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Promoting Incentivized App Downloads



Hi guys!

I admit that I'm really happy for finding this forum. Great resource of useful information, case studies, tools and much more. I hope I'll

I wan't to hear your suggestion where would you promote mobile-page which is offering incentivized app downloads.

Right now I'm most profitable on Zeropark, but the problem there is that I can scale up so much.
Facebook Mobile News Feed ads is having really high conversion-rate (around 10%) but clicks are to expensive.

I'm thinking of contacting some GPT or PPD network.

Any comment/idea would be much appreciated. :)
Are u willing to use some paid traffic,like inmobi.zeropark.airpush....?

I'm using Zeropark which perform much better than InMobi in my case. Airpush is mostly oriented in Android. Currently I need only iOS traffic.
For incent traffic, you should contact to App developers who are promoting Incent offers on their apps. You will definitely got the conversations.