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Pop Ads Masterization!

I am back!
Yes, I know I've been gone for some time, it because I have the mentality strength of a tissue paper, and when my campaign that seems slowly going to the scaling mode and suddenly dropped within few hours.... so did my mental, I was depressed, stressed, and had many days frustrated and twisting and turning and waking up with eyes so red people thought I was an angry tiger.

But I gave a slap to myself and get back to focusing as to answer the question WHY....
It's all about answering WHY.
Why did your landing page got that CTR?
Why isn't it converting?
why is your traffic dead, what's killing it?
Why does this target options making you lose money?

After long starring contest with my data
Okay I concluded that I have a decent CTR but no conversion on my witelist, it probably means all the conversion I could get with the offer is done... so I am testing other offers
Meanwhile I decided to go back to my data, Took the only greens targets and move over to my green roi website and categories.

Things didn't work out still, low traffic was the biggest reason and even with 50% above average ctr I am getting low conversions..... After testing this and that I kinda sort out the importance of each targeting options.
Obviously after website, ISP did the highest effect, device, than the browsers etc.
So I only optimized ISP and targeted working websites. Finally!
Back to green roi, but terrible revenue, like only 0.25 LOL, Okay I need to scale this up but I still need to test the best offers too....So for now I am testing for more offers. Looking for way to increase my CTR of my landing page to at least 80%

But first things first.
What I learned most importantly when I analyze the data
Is that... it's best to limit out your variables as much as possible even if you run RON campaigns. It gave me a headache trying to anaylise which set of offer, landing page, traffic worked together.

Meanwhile Looking for a side campaign with Instagram, :)
Its been 4 months since I tested out popads. And hundreds of dollars of testing and learning.

What I learned it that they have ALOT OF traffic.
But most of them are trash...I only had a handful of converting website and even that wasn't good enough to make a revenue.
I did get up to 15 days of $10/day however the conversions will drop fast. Especially on the beginning of each month becuse competitors suddenly rise double. But Most last few days and only few dollars revenue, which is still bad because I haven't break even yet. This is all because on only handful of good website there is more than 400+ competitors bidding on that same website. So higher bids and low conversion low revenue....

They do send different targets other than targets available that you can edit in a campaign. You'll have to block that manually on your tracking.
They said they don't send proxies but you might occationally find a few leaking in. Also you might have to redirect these ips though your tracking.

Good things that I learned, is that I know exactly what type of targets work for sweeps for my country
What angles of my landing pages worked best (for now... since these things change fast)

Now My Question for everyone :
Do you think it is better to move to different GEO on popads
Or take the winning campaign and move it to different traffic source? Currently thinking to go to adcash...
I would love to hear your opinions!
Do you think it is better to move to different GEO on popads
Or take the winning campaign and move it to different traffic source? Currently thinking to go to adcash...

Second one. You've already found the angle that could possible become profitable try scaling it on new source.
Do you think it is better to move to different GEO on popads
Or take the winning campaign and move it to different traffic source? Currently thinking to go to adcash...

Second one. You've already found the angle that could possible become profitable try scaling it on new source.
Thanks for the advice, I was in my low self-esteem week and was getting bit sad that My campaigns are all failing miserably. I needed a second opinion Thank you Kate.
Things didn't turned out so well, mostly because I was sick and and things happend with adsbridge (free trial over) and I had to sort of cash to get tracking set up. which didn't turn out as easy as it should be. Delayed everything and now I am FINALLY testing adcash, I probably have to change the title to popup masterization but keep on following my journey I'll show you guys my break through and maybe you can learn from it :)
I really want to figure our "master" these cheap ad companies
I have used pop ads in the past with little luck

I have signed up with adcash but haven't deposited any money yet
Things didn't turned out so well, mostly because I was sick and and things happend with adsbridge (free trial over) and I had to sort of cash to get tracking set up. which didn't turn out as easy as it should be. Delayed everything and now I am FINALLY testing adcash, I probably have to change the title to popup masterization but keep on following my journey I'll show you guys my break through and maybe you can learn from it :)

Hey @TrafficYoda, how are you?

I'm Alex, AdsBridge representative. Can I help you with AdsBridge settings? Let me know pls:)
Popups are testing other countries,
I use the exact targeting options except ISP to lower the risk I will add more target option as I get data
Just using the data I have collected with my first countries and put them to use.
However I somehow end up with 0% CTR....
I went.....What???????????

