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Putting Keyword on the page not in <head>


New Member
Hi guys i had put keyword of my web in my page footer u may check pakistans .com and get lot of visitors from search engine

i think putting keyword on the web is better than putting keyword in tags

what did u think :-?
Its rather unclear what you are talking about. But about keywords, I'd say that you may as well leave out the keywords meta tag entirely.

You should instead think more about the combination of words in your content as keywords, be sure to use the combinations people use to search for the given subject. That may be hard for someone not as experienced using search, nevertheless it dose really increase your placement.

Next you should focus on backlinks and linkbuilding as well as your internal link structure.
Putting keywords, keywords, keywords is called spam.
Putting natural content with keywords is called content optimization.
It is never good to put your entire keywords at one place on your web page, but use them in your page's content in a manner that it looks natural occurrence of those keywords.
After all you have designed a website for your visitors and not for search engines. An Ethical SEO is always slow but will give you stability in your SERP, whereas an unethical SEO will give you limited time ranking (at the cost of fear that your website may be banned from search engines)
