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PPC Spy Tools - Competitive Intelligence or Cheating?

Linda Buquet

New Member
Who wins when you use PPC spy tools to steal competitors keywords and strategies? Firuze says Google wins. As several affiliates spy on successful campaigns and jump on the same winning keywords, all it will do is jack up the PPC cost. She covers other pros and cons in a very good post at her new blog AffZilla.

<strong><a href="">COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE TOOLS: GOOD OR BAD?</a></strong>

"While we are trying to beat Google Adwords and our competitors, we become losers with too many keyword info which becomes worthless. Affiliate marketing is not a game which is played once. It is a long term investment of creative capital. Affiliates must work hard and design new methods to promote their merchants. Stealing other affiliates data will catch you later, damage your marketing operations and affiliate marketing industry in general."
I myself have never used Pay Per Click advertising.....why bother when you can get to the top organically for FREE?

Some of my competitors use PPC because they have lousy web SEO.

I've heard (thru the grapevine) that they are UPSET because they are paying more and more for the KW clicks, and they are getting less actual customers.

It makes me laugh because I'm having my best wedding season ever, while these poor schmucks are going broke!
That was a great find Linda. I had never thought about it since i do not use PPC, but that is great news for me.

Like DJMC stated, I also do not pay Google, they pay me. I like it better that way also DJMC.