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Question about a SEO Service


New Member
I'm trying to find an outsourcing company to do my off page SEO and i was wondering if anyone had heard of ???

Ive done research on them and the most i can get is "they do what they said they would do" ... I really cant find an in depth review of them although most comments i can find are positive. And their prices are in my budget...

Has anyone tried them? or know anyone who has used them?

Thanks in advance.

I have never heard of them, but their prices seem ok for directory submissions. I always use they do it for about the same price. But the one you found looks fine, so it looks like a preference, just whatever floats your boat.

The only thing that they are pushing that i do not agree with is breaking down the submissions over time. Whatever amount you buy, get it submitted as quickly as you can. Now, I know this goes against what most will tell you to do, but they will not be submitting in the paid listings, just the free ones, so you are paying labor, nothing else.

The reason I say to get it all completed at once is that they may go out of business, never know! The next part is that most free submissions take anywhere from 24 hours to 1 year to be reviewed and accepted, so the amount of links that show up will be steady anyway. So getting too many links too fast is not going to happen.

Make sure that you vary the anchor text and descriptions.

For article submissions, you can not beat for price and distribution, they are just plain out the best, and I have tried them all.

Here is a free hint: Most article submission companies submit your articles to great places, and one is You have to remember to login to ezinearticles every week and make sure they are not having any issues with your articles, they are one of the best article directories out there and can bring you loads of traffic. So keep them happy. Even if you are using a submission service.
Hi Nick -

Personally, I've never heard of I would suggest shopping around and possibly find a company that offers a variety of products and services.

In any event, best wishes with your site!
Never heard of them as well. I always prefer to do my own linkbuilding. If you don't enough time to do it yourself and really need to outsource it - I would suggest you give them a checklist of where you want your backlinks made.
I've never heard of them either, but you should create a list of questions before moving forward involving direct SEO methods by grey hat, black hat and white hat.

For example, find some directories which have been penalized over and over again, they are going to be in the grey and black hat area and ask them if they can get you in them and why it is a good idea. Try to trick them up and see if they are honest or at least know what they are talking about.

Ask questions about Google PR and find out if it is still relevant, if it should be a major deciding factor in buying a link, etc...

Regardless of which company you may forward with, make sure it is white hat, not grey and most certainly not black. If you use one of them, you are looking at long term troubles with short term success.

Also, do not forget that just because they do not show up for their own terms does not mean they are bad. Many of the very best and top SEO firms will never show up for their own terms because they focus all of their time on their clients and put themselves on the backburner.
Check out SugarRae dot com - she is in my opinon the authority on link building and I ofter her her recommend Eric Ward.
Link building is one thing, but there are a million other things that play into account. The SEs are looking at hundreds of factors and you can rank for terms that pull back 70+ million results without a backlink to the page and minimal to site while utilizing white hat methods.

Link building is very important but make sure they can utilize everything else that you will need for full success.
Wow, thanks for all the info!

If i decide to use them ill post a comprehensive review somewhere in the forums.

Still looking around for now though.

Thanks guys!
