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Optimize your ad campaign with custom Mondiad optimization rules!


Smart Advertising
Traffic Manager
Mondiad optimization rules.png

Is anyone in here who is not a fan of data-based campaign optimization?
No?! We thought so. ;)

Mondiad optimization rules are an in-house technology and a great performance testing and optimization tool for your ad campaign parameters, saving you time and money.

A rule can be formed of (minimum) 4 parameters, including:
1. On which dimension the rule applies to (Subid/Zoneid/Creative/Campaign)
2. Values reflecting how much is the dimension spending(Clicks/Spent/Impressions)
3. Values reflecting the performance of the dimension(Conversions/Revenue/CTR/ROI/Conversion rate/Conversion cost/Clicks)
4. Timeframe for the rule (Default: last 24h/Predefined values: Last 24h / Last 2-7 days)
5. A desired action (Blacklist/Add to audience/Blacklist & add to audience/Pause/Increase bid/Decrease bid)

If subid has more than $5 spent & ROI is less than
$4 during the last 24h, then PAUSE.

-> Test and combine different optimization rules for better results.

Hey guys, just wanted to make a quick update on this topic.
Lately, we have published a few more blog posts on how to use our optimization rules.

You can read everything on our blog:
- Here are some concrete rule examples and use cases.
- How to pair rules with traffic audiences, to fine-tune your campaign targeting.
- How to pair rules with our built-in event tracker, to track more data and improve campaign performance.

If you have any questions or feedback, we'd be happy to hear them.
See you around!