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Pop-Under Script That Works!


New Member
Hey Guys,

I spent a lot of time looking for a Pop-Under script that actually works. This script will work in most browsers as well as with mobile.

This script was written by: Phan Thanh Cong aka chiplove <>

First you need to download the popup.js script located here. That file will need to be uploaded to your website files as we need to link to it on the page you want to use the popup in.

Here's the full setup in your <body> tag, no need to put anything in the <head>.

<script type="text/javascript" src="popup.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
SmartPopunder.make('REPLACE WITH URL LINK YOU WANT TO SHOW IN POP-UNDER', {newTab: true});
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thanks for your share , as I know , there're only 2 teams provide the technical realization of popunder for Popads , Popcash , etc , and it's paid service
Sorry @millyster but downloads are not allowed, only in very rare cases.

I had to kill your DropBox link but if the script is a reasonable size, you can post (copy/paste the code) it here in the thread.