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Payper Trail Spy Tool


New Member
I'm a newbie to affiliate marketing and I've been looking to work within Cpa. What is the best spytool? I saw the webinar provided by affiliate fix for payper trail and subscribed to them. They said that they would be adding an adult platform I think for July of last year 2018 and then sometime this year no specific date. I called them when I first subscribed and they appeard to really sound guys, but now they've stopped the number and advised me that they don't offer support over the phone but asked how they could help me. I asked the question about the adult platform and if they would be offering more training as they suggested in the webinar, without reply? I'd personally would like a little training on the platform because if it's only me I'm finding the platform limited. And I haven't seen any reviews from other affiliates regarding Payper trail. But I see Adplexity getting pushed alot on here. Please advise and thank you all in advance.


You walk down a trail in the woods -- You may get a 30 day trial (free try out) common typo error NP but learn to proofread before publishing.

Affiliates programs and networks, (also ad networks), do not generally offer *training* per se -- they are often seen to offer 'tips' on how to market their products. Tips that are mutually beneficial and profitable (hopefully).

What may seem lacking in the user interface, and resulting UX (user experience), in their respective web presentations; is often poorly designed and not be well documented websites.
  • read: their websites are assumptive and unclear to new users.

I have always found this common in all websites to varying degrees. A new user screams out: "What is this!" and "Where the fuck is the video or the instruction manual". Often, the manual is poorly written or written in techno-geek using terms a novice has difficultly with.

But you are not helpless in this matter and need to be spoon-fed information. Learn to use a search engine as a dictionary and glossary to find the meaning of the terms used. I am always looking at new things and encounter the same difficulties often even after years of working with the digital world.
I totally understand what your saying Greybeard and thank you for your reply, but I only queried what was said on the Webinar.
I was only asking for opinions and help from people using the Payper trail platform and for suggestions regarding other tools and why they believe there a better solution.
Instead of rambling on as before; now you put forth the question (query) with some clarity ...
Payper TRIAL <<<o_O or is that
PayPerTrail - Display & Native Advertising Spy Tool
PayPer Trail's alerts and advanced bookmarking system make it even easier for you to uncover profitable campaigns, whether you're an experienced advertiser or just starting out.

That looks really dumb^^^ Well good luck with that ;)

The business name is a pun or a play on words ...