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PPC No-Brainer buying + Landing Page = ROI Instantly


New Member
So what would be a simple and best way always winning way to generate an income instantly with investment?

I was thinking something like this:

1. setup product landing to convert at least at 1%
2. go to and buy banner on there on a site with good CPM Price where I could get an ROI on the right one

that should work like instantly if I think correctly:
my product is 35$
i buy a banner 250x250 for 150$ for 500,000 impressions that's a 0,30$ per thousand views
I expect a 0,1% CTR
500 people go to my site
5 people buy my product = 175$ income -150$ investment = 25$ profit


please approve if I am thinking correctly
You will lose money upfront guaranteed but with testing you maybe able to get it to work.

"always winning way to generate an income instantly" doesn't exist in the world.
By saying "loosing money upfront" you mean my "investment" right?
But I am beeing on the safe side by calculating with the lowest CTR in the industry, why should I be loosing if everything else is setup correctly?
(landingpage converts and banner too + site is related to niche)
You got the math right, but what if the conversion rate is only 0.5%?
It's not worth over-analyzing it, just go and test it to see if your assumptions were correct.
will post results, currently running adwords campaign since 1 day and only 114 impressions, i will put less exclusions and once i have my first traffic stats i can tell you my conversion
I have actually tried what you're doing but not with Adwords or BuySellAds. I used 7Search and a private site. Had very relevant keywords, vendor supplied banners and what I thought was a great lander. It supposedly converted well and I thought it was an attractive, legitimate offer. I got tons of impressions, lots of clicks, NO conversions. Why? I honestly don't know, it all looked so good to me. Guess that's why I'm still a student and not yet a master. :)

My fingers are crossed for you, hope it works out. Apparently, the data you collect in the initial stages is very important - understandably. That's why I'm working on improving my tracking skills. If I'm investing in this business, I need to put the money I'm spending to good use for data collection. Hopefully, you have some good tracking in place.

Sounds like you're direct linking to the offer landing page? I've read that this method is not the best for straight up sale items, that customers need to warm up to a product and feel they can trust it (and you) before buying. For that reason, I plan to implement email marketing at some point in the future. A list is valuable, as I'm sure you know. Perhaps the trust factor is one of your issues, or maybe your ad wording?

Interested to read your updates!




there you go, no conversions, i used 2 products on udemy...

my 2 reasons (personal reasons) i think are:
horse therapy product = too expensive with 147$ to convert at that amount
learn html = crappy product for 19$ (is also too much) as it is only a 1h course that does not provide more information that w3schools info

target = all lang, all countries (for the 1 cent price)
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I'd consider trying less expensive products or even CPA offers instead.
And always target 1 country at a time, to get best results. Do you know from which countries the clicks came from?
You should make a landing page, specific to the blog.
Some thing along the lines "10 WAYS to LOOSE Weight Without Working OUT! FREE REPORT for _________'s Readers!"

Have them optin, into your email list.
Once you have them in your email list, you can promote many offers to them in the same niche!

And your thank you page can have "The link will be emailed to you shortly" CLICK HERE for ______________ (link that to a CPA Offer)"
Also, you can use double optin for email, which the user will do because he is looking to get his pdf.

Hope this helps!
You should make a landing page, specific to the blog.
Some thing along the lines "10 WAYS to LOOSE Weight Without Working OUT! FREE REPORT for _________'s Readers!"

Have them optin, into your email list.
Once you have them in your email list, you can promote many offers to them in the same niche!

And your thank you page can have "The link will be emailed to you shortly" CLICK HERE for ______________ (link that to a CPA Offer)"
Also, you can use double optin for email, which the user will do because he is looking to get his pdf.

Hope this helps!

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