

(5)If not interested in any of these offer,and interested to do three-way link exchange,please feel free to mail me back.

Awaiting for a word,
Yes it is a good way, but unfortunately it will be a footer link for them (or worse they might ask you to add some code that allows them to vary the links), so eventually the links will be worthless.
link benefit ages on a sliding scale based on how long the link has been in place (also lots of other elements like page content, number of new links/page rank going to the page etc. But generally older links are worth more if the site is a live site .

I wouldn't rotate links over 90 days, it is a pointless short term exercise and can only really serve to let Google know that your links are subject to change, so your site is a short term popular site.
The way you have used it is fine, its no problem at all. We are talking from SEO view point, having a text link on the footer of say hundreds of script for example and using script to change the anchor text for the links every few months to boost your inbound links for certain keywords.
This means that it is better to change the Anchor Text of the outgoing links or complete link should be changed for the purpose of getting better SEO.
This means that it is better to change the Anchor Text of the outgoing links or complete link should be changed for the purpose of getting better SEO.

Nope amit, it wont work. too many changes in anchor texts will harm for sure, if you talk about a natural layouts, footer is used to have navigation links. Thats what i believe.
This means that it is better to change the Anchor Text of the outgoing links or complete link should be changed for the purpose of getting better SEO.

No the complete opposite is true!

Take a step back, and look at it from a non SEO offline example.

You see a sign in a mortgage companies window and it says

'we recommend abc mortgage lender as they are the best'

a week later the sign has changed to

'we recommend def mortgage lender as they are the best'

another week later the sign has changed to

'we recommend ghi mortgage lender as they are the best'

What are your thoughts on the recommendations of that mortgage company? Personally I would say that their recommendations are not work the thought to read them.

A guy calls on your business, he is selling insurance.

2 months later, he calls again this time to sell you a water cooler.

2 months later he calls again and he is now selling photocopiers.

What are your thoughts on THIS persons reliability?

The same guy comes to you every year. he works for a company, the company are good, their products are good, and they have never recommended a product that failed you or a solution that failed to deliver. they do NOT have a broad range of products, but the range they specialise in is good, and you have dealt with them for years.

What are your thoughts on this specialist company?


Do you see what I am saying now?

Change links and you look unreliable, change anchor text and you can't make up your mind what you think the site does. get a link, stick to it, and leave it there, and it is a solid recommendation.

To think like a search engine analyst, step back into the real world, because artificial intelligence is based around real world analogies.
No the complete opposite is true!

Change links and you look unreliable, change anchor text and you can't make up your mind what you think the site does. get a link, stick to it, and leave it there, and it is a solid recommendation.

To think like a search engine analyst, step back into the real world, because artificial intelligence is based around real world analogies.

Great points OWG! Bold texts are worth to be noted precisely :)
Thanks OWG for making the point clear as water this is something which updated my knowledge base.

No the complete opposite is true!

Take a step back, and look at it from a non SEO offline example.

You see a sign in a mortgage companies window and it says

'we recommend abc mortgage lender as they are the best'

a week later the sign has changed to

'we recommend def mortgage lender as they are the best'

another week later the sign has changed to

'we recommend ghi mortgage lender as they are the best'

What are your thoughts on the recommendations of that mortgage company? Personally I would say that their recommendations are not work the thought to read them.

A guy calls on your business, he is selling insurance.

2 months later, he calls again this time to sell you a water cooler.

2 months later he calls again and he is now selling photocopiers.

What are your thoughts on THIS persons reliability?

The same guy comes to you every year. he works for a company, the company are good, their products are good, and they have never recommended a product that failed you or a solution that failed to deliver. they do NOT have a broad range of products, but the range they specialise in is good, and you have dealt with them for years.

What are your thoughts on this specialist company?


Do you see what I am saying now?

Change links and you look unreliable, change anchor text and you can't make up your mind what you think the site does. get a link, stick to it, and leave it there, and it is a solid recommendation.

To think like a search engine analyst, step back into the real world, because artificial intelligence is based around real world analogies.
You see a sign in a mortgage companies window and it says

'we recommend abc mortgage lender as they are the best'

a week later the sign has changed to

'we recommend def mortgage lender as they are the best'

another week later the sign has changed to

'we recommend ghi mortgage lender as they are the best'

OWG, but there are different situations as well. For instance I have a website A and another one lets call this B. Since the economy including any kind of marketing activities always faces with the very same problem, which is the limitation of the resources, I would like to diversify the anchor text pointing to the website called B in order to improve the relavance lets say for 3 different phrases. (the URL is unchanged) I would embody this site B with myself. So the site A varies the anchor texts positioning myself as smart, handsome and clever, different attributes at each page load. So I return back to your train of thought and try to find what a normal person would think about site B, so about myself. I think she/he will thinks that I am a smart, handsome and clever guy, not only one, but all of these features.:D

Please let me know if I am wrong.
OWG, which one will loose, the site A or the linked site B?
Thanks in advance
Both would lose out.

A would lose out as the link to the same page keeps changing, IE it can't make up its mind what the page is about, so it would lose the trust on the anchor text element (anchor text of outgoing links benefits the anchor page), and B would lose out as it would be something different all the time. So PR might pass, but link juice would not.
Yes it is a good way, but unfortunately it will be a footer link for them (or worse they might ask you to add some code that allows them to vary the links), so eventually the links will be worthless.

I just known that footer link is worthless. How do you approve your statement above ?
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