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8 Facebook Retargeting Strategies in 2024


8 Facebook Retargeting Strategies in 2024

Visitors rarely make purchases when they first visit your website. And the last thing you want is for them to leave and never return. Facebook retargeting advertising allows you to re-engage people who have already visited your site or interacted with your ads in the past.


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5 Sources Worth Testing


5 Sources Worth Testing

As the landscape of Facebook and Google advertising becomes increasingly challenging each year, with stricter moderation and more stringent algorithms, many arbitrageurs are exploring suitable alternative sources. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 emerging sources that will be even more relevant in the year 2024.


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What you need to know about expenses in traffic arbitrage?


What you need to know about expenses in traffic arbitrage?

Today, we have decided to provide a detailed analysis of one of the most important aspects of traffic arbitrage - expenses. They are necessary when driving traffic from most sources, and it is important to know how to work with them correctly.

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What to do if you're in the red?


For many beginners, finding themselves in the red can cause panic and a desire to quit arbitrage altogether. We'll discuss whether it's worth continuing to pour money, what needs to be analyzed and checked. If you learn from your mistakes, remove emotions, and identify the reasons correctly, you can extract useful insights.

Our checklist will help...

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Arbitrage-Resilient Hostings for 2024


Arbitrage-Resilient Hostings for 2024

The work of an arbitrator is often ambiguous in terms of legality and morality. In the days of the glorious Golden Age of piracy, they would have had every chance of dangling from a yardarm somewhere near Cape Lopez.

Therefore, arbitrators, in order to avoid exposing their landings with grey offers, are forced to look for not only anonymous but also abuse-resistant...

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Audit of Meta Advertising Account (Facebook): 5 Steps


Audit of Meta Advertising Account (Facebook): 5 Steps

In the constantly changing advertising landscape, conducting regular audits of your Meta (Facebook) advertising account isn't just advisable, it's strategically necessary. It's the key to enhancing the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and unlocking the full potential of...

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OWNR Wallet Affiliate program


OWNR Wallet Affiliate program offers webmasters, publishers, marketers, bloggers and opinion leaders a LIFETIME income from promoting a crypto-offer.

Affiliate profitability is calculated from NET PROFIT from conversions:

✅ 38% in the 1st year of activity of the attracted client,
✅ 25% from the 2nd year of his activity.

Moreover, each...

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Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): What It Is and Why It Matters


Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): What It Is and Why It Matters

In the realm of internet traffic management, optimization plays a crucial role, especially when it comes to Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). In this article, we delve into what CRO entails and why it's essential for arbitrageurs, media buyers, and webmasters.


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A set of tools that will make it much easier to drive traffic through Google Ads


A set of tools that will make it much easier to drive traffic through Google Ads

Google Ads - the #1 platform in the world for promoting products and services using Google's search, contextual-media network, and other Google products. Google Ads stands out from other advertising sources due to its heightened sensitivity and aversion to...

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Tools Used by Webmasters


In order to drive traffic in 2024, a set of basic tools is necessary—without them, the work becomes impossible. Moreover, engaging in arbitrage entails facing numerous tasks every day: from market analysis to creative creation.

We have compiled a selection of services and tools used by all webmasters for you. Some of them will help automate routine tasks, while others are simply necessary for work. If you are a beginner, this...

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Effective Approach to Handling Rejects and Their Types

Effective Approach to Handling Rejects and Their Types​

Lately, we have been witnessing a storm from Facebook, where previously approved creatives are now failing to go live.

Let's delve into various types of errors and how to deal with them:

1.Delivery Error:​

This error typically occurs when a page is blocked, but nowadays it's just a reject.

▶️ For those with FBTOOL, simply access the relevant account and submit for re-review...

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Services for automation and auto-filling in Google Ads


Services for automation and auto-filling in Google Ads

In traffic arbitration, the majority of webmasters prefer to run traffic from Facebook and use automators for these purposes, which have long been known to everyone. These include Fbtool, Nooklz, and Dolphin. These tools have long been part of the everyday life of arbitrators. But what about those who don't choose the easy path and run traffic from Google...

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Best Crypto GEOs: Europe


Best Crypto GEOs: Europe

Europe, with its cultural diversity, economic stability, and progressive regulatory frameworks, continues to emerge as an attractive destination for cryptocurrency investors and entrepreneurs alike. In recent years, several European countries have become hubs of blockchain and cryptocurrency innovation, fostering conducive environments for the development of digital...

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What Google Considers Gray Advertising and How to Advertise Legitimately?


What Google Considers Gray Advertising and How to Advertise Legitimately?

Webmasters who have tried launching ads on Google Ads at least a few times have experienced firsthand how stringent the ad moderation can be on this platform. Interestingly, most ads are reviewed not by moderators but by AI-trained bots. Google, with its paranoid suspicion, even scrutinizes the most...

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Increasing Website Traffic


Increasing Website Traffic

The primary goal of any business, especially those operating online, is sales. Therefore, it's essential to boost website traffic to attract potential customers. The more traffic you attract, the more successful your sales growth will be. If you're monetizing a content project, high website traffic allows you to attract advertisers and sell ad placements on your site more...

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