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Push Notifications Follow Along 2021

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Well-Known Member
It's been a while!
I'm back with a follow along for you guys. I feel like I've forgotten quite a bit since I've been away, but it's slowly coming back to me and I'm already off to a good start!

Traffic: Propeller Push Notifications
Vertical: Casino

I restarted on the 8th of Feb. Baring in mind I haven't ran campaigns for months
Coming back into the space, I spoke with my affiliate managers asking what's what and asked for some proven offers to test. Using an old lander I had lying around and signing back up to Voluum, I already have what I need to launch campaigns (oh, and some old domains I still have registered)

Here's the results so far, since Feb 8th:

Pretty much without any optimizations so far.
What did I do in the beginning?

I love the way I approach campaigns because it makes so much sense:
1. Get 3-5 "proven" offers from your most trusted AM.
2. Use a popular lander, or one you know works (yes, just one lander)
3. Use just one creative (yes one, keeping all other variables to a minimum)
4. Let the offers compete, see who wins and keep the best.

The reason for the above, is because instead of worrying about 50 things at the same time, we first need to find an offer that CONVERTS. We don't care about the best lander, creative or traffic source YET.

Once I found the best offer, I wasted no time in cutting the rest.
Because now I have a good converting offer, I am split testing landing pages.
Work backwards: (offer>landers>creatives>traffic sources)

Anyway this is a big intro to a follow along! :eek: Stay tuned for updates along the way. If you have any questions, let me know!
Love this approach, just because it makes so much sense!!!!
Great ROI after just one week using this approach, this thread has one more watcher ;-)

Awesome, more good news today!

Awesome, thank you for sharing.

No problem! Love this community and love giving back to it :)

After speaking with my AM again, I'm excited.

First, here's the stats for yesterday:

I've decided to launch 3 new GEOs, why? Because this one is slow moving, I can easy make it profitable (which I will) and let it run, but volume may be an issue if trying to scale it.

Here's results of one new GEO, the other two I'm waiting because of some errors. But check this out!

This is today SO FAR, plenty more budget to spend and there's LOTS of volume potential.

What did I do?
Take the same lander, same creatives, same everything and translated it to the new GEO (using G translate :eek:) because I just wanted a rough idea of the offer performance!

Happy with this, and I still have 2 more GEO's to try.
No laziness here! If something is doing well, I wanna be on it.

Questions? Feel free!
Hey @Anthony. This is looking promising !!!!

As discussed in PM I don't want to get off topic too much but would have any newbie recommendations regarding your approach? Much appreciated !!!

As someone starting out does not really have reference points to something that might work...
So would you just run with whatever ad creative, ad and lander that 'look' good or would you recommend the use of a spy tool?
Start optimising all these variables, (one at a time) as soon as it looks like one of the tested offers converts? (And in what order would you tackle these variables?)

I know the best thing is to dive straight in but any hints will help to jump the hurdles :D
Hey @Anthony. This is looking promising !!!!

As discussed in PM I don't want to get off topic too much but would have any newbie recommendations regarding your approach? Much appreciated !!!

As someone starting out does not really have reference points to something that might work...
So would you just run with whatever ad creative, ad and lander that 'look' good or would you recommend the use of a spy tool?
Start optimising all these variables, (one at a time) as soon as it looks like one of the tested offers converts? (And in what order would you tackle these variables?)

I know the best thing is to dive straight in but any hints will help to jump the hurdles :D

Don't worry about being off-topic or anything, I'll answer anything for you guys!
If I was brand new to this (which I was at some stage, we all start somewhere) I used/would use a spytool like Adplexity. BUT probably just for 1 month. Use this month to research everything possible!
See what's hot, what lasts long, who runs what where and download as many LP's and creatives as possible.

In my opinion, spy tools are amazing, but I don't see the point in paying continuously as not much changes from month to month. You will start to create ideas of what works and in future be able to just go for stuff without spying.

It's well worth the initial investment because you gain tons of knowledge/ideas.

Relationships with AM's have to start somewhere, maybe stick to one for now. Do some spying, see what's working for others and then ask your AM if they have proven offers in X geo for X vertical.

To start from scratch you can literally take what you see and test it against offers you get from AM.
But when you start a vertical/traffic type - STICK TO IT. Don't change, they all work - you just need to make it work.

The order I recommend is:
See if you can get offers to convert, keeping variables minimal (1 creative, 1 lander, 3-5 offers)
Choose the best offer - you can test more offers to compete with this or you can start testing landers
Test 3 landers you found when spying (against 1 best offer)
Let this run for some time, you'll notice the winner and use an AB testing tool to see if it's significant.
Now you have 1 1 1, creative, lander, offer... results vary, hard to guess what you'd be at with ROI at this point.
You can split test changing things on the lander, or you can add in new creatives (if you want to test something, I recommend keeping other variables low)
Example: If you want to test creatives, don't also have 3 landers and 2 offers. (This is my opinion)

My apologies if stuff doesn't make sense let me know, I have an inner ear infection and feel drunk/dizzy. :confused:
So much appreciated !!!!

Is that contagious????

You're welcome!

I'm not entirely sure, I've been to the docs and got antibiotics but it's not shifting.. I'm not going back because they are really busy. But I'll see how I go. It's horrible, especially for concentration!o_O
Great follow along @Anthony.
First run and -3.88% ROI is awesome, I'm buzzing if I get -30% :)

Thanks man, yeah that's usually the case and this doesn't always happen. But I believe my AM when he tells me something is proven, and in this case definitely.

Check this out so far today:

Insane ROI! Day one, on an unoptimized campaign/geo.
All I did was exactly as mentioned in the main post. This just shows the importance of a good offer, and of course the right traffic.

Stay tuned for more updates, will be launching more GEOs and scale this as fast and high as I can!
neomycin and polymyxin B sulfates and hydrocortozone octic solution Sandoz
prescription only $50 for 10ML (tiny bottle) but it worked for me.

Not sure I can get these in UK. Unless they can be prescribed. Oh well, nevermind, let's not go to much "off-topic" here :D

neomycin and polymyxin B sulfates and hydrocortozone octic solution Sandoz
prescription only $50 for 10ML (tiny bottle) but it worked for me.

That sounds like an "outer" ear infection solution, mine is inner and causing confusion/vertigo/dizziness etc.
Ask a Dr. They are drops --yes.
That is for a bacterial infection.
In any event see a doctor. You don't want to delay this.

I did, and they gave me antibiotics but tablets, not really doing anything to help. I'll finish the course and speak with the doc again and tell them it didn't work and I'd like a spray for the inner ear.

They did look in my ear and tell me it's inflamed. So when I am standing or sitting (body trying to balance) the signals being sent to my brain are confusing me and making me off balance due to the infection.
I think the term is vestibular neuritis (see image below), earlier I tried to get a spray from a pharmacy but they told me it needs a Dr prescription :(

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