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I think I am overthinking my offer selection process way to much and this is my call for help.

For days now I have been signing to many different Affiliate networks, the offer I am looking for should be >$1.00 not US and a app install. I cant find anything featured on google play or Apple store.

I've been already declined by some of the bigger networks, am I asking for to much? Can anyone recommend a network where apps are actually in the store rather then apk files?

Should I perhaps go for apk, If I do wont I lose the majority of the android users?

Hey @mlkx and welcome to affiliatefix :)
By the way be flexible , Promote any thing you think can bring you results .
high payout it doesn't mean high ROI and the opposite is correct :) .
just check maxbounty , clickdealer,mundomedia,yeahmobi,digitalraves,expertmobi, i think you will find what you are looking for there .
any Question feel free to come back and ask :)
Hey @mlkx and welcome to affiliatefix :)
By the way be flexible , Promote any thing you think can bring you results .
high payout it doesn't mean high ROI and the opposite is correct :) .
just check maxbounty , clickdealer,mundomedia,yeahmobi,digitalraves,expertmobi, i think you will find what you are looking for there .
any Question feel free to come back and ask :)

Thanks for the reply $1,00 is high payout? :eek:

So would you say the audience is still big enough to promote apk files? I personally dont find them trustworthy thats why Im having a hard time if I promote them.
when it comes to ppi and the offer pays 1USD that's Good payout cus the user only has to install the App .
not like subscription offers or lead gen :)
So i say don't worry about the Payout, just look for PPI offer and start testing .
and i don't mean APK offers .
offers from play store and appstore