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Popads Postback + Bemob need help

Hello, all I am trying to set up my first campaign stuck on setting up traffic source (Popads) in Bemob I have selected traffic source as Popads from the template but I don't know what to put or how to replace the tokens to add multiple tokens correctly. I am a newbie. so please help...
ask who you are getting the postback from...
value is a number //> like 5.56 (decimal?)
s2s=1 //> 1 means yes
Thank you for your kind reply. I am willing to promote an offer from maxbounty. Traffic source is popads. I added the postback url to maxbounty from bemob template. But I have no idea how to set up a postback for popads in bemob. as i posted the screenshot above. I do not understand the decimal and how to use it.
id=123456&aid=abcdef <<<the actual values
{should be the actual values} &key=value
never &key=key=value
they are $key => $value a pair that is split programmatically
is one way in PHP (commonly used) to split a query string's parameters (keys) and {values}
$key{$value - Google Search
do you understand what is happening here? I really cant tell from the gibberish --sorry

try the url you make and make the HTTP POST manually -- when you get the cpixel.php?['QUERY_STRING'] right you will get some rational return even if the return is a 0; or none, NaN; or a NULL (empty) value to the parameters (keys) you POST values for

*probably* a json array ...
Thank you very much. Now I have figured it out.
id=123456&aid=abcdef <<<the actual values
{should be the actual values} &key=value
never &key=key=value
they are $key => $value a pair that is split programmatically
is one way in PHP (commonly used) to split a query string's parameters (keys) and {values}
$key{$value - Google Search
do you understand what is happening here? I really cant tell from the gibberish --sorry

try the url you make and make the HTTP POST manually -- when you get the cpixel.php?['QUERY_STRING'] right you will get some rational return even if the return is a 0; or none, NaN; or a NULL (empty) value to the parameters (keys) you POST values for

*probably* a json array ...
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