What could have happen
1. landing page code is wrong ::: Checked no pb
2. Already Saturated :::
3. Unlucky Day :::
4. Targets that worked on other country is 100% don't work on this country (is this even possible? I was expecting low CTR not 0% LOL)

I will test at lesat $10 before I decide something is wrong but I am bit worried, I might have to change my country

Adcash Testing
Things is not going well.
Since of tight targeting I getting 0 impressions....
I have unleashed targeting options for categories I was intend to test on categories at a time but this is just too low traffic.
Hope this doesn't burn through budget too much
I am doing great, It's just I have still low traffic and I was hoping I could use longer free trial if that's possible to negotiate

Hey, @TrafficYoda ok, so returning to your first question. Unfortunately, I can't extend you 30-day trial, but I can give you great discount for any pricing plan;)

So, you could set up wrong targeting, or smth else, in order I can help you, could pls send me screenshots of your targetting setting (2nd step of campaign creation) and campaign url.
Finally I added one more target option and I am getting 300 traffic at least! Finally going somwhere with adcash. The problem is that CTR of landing page is 13+ which is moderate but not that great.... But 0% CR
This either means
Angles Sucks
Offer Sucks
It's easier to change offers and test before changing angles, so I am testing more offers.
Wish me luck any good advice I'd love it
I have never ever given up.
Although long term of no big income have really hurt me financially I never really given up.
I have concluded a few things from my journey with Popads.

1. If you optimize by website you can easily kill your traffic, since there is only handful of quality website, it's not a good idea.
2. If you optimize by ISP you will notice that a few option out of many dominates the traffic, and if you optimize through ISP you will get faster green roi but it would only last a few days and will die out quick.
Cost me $900 to finally figure this out...

I paused everything and decided to start over.
Quick Question... Is it best to move onto another country? Or Should I keep doing AU with different set of landing pages?
IMHO, depends on your budget, AU is good country to run (quite cashy offers, you already have experience etc), on the other hand it's Tier1 country, which means more expensive traffic.

Personally would dig into AU, but only in case of quite good budget.
Hey @TrafficYoda i love your journey Keep It Up
I will Say Some Things about you Hopefully i am helping Here
First Of all u never give up And that's Good Side Of your personality
But the Problem Is you complicate things soo soo sooo much u try to apply the rules 100% and i think that's insane Cus IM is an art when u run a campaign u have to look at it with the eyes of an artist
i love @servandosilva replay When He Said "I prefer blacklisting websites, not categories."
So Don't analyze based on categories you simply See What web sites Brings You Conversion and for each website Look at the EPV if its Greater than ur bid in this Web site keep it up If not Block and spending 800$ on a PPV campaign That's Huge

my advice To you is
1 - stop This Campaign U already learned Soo much From It i mean So so much So it's Not a loosing Campaign Since It's Your First Campaign .
2 - Don't Complicate Thing Keep Things Easy don't make your self stressed by thinking LIke That (what is importent ctr cr epv ...)

The Best Advice i can five you That Can Save You a lot of money and it's good for Beginners as well Is this

1 run a campaign With Few Bucks
2 Try Little Optimization until u find Some Websites That Bring You Conversion than Scale On these Web Sites Even tough The Campaign Will Not Sty longer But u will Make Profits From It i am Sure U will Cus U Now Be realistic if the data is bigger your analyze will suck and will Not Be Perfect Cus U know Why In order To anlyse Correctly your brain Must Work like a robot think of it like this way

site-a convert Will With android + Converts With Sertain isp + Converts With all LPS +..
site-b Convert Well with IOS + Converts With OTHER isp + Converts With LP1 +..
site-c Converts Well Both + Converts With OTHER isp + Converts With all LPS3 +..
site-d Converts With desktop + Converts With OTHER isp +Converts With all LPS2 and LP3 +...
site-e Converts only in certain Times In the day + Converts With OTHER isp + Converts With LP1 +..

Now Imagine U have 80 or more Web Site How Come U gonna analyze this Data

Now The Opposite Think If U Do This
test a campaign with Few bucks and Finding Some Good Websites now Target Them And tracking tracking Tracking Untill U find Winning Combinations Then Scale . The Campaign Will Not be Profitable For Long Time But you Gonna Keep Ur Eyes Open On those Web Sites When Some Traffic Source Dies Immediately U blacklist it
. The Campaign easy To analyze + u will not lose More in test + u will earn much + u will not become Distracted + U will Exactly What are your Competitors Doing There Bids and Soo On ++
You Got Me If Yes Please Replay Back am Glad To Write these Lines 4 u Just Because I love Ur Journey
and i am Sorry I made Some Syntax Errors I write Faster and English in not my mother language i LOVE UR JOURNEY Keep It Up + Best Regards and Gave Your Self Some Rest Cus U learned a lot in the First Campaign and Start New One Soon But as A follow Of this Journey Cus It's Still On :):):):):):):);)
until u win
Hey @TrafficYoda i love your journey Keep It Up
I will Say Some Things about you Hopefully i am helping Here
First Of all u never give up And that's Good Side Of your personality
But the Problem Is you complicate things soo soo sooo much u try to apply the rules 100% and i think that's insane Cus IM is an art when u run a campaign u have to look at it with the eyes of an artist
i love @servandosilva replay When He Said "I prefer blacklisting websites, not categories."
So Don't analyze based on categories you simply See What web sites Brings You Conversion and for each website Look at the EPV if its Greater than ur bid in this Web site keep it up If not Block and spending 800$ on a PPV campaign That's Huge

