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Ok what's next .. need experienced members advice


New Member
Hello everyone :)

I've read a lot and still through the wiki, threads here, youtube and other resources online about CPA and I really feel like I need to apply what I've learned..however there are some questions that still going on my mind that need an expert answers.

  • When Applying to CPA networks, they usually ask for my website, does they mean that they need or expect me to provide my own (personal) site or a site that I'm using to promote the offers?
  • To build a site that will have the landing pages to convert for CPA offers, is it have to be a site that has topics, articles, rich content and traffic or a site with landing pages and PPC campaigns can do?

  • The niches/offers are different from dating to gaming passing by freebies and a lot of different offer types/niches, my question is that do I have to get a domain and hosting for each type/category of these offers or a strong (general) domain such as or or anything like this wording is better to do for all your offers promoting?

  • Some CPA offers are getting paused during the day during to reach a daily cap, what is that , and what can I do to avoid sending traffic to this offer page while the offer is paused?
  • I need to know the logical next step after the following actions
1-Read and study about CPA
2-Subscribe to CPA networks
3-Read and study about traffic and different type of marketing campaigns
4-build a site
5-install prosper202 to track performance

Thanks A lot for the efforts I see in this forum which is a great friendly source for newbies in this field to make use of.
I'm not an expert but I can answer some of your questions. I'm sure other, more knowledgeable, people will pipe in here.

When Applying to CPA networks, they usually ask for my website, does they mean that they need or expect me to provide my own (personal) site or a site that I'm using to promote the offers?

No, you don't necessarily have to have a website but you do need to be able to tell them how you plan to promote offers. I did not have a website when I signed up.

To build a site that will have the landing pages to convert for CPA offers, is it have to be a site that has topics, articles, rich content and traffic or a site with landing pages and PPC campaigns can do?

IMO, topics, articles, rich content and traffic. But then again, it depends on what you're doing. Developing a website and using SEO for a long term plan? Or simply want to push traffic to a landing page for the life of an offer? I think the right answer depends on the method you want to use
. There is nothing wrong with either way, as far as I'm concerned.

The niches/offers are different from dating to gaming passing by freebies and a lot of different offer types/niches, my question is that do I have to get a domain and hosting for each type/category of these offers or a strong (general) domain such as or or anything like this wording is better to do for all your offers promoting?

I think you could do it either way but having a good domain for a category can be very beneficial, especially if you're only using it for landers for a single offer or vertical. I'm sure others with more SEO experience will offer some additional help here.

Some CPA offers are getting paused during the day during to reach a daily cap, what is that , and what can I do to avoid sending traffic to this offer page while the offer is paused?

A daily cap is the maximum number of conversions per day that you can get paid for. Once you've reached that number, the offer is paused while the advertiser checks the quality of the leads, to make sure they're good (not bots/fraudulent/whatever). From my understanding, after they know you provide good leads, the cap could be lifted. You may have to ask your AM about that.

The only way to keep tabs on a cap, as far as I know, is to keep an eye on things. If the network alerts you via email, make sure you check it regularly or go to your network account and look. If you have a good relationship with your AM, perhaps s/he would send you a note on Skype or something, I'm not sure about that though.

I need to know the logical next step after the following actions

Oh, where is TJ? He is so good at this stuff!

Thanks A lot for the efforts I see in this forum which is a great friendly source for newbies in this field to make use of.

You're welcome a lot! :) Yes, this is the best damn forum around, as far as I'm concerned. Everybody's got your back and will help all they can. We're all in this together.
I honestly think you are overcomplicating the whole process in your head, causing yourself a bad case of "analysis paralysis", cause you're either scared to lose money and/or being rejected by affiliate networks. And we all been there, trust me. Shit happens cause that is life. But if you don't get off your ass and try/fail/succed, you won't really learn.

Is not like networks will put you in a "secret blacklist" if you try and they reject you the first place. They get A LOT of requests everyday, so they won't even remember you the second time, when you're already prepared.

There are networks that rejected me 1,2,3 times. Nowdays, I don't even bother to provide a website, I just contact them on skype (or they do) and tell them I'm a media buyer, and if they get stingy, I just show them payment proof that I can generate $XX,XXX/month, and most time I get approved on the spot.

Irony is, I don't always run traffic with them after approval cause I don't end up liking either the offers, cashflow or simply I don't think the affiliate manager will be helpful.

I don't mean to sound harsh or brag, when I started I was probably way worse than you, sick, broke and with $xxx to my name, so I only had my brain and my balls really. You're probably way smarter than me and have a bit more of cash to start a business. But we all gotta pay our dues friend.

So do your homework and start knocking doors, or slamming then down, whatever it takes, you already have great answers to your questions by azgold.

MOTION CREATES EMOTION. To your success, cheers!
Many thanks Azgold :)

I wish more members pipe in and give their inputs

the_real_djcrunk I love your in core experience feedback, its useful and I hope to gain the same experience as you are :) thanks A lot!
Oh, where is TJ? He is so good at this stuff!

@Ayman , great to see you taking action my friend! @azgold, I'm here, just been busy house shopping.

I just noticed the thread as I was headed out the door for a meeting. I promise to add my 2 cents in the morning.

I will say this, @azgold & @the_real_djcrunk both make very good points. I'll expand on it all when I return.

Most important thing is that a Real Newbie is taking Real Action and getting it done!

See ya' soon, T J
Ayman, first I want you to see a difference in the way marketers approach business. Above are two very different responses to your questions and statements. One is a formulated response based on an individual that uses a structured plan in a structured environment. The other is what we used to call in the car business back in the '70's as "shooting from the hip".

