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OGAds Banned


New Member
Like the title says, i got banned at @ogads today with out any email or massage from them.
i started working on OGAds weeks ago after my friend recommendation. I'm not fresh to the business (start almost 1 years ago) and worked ( and still working ) to other networks like CPABuild,Adgem,MaxBounty,Offertoro. and I'm only saying this because this is the first time i get banned in any of my accounts across all networks, account balance the last time checked was about 350$ not that mush. it was mainly come from a content locker i made and share with people to access something like a website which has some codes or some entertainment websites. just a small side business i enjoy doing that i wanted to make some money from it with out fraud or spam. but at least i just want to know why i got banned like its really frustrated to not even get a response from them like at least have some respect for your members.
How have you tried contacting them so far?

Almost 100% of the time, networks ban accounts due to spam. Once in a while,, it's a case of the member being from a banned country.

If you can't get a response or review, you may need to just move on.
How have you tried contacting them so far?

Almost 100% of the time, networks ban accounts due to spam. Once in a while,, it's a case of the member being from a banned country.

If you can't get a response or review, you may need to just move on.
Yes i did. i tried to send them an email and tried to contact my account manager.
That's the thing. i might never know why i got banned if they just ignore me. now after search about similar problems i see a lot of people being ignored too. before start working at OGAds i really had a good gaze on them. even after started working for a while everything was smooth by my side. but then suddenly this happens. my friend who recommended me the network didn't get banned. and he was one of the top 10 on the network. he's from the same country as mine. im talking to him and he says it might be some mistake try contacting them and that's what im trying to do now. i really don't want to ask him contact them for me. he helped me enough in this business and i don't want to be a pain in the ...
content locker i made and share with people to access something like a website which has some codes or some entertainment websites.
Sounds like a password sharing deal (@_@) ...

Ogads is in the US state of Illinois

That make Ogads an accessory ...
Sounds like a password sharing deal (@_@)
Hey! thanks for replying, what you mean by password sharing? it's not a password, its a link i share across social media to get visitors who interested in the link i provided but they have to do some offers or install some apps so they can get through, which part of this is password sharing?
Like unlock codes for trials that you would normally have to pay for?
You are just talking in circles ...
what are you talking about? what's your point? this is my codes i have it and i give the "discounts" for people who unlock the locker, there are so many websites who have great discounts codes and if u bought a dozen you get even more discount's its all legal, i'm surprise its the first time you hear about this " Well-Known Member"
and also what all of this have to do with the fact u said " passwords " before?
Like the title says, i got banned at @ogads today with out any email or massage from them.
i started working on OGAds weeks ago after my friend recommendation. I'm not fresh to the business (start almost 1 years ago) and worked ( and still working ) to other networks like CPABuild,Adgem,MaxBounty,Offertoro. and I'm only saying this because this is the first time i get banned in any of my accounts across all networks, account balance the last time checked was about 350$ not that mush. it was mainly come from a content locker i made and share with people to access something like a website which has some codes or some entertainment websites. just a small side business i enjoy doing that i wanted to make some money from it with out fraud or spam. but at least i just want to know why i got banned like its really frustrated to not even get a response from them like at least have some respect for your members.
Thats really frustrating. Sometimes the networks ban based on traffic source as well. Some offers do not accept things like SEO traffic or sms type traffic. I don't agree with the ban with no explanation, there should be some clarity on the reasons , this was the first issue you had with them?
What is your native tongue?
ok --take it to internet court :D

hand god /s

new user why are you here work it out with Ogads

seen this too may times over and over same song

Hey !

The #1 Content Locking Network​

Easily monetize your website, blog, app, or social media accounts with OGAds profit generating content locker.

You did something they ARE in the content locking business LMAO!
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Thats really frustrating. Sometimes the networks ban based on traffic source as well. Some offers do not accept things like SEO traffic or sms type traffic. I don't agree with the ban with no explanation, there should be some clarity on the reasons , this was the first issue you had with them?
Exactly! like people here have no problem when @ogads ban you and not even give you the reason or even send an email saying that you got banned. like this is so unprofessional.
that's literally a scam.
That doesn't mean the specific offer(s) he is promoting permit content locking.
if so then why they are exist in the content locking in the first place, also i guess we will never know the reason since they never tell us. might be another reason or no reason at all. who knows. but till now its still a scam and this site should warn people and tell them to think twice before choosing this network and that's why I'm here. i have done my job.
but till now its still a scam

There is no evidence of this. I suggest you find the offer on OfferVault and look to see if the offer permits content locking. You are making too many assumptions and making too many false claims without proof.

I know factually they email everyone they ban with the reasons for the ban. It is built into their system. It cannot be avoided!

Just move on to another network. Just spending a bunch of time complaining is not productive. If you are trying to keep others from using them, this won't stop them.

OGAds has a very good reputation and the vast majority of affiliates have great success with them!