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PPCNOOB's First Journey into Mobile CPA.


New Member
Hi Everyone,

Delighted to be part of such a great forum and your success has also motivated me to start my first mobile cpa journey.

AIM: To be able to weed out bad traffic and find profitable placements after testing for 100$
Offer : Sweepstake , payout is $2 (currently using only one network but will rotate the offer from other network later if required)
Traffic : Propeller Ads ( ZP rejected , maybe they are not looking for newbie marketers at the moment whereas experience with Propeller ads have been really good hoping their traffic quality also matches their service level)
Tracking : Adsbridge

Current status : waiting for Propeller Ads to approve campaign.

Wish me luck Guys.

Good luck buddy
i wish u good luck
if u have any Problem Let us know
and make the journey Up to date
Current Status :
Rotating three offers.

Total Spend : $6
Conversion : 0
ROI : -100%

Will let this run for another few hours and then will start optimizing by blocking bad placements , will start using LP if no conversion with $20 spend.
Definitely going to give you these two pointers:

- Don't bother if you're not using a landing page, you might get it running but profits are going to suffer without one. Just get some ideas and make some.

- If you're not using a tracker either with a cloaker or another tracking service for bots, you're going to burn your money. Lots of ad networks give a bunch of garbage bot traffic and if you don't identify it on time and reclaim it to your AM, you just lost $100.

Remember a lot of networks won't pay until Net 7/15/30 the first time until they can verify the traffic you got them. So be aware in case you can't scale due to lack of capital and adjust accordingly.

Good luck man!
Definitely going to give you these two pointers:

- Don't bother if you're not using a landing page, you might get it running but profits are going to suffer without one. Just get some ideas and make some.

- If you're not using a tracker either with a cloaker or another tracking service for bots, you're going to burn your money. Lots of ad networks give a bunch of garbage bot traffic and if you don't identify it on time and reclaim it to your AM, you just lost $100.

Remember a lot of networks won't pay until Net 7/15/30 the first time until they can verify the traffic you got them. So be aware in case you can't scale due to lack of capital and adjust accordingly.

Good luck man!

Thanks for the help. Added two LP's as DL was not looking so promising and I am using adsbridge for tracking.
Well $10 is literally nothing in terms of acquiring data. You'll have a better understanding of the data you acquired if you put it for $10 a day for 2-3 days.

Analyze the traffic you're getting with your tracking system of choice. If by $20-$30 you don't have a conversion kill it. Honestly Sweepstakes SOI is more of an "incentive" based traffic source and I definitely wouldn't bother using paid traffic sources for that CPA payout. Then again I focus on Bing/Google/FB exclusively.

If your budget is high knock it down a notch. You will burn the money faster at that pace.
Well $10 is literally nothing in terms of acquiring data. You'll have a better understanding of the data you acquired if you put it for $10 a day for 2-3 days.

Analyze the traffic you're getting with your tracking system of choice. If by $20-$30 you don't have a conversion kill it. Honestly Sweepstakes SOI is more of an "incentive" based traffic source and I definitely wouldn't bother using paid traffic sources for that CPA payout. Then again I focus on Bing/Google/FB exclusively.

If your budget is high knock it down a notch. You will burn the money faster at that pace.

Actually I had planned to run it for $25 with direct linking but had a little free time so thought of making LP's , will let the LP's run for $25-$30 and if no conversion then will probably look for some other offers with higher payout.
Definitely invest your time into making LPs. Or start looking out for competitors and use their format to your advantage.

Direct Linking isn't worth it IMO, that's like cold-calling someone an offer on the phone. They click your display ad yes, but that's out of curiosity. That's your cue to sell the idea that the sweepstakes is a once in a life time opportunity.

That sounds about right. I'd try a niche like Gaming if it's Display/Media Buying that you're doing.
Had a little chat with my AM and came to know that the offers which I am promoting have very low EPC and CTR overall , so now have changed the offer to another offer which is doing good over network.
Current Status:

Spent : $25
Conversion : 0
ROI : -100 %

Will let the new offer run for another $10 (total $25 , the payout is $2) and then will stop it if not even one conversion happen.

NOTE: My adsbridge is inching towards the max limit of free trial.
Current Status:

Spent : $35
Conversion : 0
ROI : -100 %

So I let the new offer run for $25 and not even a single conversion , was rotating the same offer between two networks. Don't know whether the traffic I am getting is junk or what ?

NOTE: Hit the max limit of my adsbridge account.