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Ask Me Anything Pay-Per-View Traffic, The Great Secret

@Rian Hafiz,

Sure thing ;]

1. A very broad question. There are to many variables for me to give you a specific answer. Geo, niche, offer, LP and so on and so forth. So the avg will lie...
2. I will be more then happy to give you a bid per geo break down. Contact
3. Again to broad, there is no magic answer here... I recommend to try and see the ROI. Sometimes low payouts have huge conversion rate and higher payouts have much less... Its all in the ROI!
4. Well in the "clean" world i must say Forex and gambling. But you need to be patient about it. By aware that mobile web is booming for POP's as well. (Direct publisher traffic)
5. Hit us with that email I mentioned above and we will take care of you ;]

Hello, James... there's one question:
Are Selfadvertiser's pop-ups triggered by the adware or are they just served by a script on webmasters' sites of your inventory?
Hi all,

I have some existing news!

SelfAdvertiser has new features on its Self-Serve platform:

- Possibility to Whitelist sources.
- Day part.
- Create cpc Search campaigns.

Enjoy :}
James hi, I have a question regarding the platform, for example I want to target people that visit do I need to insert the url into the "Specific Sources" and they will receive pop-ups once they visit the page or how does it work?
JamesPOP I have one question. I do outbid my competitors on LI. Well, honestly someone has copied all the details from BOXofads. Each n every single keyword, i targeted. Now i have to monitor and raise my bid every 2 minutes. They have also copied ll my keywords variation i have been using. Seems like i have no other options left except monitoring and outbidding them and running into a loss until they gave up. So what do you suggest? I would like to know your expert opinion.
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James hi, I have a question regarding the platform, for example I want to target people that visit do I need to insert the url into the "Specific Sources" and they will receive pop-ups once they visit the page or how does it work?

No, that's for numeric sources only.
What you should do is to create a KeyWord campaign where you will see your desired target possibility :}
JamesPOP I have one question. I do outbid my competitors on LI. Well, honestly someone has copied all the details from BOXofads. Each n every single keyword, i targeted. Now i have to monitor and raise my bid every 2 minutes. They have also copied ll my keywords variation i have been using. Seems like i have no other options left except monitoring and outbidding them and running into a loss until they gave up. So what do you suggest? I would like to know your expert opinion.
They might be using an auto-bidding tool. I'm not sure if there's one for LI, but i hate bid wars because the only winner is the ad network.
JamesPOP I have one question. I do outbid my competitors on LI. Well, honestly someone has copied all the details from BOXofads. Each n every single keyword, i targeted. Now i have to monitor and raise my bid every 2 minutes. They have also copied ll my keywords variation i have been using. Seems like i have no other options left except monitoring and outbidding them and running into a loss until they gave up. So what do you suggest? I would like to know your expert opinion.

Well, that can be due to a few reasons.

1. Which network are you buying traffic from? do they have proxy bidding?
2. You are running a very competitive niche/geo and competitors are making loads of money. Nid in this case can sky rock.

I believe you should talk to me privately and let me understand what exactly are the details here.
I got a question about traffic...

I have got a landing which is related to Clash of Clans mobile game

Its something like resource generator and I am targeting French. Until now I drive traffic from Youtube, but now want to try some other traffic sources.

What do you think, would selfadvertize traffic be good for this kind? Can I send people to my landing?
I got a question about traffic...

I have got a landing which is related to Clash of Clans mobile game

Its something like resource generator and I am targeting French. Until now I drive traffic from Youtube, but now want to try some other traffic sources.

What do you think, would selfadvertize traffic be good for this kind? Can I send people to my landing?
HI @Neroazzurro ,

I believe it will assist you greatly!

SelfAdvertiser had mobile web traffic. This is mobile traffic which derives from websites.
So, when a user browse the web on his mobile he will see your ad.

I know it goes well for other advertisers on our platform.
