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Please Help me to Optimize my Landing Page

i have created a landing page for an asian dating offer and setup a campaign on popads. but did't received a single click.
my journey stats:
CPA Network:
Ad Network : Popads Mainstream
GEO: United Kingdom
tracking software: redtrack
host: amazon s3 with custom domain

Spend: $20
Total Traffic : 5400+
Landing Page click :0
my landing page:

Pingdom Landing Page Speed Stats:

What should i do??? what's wrong with me?? please please help me..
look thru this
31 Call-to-Action Examples You Can't Help But Click
You have to test the position that works
People scan a page top left to bottom right usually
Bright Green or Yellow with high contrast text has worked best for me in the past.
Free Look, see the girls now, I think "sign up" implies long forms or paying something <<< you want to hook the fish first before you "eat" him :D

Asian dates inside <?
hello boss,
today i have started with TrafficJunky but Negative Result...
CPA Network: G4offers
Ad Network : TrafficJunky
GEO: Canada
tracking software: redtrack
host: amazon s3 with custom domain

Today Spend: $55
Total Traffic : 106
Landing Page click :38
Conversion: 0
Yesterday Spend: Spend :$27
Total Traffic: 56
Landing Page Click: 21
Conversion: 0

i am losing my confidence and $$. please help me...
offer Link:
please see the below stats:

Please help me sir...
Landing Page:

Network Status:

Tracking Stats:
look thru this
31 Call-to-Action Examples You Can't Help But Click
You have to test the position that works
People scan a page top left to bottom right usually
Bright Green or Yellow with high contrast text has worked best for me in the past.
Free Look, see the girls now, I think "sign up" implies long forms or paying something <<< you want to hook the fish first before you "eat" him :D

Asian dates inside <?
Not the good market try asian dating on a geo asian dating market (asian people who look to meet foreing people instead of uk people looking for asian dating)
✓They are not largely Canada based <<<look it says that and you send referrals from Canada?
The girls are not in your area is what that means!
That is just throwing money away :eek:
  • I am missing some bigger headline.
  • "3260 male" in the first sentence is confusing - looks like its dating offer for girls
  • Too many links, I would remove them from the text
  • Cons are good idea, but I would use different points - Basic match turn me off + the same as mentioned above
Yeah you have way too much small text.

Think QUALITY of text, over QUANTITY.

Cut the amount of text you have, by a LOT .. and ASK a question.

"Would you date an Asian Woman?"
Yes || No

it really forces the click. Make both go to the same page, lol/

Use a selfie photo of the girl.. It's a proven fact that people connect easier with a photo that looks like it was "sent to them" rather than a professional modeling photo.
Well, for starters --read. You cannot sell in a market where you have little or no understanding of that market or the language of that market -- that includes the colloquial (common word patterns and sayings).

I am not saying this to be mean, but as an example: I speak a little Spanish and understand the written words in Spanish a bit better --however I am not fluent in the Spanish language.

I could learn to sell in the Spanish language but I would have to work hard at it (learning the language and the customs of Hispanics mainly [here in the USA we have about 18% people of Hispanic ethnicity -- most understand English with many being citizens born here] but still the Hispanic community has an 'affinity' towards their native or in some cases; ancestral tongue).

Images suck as you cannot paste the words into a translator -- I would start trying to do that more if I was attempting to sell products in foreign markets.

If you do not understand the customer (anywhere) you are lost.