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Ask Me Anything Own VS Network’s Pre-Landing Pages

Lina Le

Affiliate Network
Affiliate Manager
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It is common to use a banner-preland-landing page combination to promote an offer. Effective creatives contain a minimum of data: a punchy headline, key features and attractive bonuses. But that's also the main problem. To solve it, affiliates use prelanders.

Here we’ll talk about what prelanding pages are, key features and which are the best to use: own or made by network/advertiser.


What is it?

Preland is used in the advertising chain before the landing page after the advertisement. The main purpose of banners, teasers and pop-ups is to hook the user. They contain a minimum of information about the service.

Prelands are best used to engage the audience and give them more background information. Here you can describe the product in detail, talk about the benefits of using it, and provide feedback from users. Or warm up the audience with an unusual story.

What are the best prelands to use?

You have two options here: make your own preland or request it from manager. Actually, all TOPs of Affiliate Marketing say that the best practice is to do it on your own. Our team definitely agrees with it if you’re an experienced webmaster and want to scale your results. In another case, preland made by networks or advertisers will help you to take a test much cheaper and faster.

Pros and cons of making own preland

✅ Fresh promo for users = higher loyalty. If you’re using network’s materials, remember that a large number of targeted people have already seen them.

✅ It increases the longevity of the bundle and brings more profits.

✅ You can depart from standard approaches and test something new. A copywriter can write a text featuring local celebrities, or he can wrap up the sale of service in a whole story.

❌ Time and financial costs of tests. You can be sure that your preland will attract a proper audience in needed volumes. Moreover, without experience, it is difficult to make a working approach.


To conclude, we’d like to say that it is better to use your own prelands if your skills are sufficient for that. But you have to realise that making your own prelands is not always simple and easy. You have to have accumulated expertise: understanding of GEO, working approaches on GEO in combination with the subject of the offer.

If you don’t want to waste your time on it or don’t have enough skills or resources, just ask your manager to share a few ones that are appropriate for chosen offer. Have a high profit!

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