my advice To you is
1 - stop This Campaign U already learned Soo much From It i mean So so much So it's Not a loosing Campaign Since It's Your First Campaign .
2 - Don't Complicate Thing Keep Things Easy don't make your self stressed by thinking LIke That (what is importent ctr cr epv ...)

The Best Advice i can five you That Can Save You a lot of money and it's good for Beginners as well Is this
1 run a campaign With Few Bucks

2 Try Little Optimization until u find Some Websites That Bring You Conversion than Scale On these Web Sites Even tough The Campaign Will Not Sty longer But u will Make Profits From It i am Sure U will Cus U Now Be realistic if the data is bigger your analyze will suck and will Not Be Perfect Cus U know Why In order To anlyse Correctly your brain Must Work like a robot think of it like this way

site-a convert Will With android + Converts With Sertain isp + Converts With all LPS +..
site-b Convert Well with IOS + Converts With OTHER isp + Converts With LP1 +..
site-c Converts Well Both + Converts With OTHER isp + Converts With all LPS3 +..
site-d Converts With desktop + Converts With OTHER isp +Converts With all LPS2 and LP3 +...
site-e Converts only in certain Times In the day + Converts With OTHER isp + Converts With LP1 +..

Now Imagine U have 80 or more Web Site How Come U gonna analyze this Data

Now The Opposite Think If U Do This
test a campaign with Few bucks and Finding Some Good Websites now Target Them And tracking tracking Tracking Untill U find Winning Combinations Then Scale . The Campaign Will Not be Profitable For Long Time But you Gonna Keep Ur Eyes Open On those Web Sites When Some Traffic Source Dies Immediately U blacklist it
. The Campaign easy To analyze + u will not lose More in test + u will earn much + u will not become Distracted + U will Exactly What are your Competitors Doing There Bids and Soo On ++
You Got Me If Yes Please Replay Back am Glad To Write these Lines 4 u Just Because I love Ur Journey
and i am Sorry I made Some Syntax Errors I write Faster and English in not my mother language i LOVE UR JOURNEY Keep It Up + Best Regards and Gave Your Self Some Rest Cus U learned a lot in the First Campaign and Start New One Soon But as A follow Of this Journey Cus It's Still On :):):):):):):);)
until u win

Wow @tyoussef This is great advice thank you so much. And the encouragement! That was Gold To me thank you. I needed it.

On my first campagin I have noticed that only less than 10 ever gave me conversions the rest didn't even gave me a single conversions even after X2 amounts of the offer. and only 2 ever gave me green ROI.
And since popads has a lot of website on AU, it took $500 just to even go through the whole website list and I am running short on cash these days (the reason I have another thing going on with IG that is doing little by little)

I was wondering if it's okay to start with the Top 20% of the traffic which brings few hundred traffic or can I start with the list of website that ever gave conversions on the first campaign?

I understand you are saying I should run as RON I have tried that and lost a lot in the beginning, and I trimmed a lot to try to get it green but made only so little before it died out within a week.

So basically my overall question is, I do not wish to run RON with the moment with AU because it has big list of website. I would like to go sniper small with the traffic and move on to different categories as I find things that work and things that don't work. Is this a good plan? If you know a better way let me know.
IMHO, depends on your budget, AU is good country to run (quite cashy offers, you already have experience etc), on the other hand it's Tier1 country, which means more expensive traffic.
Personally would dig into AU, but only in case of quite good budget.
Yeah that's what I was thinking also, but thank you for seconding the idea and it gave me a lot to think
Okay I took a break I needed it, and came back refreshed and more sure on what I should be doing. How I should be doing.
I took the highest converting offers

Campaign 1: Antivirus - Payout $3.5
Visit : 1013
Click : 73
CTR : 7.21%
Conversion : 1
Made : $3.5
Cost : $12.05
ROI : -70.95

What changes need to be done : Tweaks on LP and Bid change
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