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Push Journey - Started Few Days Back - In Small Profits - Need Answers


Hey guys,

Recently tried out push advertising and its been a bit of a bumpy ride. Lost some money and eventually made some money as well.

Offers : 2 Giveaway Offers - Both of them Email Submits
Payout: 3.50 For Both
Landing Pages: 1 Lander for 1 Offer , The other on Direct Linking
Tracker: Bemob
Traffic Source: Propeller ads

I had actually tried Richpush,Megapush and Datspush for one of the above 2 offers and while all 3 networks gave me cheap CPC , the conversions were not stable . While propeller was a bit more expensive , the conversions were more stable .

Ok so now about the stats part , my first problem comes with the fact that i am not able to track the cost within my tracker. Asked both propeller ads and bemob about the possible issue but both of them have put me on wait for now. Bemob says that all the settings are configured correctly so i should check with the traffic source and propeller guys are waiting for the bemob specialist. Maybe someone in here can help me out on this?

Anyways the stats are roughly something like this

Offer #1 -

Total Spent : 1382$

Total Revenue : 1295$

I ran atleast 12 campaigns on propeller for this offer as they dont allow multiple creatives when creating a campaign . Tried a lot of creatives and also tried a few landers. Most of my money were wasted in trying to figure out everything as this was my first time trying out push traffic. Main factors that took money away were

1. A CPM campaign which i kept running just because it got conversions even though it was on negative ROI

2. Money on campaigns which had landers in them. Its probably my bad lander but i didnt make a single conversion out of the lander campaigns.

3. Tried to bid the maximum thinking it would get me better traffic.

However i managed to turn this around in 1-2 days , turning off the campaigns that weren't working and making few optimizations.

Stats For Today

Spent : 451$
Revenue : 528$

Offer #2

I ran the first offer for 2-3 days and then started this one just yesterday which was a similar offer but for a different niche ,so i had a small idea as to what kind of banners would work. And also i decided to go for direct linking without testing any lander this time . I created 2 campaigns with 2 angles and one is performing well , while the other isnt performing that well , but still profitable.

Stats For Today

Spent : 182$
Revenue : 273$

The only optimization i have done yet is exclude a few zone ids that have a lot of impressions and 0 or very few conversions.

Now my questions.

1. If anyone is working with bemob + propeller ads and bidding with CPC, please help me to set up the cost in bemob.

2. How much should we spend before we start to optimize a campaign ? And while doing it , is it suggested to optimize everything at once? Like cut down the non performing zone ids, make OS restrictions , cities etc, or do it one by one?

3. For a winning campaign , does bidding high almost always guarantee more conversions? Or is it better to keep it at the current bid ?

4.My CTR is very low for all the campaigns , below 1%. The only time i got above 1% was when i was bidding very high , but in that case , the conversions were not good enough so i had to stop it.

Also this is the first time i'm trying out a traffic source like this ,have only done FB ads in the past,so all suggestions are welcome.Thanks in advance.
1. You should use the {cost} macro. If you added this macro after you created your campaign link, you need to grab the link again.

2. Everyone does it differently. If you want to keep a ton of volume you will want to cut site IDs last.

3. No. Bidding higher can allow you to get traffic from some sites that you wouldn't with a low bid, but it's not always the case.

4. I'd work on getting a better CTR and then bidding CPM for cheaper traffic.
That's a great writeup, thanks!
I also have a similar setup with bemob + propellerads push and also had problems getting the cost to show, will try out awesomesauce's suggestion tonight.

For me the biggest problem is scaling - in a lot of geos there isn't too much traffic, so if I duplicate a campaign and bid higher then the spend actually stays the same as there's not enough traffic. Or, second option, conversions go down to negative ROI, so have to turn it off.

I hope you keep posting updates!
1. You should use the {cost} macro. If you added this macro after you created your campaign link, you need to grab the link again.

2. Everyone does it differently. If you want to keep a ton of volume you will want to cut site IDs last.

3. No. Bidding higher can allow you to get traffic from some sites that you wouldn't with a low bid, but it's not always the case.

4. I'd work on getting a better CTR and then bidding CPM for cheaper traffic.

1. I already have added it , my campaign link has {cost} at the end , but it still isnt tracking . IF you dont mind , could you post the postback settings you have added in the tracker for propeller.

2. By site ID's you mean zone IDs right? I dont see an option to track site ID.

3. Ok thanks

4. Got it.
That's a great writeup, thanks!
I also have a similar setup with bemob + propellerads push and also had problems getting the cost to show, will try out awesomesauce's suggestion tonight.

For me the biggest problem is scaling - in a lot of geos there isn't too much traffic, so if I duplicate a campaign and bid higher then the spend actually stays the same as there's not enough traffic. Or, second option, conversions go down to negative ROI, so have to turn it off.

I hope you keep posting updates!