Back in the late nineties and early 2000's marketers could play fast and loose with nearly all aspects of online marketing because most everyone was following the paths of a handful of marketers that coined themselves as "gurus". Most all of the players at that time were following a few very simple paths outlined for them by those that were killing it with simplistic marketing. I was there, and it was just like the car business back in the days of "anything that works" is acceptable. Therefore most everyone was "shooting from the hip".

Let's fast forward to today. Today there are an abundance of regulations by the government, the aff networks, and even in forums like CPAFix. This is one of the many signs that a level of growth and maturity in an industry has given way to the needs of "professionalism". Anytime a new industry pops up, and has little or no governance, the players do anything at all to build up their war chests and client lists. But now, this industry we are in looks for players that are more sophisticated and prepared to be business like in their business pursuits.

This industry of ours has new requirements and it is our responsibility to learn to integrate industry needs into our businesses. If you owned a business that utilized affiliate marketers, would you want the most organized or the least organized, the most professional or the least professional, those with business plans or those with no business plans. I'm sure you see the pattern here.

In my opinion, continue to take it by the numbers. This means to continue building your plan. The top athletes have a plan, the top business people have a plan, the top forum owners have a plan just like our own"K" here on the FIX. Would you want a doctor without a plan for your good health?

When Applying to CPA networks, they usually ask for my website, does they mean that they need or expect me to provide my own (personal) site or a site that I'm using to promote the offers?

This is one of the most asked questions and the answer is simple. They want to see you are equipped to build, or have built, web pages or landing pages. There are more reasons, but let's look at it this way, the question itself is a give away to the fact that they want you to have one before you apply. Why ask why? Be a salesman, give them what they want. Get a domain, like your own name, and put up a blog about yourself, with a section on your new profession as a marketer. This can be done in a day, and you should continue to build that site as well. It helps to expand your presence on the web, and that is a good thing.

Important: By joining the Dojo, you not only enjoy all of the subject matter, AffKit Tools, case studies and such, but you also can get help being accepted into the networks. Join the Dojo and check out this thread Let Us Help Expedite Your network Applications.

To build a site that will have the landing pages to convert for CPA offers, is it have to be a site that has topics, articles, rich content and traffic or a site with landing pages and PPC campaigns can do?

The niches/offers are different from dating to gaming passing by freebies and a lot of different offer types/niches, my question is that do I have to get a domain and hosting for each type/category of these offers or a strong (general) domain such as or or anything like this wording is better to do for all your offers promoting?

@azgold answered this well. Let's expand on her answer. It is always a good idea to have a primary domain (".com" when available) that is directly related to the vertical you promote. If you are in more than one vertical, then it is a good idea to have a domain for each one. Use the domains for your verticals to promote cpa offers or aff offers.

Also, get a couple of niche domains if you are going to build niches sites. Understand that domains that relate to the market you are addressing goes a long way with search marketing.

Over time, you will collect many domains. Keep them once you have them. They can be rotated in and out of service as needed.

Some CPA offers are getting paused during the day during to reach a daily cap, what is that , and what can I do to avoid sending traffic to this offer page while the offer is paused?

Caps are not unusual. I have had caps set many times when I was new to a network, and sometimes when I entered a vertical I hadn't promoted in the past though I had been with the network for a while. Especially if I was using an approved custom landing page I made. It's okay to have a cap initially. Once they have determined the traffic is good traffic they will remove the cap.

As for controlling when the offer is distributed by your traffic source, most traffic sources let you control this from your dashboard.
I need to know the logical next step after the following actions
1-Read and study about CPA
2-Subscribe to CPA networks
3-Read and study about traffic and different type of marketing campaigns
4-build a site
5-install prosper202 to track performance

Thanks A lot for the efforts I see in this forum which is a great friendly source for newbies in this field to make use of.

1. Get a VPS
2. Get a personal domain (preferably your name) and put a WP Blog up on it
3. Get at least one domain related to your vertical (2 or 3 if your budget can afford it)
4. Pick one vertical
5. Pick one tracking system
6. Pick one traffic source

Do these 6 items and work them for several months until you have mastered them and then you will be ready to expand, and all of us will help you along the way.

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TJ I'm sooo grateful for your support, inputs and feedback, I will study those words carefully and keep it going .. THANKS A LOT
There was a lot of great input. you are obviously just starting out, so you need to remember that. Im almost everything i have ever done, it has taken years to get most of it right. I dont think anyone here can say they are the ultimate expert because nothing like that exist. instead, there are different flavors.

You are on the right track, but like one member said, "dont over analyze it" One the same token, dont put all your eggs into one method. diversity a few methods and work on them for a while. Marketing is not a science or an art really. Marketing is about timing and feel. you need to have a feel for what will work at what time. This comes with "time". dont get hung up with the plethora of different strategies and program that are available to you. when a man goes to war...he doesn't have every gun on his back. He uses one gun at a time and sees whats works.
Hey Ayman,
I can only answer some of your questions, as I am not a media buyer, hope it helps anyways

Hello everyone :)
  • When Applying to CPA networks, they usually ask for my website, does they mean that they need or expect me to provide my own (personal) site or a site that I'm using to promote the offers?
You don't need a website, that part is mostly for other networks applying, as it helps us (Networks AMs) to understand a bit more about the applicant

  • Some CPA offers are getting paused during the day during to reach a daily cap, what is that , and what can I do to avoid sending traffic to this offer page while the offer is paused?
Daily cap are the maximum conversions deliverable to a certain offer during a day. Advertiser usually set one for the network, and then AM allocate a specific cap to a certain offer. In theory, you have the right to deliver the cap you are assigned to, and are entitled to complain if your traffic gets wasted because of overallocation.
The only way to solve this problem automatically is integrate via API, which will allow your system to pause traffic to an offer, once it detects that the daily cap has been reached.
Hope I have been clear enough! :)