I think i'm trying a geo which has plenty of traffic , so i guess didnt face that issue yet.

Update : So Bemob support tells me this : Hello,
The auto cost tracking is not available with PropellerAds unless you are using the SMART CPM MODEL

I guess that sucks ,as i cant track the cost within tracker for push notifications.
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I think i'm trying a geo which has plenty of traffic , so i guess didnt face that issue yet.

Update : So Bemob support tells me this : Hello,
The auto cost tracking is not available with PropellerAds unless you are using the SMART CPM MODEL

I guess that sucks ,as i cant track the cost within tracker for push notifications.

You can track CPC, on the end of your bemob URL use something like this:

Use bemob's template for adding propeller as a traffic source.

Your stats for starting push is great, been doing it weeks with no profit yet losing hundreds!
You can track CPC, on the end of your bemob URL use something like this:

Use bemob's template for adding propeller as a traffic source.

Your stats for starting push is great, been doing it weeks with no profit yet losing hundreds!

I just fixed it . Asked a friend who was an expert in PPV and he fixed it in a minute. Should have just done that way back. So from tomorrow i can track the costs correctly Yay. And thanks .I think the offer is the main factor here. I did try COD nutra for like 100-200 on other networks with leads coming in but most of them trash leads and not in proper profit.
I just fixed it . Asked a friend who was an expert in PPV and he fixed it in a minute. Should have just done that way back. So from tomorrow i can track the costs correctly Yay. And thanks .I think the offer is the main factor here. I did try COD nutra for like 100-200 on other networks with leads coming in but most of them trash leads and not in proper profit.

Good, glad you got it working.

Yeah offer is the most important part, when I start test campaigns they always seem like they have potential so I start to focus on it and then performance declines, need better offers I guess.

That's great though, not even optimizing yet and having some small profit, might have a nice campaign on your hands, goodluck!
So i have an update. Just funded the propeller acc and the cost is being tracked correctly. Stats till now look good


I decided to focus on my best offer and leave the others. So there are 4 campaigns with slightly different creatives and texts as propeller doesn't allow to use multiple creatives in single campaign. Other than that , all the settings are same.

Stats For Yesterday :


The actual revenue was not 514 , it was 542 on the adv network, not sure why few conversions weren't tracked hmm. Anyone can help me with that?

This is what i'm doing now. Wait for 250 clicks on a zone , if its in profit , start new campaign with the batch of zones that are profitable , and exclude the zones from the main campaign.

Is this the right way to optimize ? looking for other suggestions.
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Hey guys , have another update.

Yesterday was a bumpy ride, the day started off really worse ,i launched 3 other campaigns , all of them were in a loss but the winning campaign eventually performed well , so ended the day with little profit.

View attachment 13921

Hoping for suggestions from experts

Make notes of changes, if it goes worse, revert the change you made - one at a time so you know what causes it.
Did you just dive into this campaign spending hundreds? Or did you start small and now you are at this point.
Hey guys , have another update.

Yesterday was a bumpy ride, the day started off really worse ,i launched 3 other campaigns , all of them were in a loss but the winning campaign eventually performed well , so ended the day with little profit.

View attachment 13921

Hoping for suggestions from experts

I can't really give much advice on the last 3 campaigns, as there's not a lot of data to work with. The offer from the second campaign does seem to have a rather high payout, so I'd suggest you only continue testing that one if you have the budget to do so.

25% ROI on the first campaign is quite decent. The volume is not THAT high, but there might still be some room to cut some sources.The 2% conversion rate seems to do the job, though if for some reason it would drop to 1% in a day (it happens), you'd be in the red. Protecting this campaign is important. So my suggestions would be:

  • Optimize further by cutting lower performing sources and bid higher on good performing ones. Crank that ROI up even further.
  • See if you can further improve the conversion rates with copy, images and landing pages. A 1% increase can mean a lot more money, but a 1% decrease would be killing.
  • Most important: keep testing other offers! You only have one green campaign at the moment, so apart from protecting that campaign you should build out to be future proof and to increase overall profits.

Thanks for all the advice. So the last 2 days i was focusing on just one offer and it worked out pretty okay.

Yesterday :


Today [Till Now] :


Tried out different creatives for this offer and testing multiple bid prices and slight variations in texts.

Everything is being direct linked , no landers are being used . I have a list of zone id's to exclude and just keeping excluding those on the new creatives being launched for this campaign.

Planning to start include zone id's campaign as well for the best zone id's that perform well. Will try that tomorrow with the best performing creative from today's results.
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Make notes of changes, if it goes worse, revert the change you made - one at a time so you know what causes it.
Did you just dive into this campaign spending hundreds? Or did you start small and now you are at this point.

My friend is investing , so i guess its kinda like spending hundreds , but we did break even from the start itself , so it wasnt that big a deal. Right now , i m making changes and reverting them if it isnt working out.